HealthDiseases and Conditions

Giardia: treatment

Lamblias, whose treatment is a very difficult and long-term process, are increasingly distributed among young children.

Giardiasis is an infection of a parasitic type. With such a disease, the small intestine is affected, but there are cases when the liver is affected. Excite lambliasis lamblia - this is the simplest unicellular organisms. When they enter the human gastrointestinal tract, they begin to multiply uninterruptedly, interfering with digestion.

Glyliste lamblia, treatment of an effective type, protection - all these topics are considered by many scientists of our time. In our environment lamblias live in the form of cysts (that is, inactive), the viability of which is up to three months. Lamblia fall into the body when the hygiene rules are not respected - unwashed hands, drinking unboiled water, and using unwashed vegetables and fruits for food. The lamblia are transported by flies, and because of this it is necessary to exterminate these insects in the premises.

According to statistics, adults suffer from this disease 3-4 times less often. It often happens that adults do not seek medical help, do not undergo regular examinations, in contrast to preschool children. But if you look at the other side, then the person in adulthood is much more immune and the susceptibility to infections is much less.

Lamblias: Symptoms and Treatment

Symptoms of the disease may not always be noticeable, therefore, in order to confirm the diagnosis, in medicine use a coprologic analysis - a deep examination of feces for the presence of lamblia cysts. But such an analysis is not always accurate, the result will depend on the correctly collected sample. When you execute all the rules, you can be on the "mute" period, during which lamblias will not be allocated.

Another method of diagnosis will be bioscopy of the duodenum, this method is considered the most accurate. There is also an immune analysis of feces, it will provide an opportunity to identify the body's antigens to lamblia. Use this method is not very often.

Treatment of Giardiasis takes place over a long period. To exterminate all lamblia from the human body, and the adult may have several million, many courses of using special antiparasitic drugs are required. Also necessary step will be intestinal detoxification. Ljamblii, whose treatment should be under close supervision of a doctor, like weak, painful people.

The success in the treatment of giardiasis will depend in no small part on the patient. One of the important parts in the treatment is a diet (basically limited consumption of carbohydrate food, which will promote the reproduction of lamblia). A huge role is played by the prevention of giardiasis, as mentioned earlier - it is the extermination of flies, personal hygiene and the processing of water and food. The main symptoms of giardiasis are abdominal pain, stool disruption, mucus in stool, bloating. In young children who are still in active growth, symptoms will be noticeable, such as:

- loss of appetite;

- slowing growth and development;

- reduction in body weight.

But these symptoms can also be in adults.

Giardia: treatment with medications

If you get into the human digestive system, lamblia changes its form to a vegetative state. Symptoms will begin to appear about 2 weeks after the infection, when lamblia will already be sufficiently multiplied in the small intestine. Independently the body is not able to get rid of lamblia, since the rate of their reproduction is quite high.

The drugs prescribed for this disease are very harmful not only to lamblia itself, but also to the mucous membranes of the entire digestive tract. Therefore, together with drugs should take funds that help with dysbiosis.

Ljamblii: treatment with folk remedies

Of the folk remedies with these tenacious parasites, only garlic can effectively cope, eat it more. You should limit yourself to sweet, as sweets are a favorite food of worms.

In general, it can be said that lambliasis acts on the human body very negatively. Lamblias feed on our bodies with nutrients, thereby absorbing the food already digested in the small intestine. With a small number of parasites, their effect will not be much noticeable, but a serious insufficiency gradually develops in the chronic stage of the disease. Also lamblia destroy the walls of the intestines, which causes problems with his work. In addition, lamblia, like most organisms, produce toxic products for humans that cause bad sleep, irritability, and weakness.

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