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Proper nutrition is what? Fundamentals of proper nutrition

Is proper nutrition a diet? Absolutely not, a diet is called a short-term course of a strong restriction in food in order to lose a certain number of kilograms. Associations with her are not the most pleasant: a constant feeling of hunger, dizziness, poor skin and hair. In addition, when the course ends (or breaks due to a breakdown), all the hardly discarded kilograms return to their place. It is difficult to call such a method of combating excess weight rational. No, proper nutrition is a new way of life, which is not uncomfortable and short-lived. Changing dietary habits leads to a normalization of metabolism, which means that gradually the weight will return to normal.

How to train yourself to eat properly

Let's give an approximate definition of the concept in question, in order to better navigate the topic of the article. So, proper nutrition is a complete and balanced diet consisting of natural and high-quality products, which gives the body a complete set of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, that is, they satisfy all of its needs and benefit it.

To analyze your menu and go to a healthy diet, you need to understand several rules:

  • Food is a kind of fuel for the body, from which energy is produced. Good fuel provides not only trouble-free operation, but also prevents a lot of "breakdowns".
  • A healthy diet is really able to protect against many diseases - it is primarily ailments of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system, cancer, diabetes, hypertension.
  • If you are for a healthy diet, then without any compromise, remove from the diet soda, chips, mayonnaise and other harmful products. Many people first of all sin on sweets, but there are times they are sometimes possible, it's another matter that choosing is not the most "killer" ones. Natural chocolate and marmalade, condensed milk, of course, high-calorie, but useful goodies. A cake, cooked using margarine and featuring an abundance of fat cream, can hardly be called healthy food.
  • It is necessary to depart from the habit of everything is with a crispy crust. Baked, stewed or boiled foods are much more useful. Proper nutrition is a system that implies compliance with all these rules. But minor violations of the regime in exceptional cases (New Year, anniversary) will not do much harm.

We are what we eat

Indeed, it is very difficult to perceive such an abstract concept as proper nutrition. "Menu for the day" sounds much easier. We will definitely get to a detailed consideration of your diet, but for now let's analyze the features of building a food pyramid. It is based on the principle of dividing all products into groups, which will make an optimal diet throughout the day.

Consider the pyramid from the bottom up. The basis is those foods that need to be eaten daily in sufficient quantities. This bread from whole grains, oat flakes, rice and pasta from durum wheat. This is the foundation without which proper nutrition is impossible . The menu for the day must necessarily include products that provide the body with complex carbohydrates, i.e. an important source of energy. Whole-grain food gives the body the necessary fiber and B vitamins. Many people think that eating bread leads to a set of excess weight, but in fact it's not true unless you add a lot of butter, salt, fatty sauces or cheese to it.

The next block of the pyramid includes vegetables. It is a source of fiber and vitamins, many of them provide the body with protein. The complete absence of fat allows you to use these products with almost no restrictions. By the way, potato is also very useful for the body, since it contains the maximum amount of nutrients. It is very important to eat vegetable juices. On one line with vegetables are fruit. Proper nutrition for girls is difficult to imagine without these delicious and healthy foods. Fruits are a source of vitamins and trace elements, without which it is difficult to have beautiful skin, healthy hair and nails. Fruits are useful in any form. You can eat fresh or freshly frozen, dried or canned.

The next block is protein products. The most important component of the diet, as the protein is responsible for a large number of metabolic processes occurring in the body. Proper nutrition for girls must include meat and fish, nuts and eggs, beans and beans. They are also irreplaceable sources of iron, zinc, B vitamins. This block includes another large group - milk and sour-milk products - an irreplaceable source of calcium, protein and vitamin B12. In this case, you need to take into account that the choice should be skim varieties, since they contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of useful substances. Do not forget that we are discussing proper nutrition. Dinner in particular should contain a minimum of high-calorie foods.

Finally, the tip of our pyramid is fats, oils and sweets. High-calorie and very nutritious foods. They should be the least in the diet, although it should not be refused at all.

Daily ration

To talk about proper nutrition was more substantive, let's give an example that can be followed at least every day, of course, with adjustments. The first rule of healthy eating is having a hearty breakfast. An excellent option for starting the day will be a small piece of meat, a serving of rice and a cup (200 g) of vegetable salad. Finish the meal with a cup of tea with lemon and some other fruit. You can offer another option: chicken breast with cheese, boiled potatoes and tea with fruit.

As a snack between breakfast and lunch can be an orange or grapefruit, a handful of nuts. But lunch is a full meal, which should not be missed. As an option, you can offer a pair of bread toasts with baked fish and green salad. The second option may be a portion of brown rice with stewed vegetables. You can choose mint tea or still water. Talk about proper nutrition necessarily affects the regularity of food intake. Indeed, the more carefully the regime is observed, the faster the metabolism is restored, which means there will be no problems with excess weight. Therefore, skipping afternoon tea is also not possible. At the same time, this snack should not be heavy. Perfect for a mid-morning snack kefir or yogurt.

Now we turn to the meal, around which there are many disputes, however, the proper diet does not cancel the dinner. Another thing is that the calorie content of the products consumed in the evening should not be too high. An excellent option would be stewed vegetables with toast or 150-200 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

Please note that this is a diet for the average person. It can be supplemented with vegetables and fruits, nuts and berries. But if your goal is to reduce weight, then the diet should be adjusted depending on the tasks assigned. Therefore, as a healthy diet and weight loss - it's not synonymous, as many people used to think.

Proper Weight Loss and Weight Loss

How is proper nutrition and weight loss? In fact, a healthy diet presupposes a full functioning of the body and prevention of excess weight, but there are separate systems for losing weight. However, the right food (reviews of many people confirm that sticking to it easily and pleasantly) suggests eliminating fatty and harmful foods such as fast food, soda and many others that contribute to the development of obesity. Excluding these products and replacing them with fruits and vegetables will result in a gradual weight loss.

That is, proper nutrition is not a system for losing weight, but you should not abandon it and look for new-fashioned diets on the Internet that promise a rapid reduction in body weight. For they all violate the main rule. To make the result sustainable, we need a new way of life, not a short-term diet. Therefore, the principles of healthy eating, which we mentioned above, should be present in the weight loss system. The difference should be only one thing: to lose weight, you need to reduce the caloric content of the daily diet.

More or less it is already clear what is proper nutrition. Feedback from people who completely rebuilt their diet in accordance with its principles, say that their health has improved much, and it is not necessary to suffer from a lack of interesting dishes, since you can come up with a lot of amazing snacks, desserts and other goodies from useful and necessary foods.

What you need to know if you are going to lose weight

It is very important to immediately set goals and priorities. It is better to write a contract with yourself in writing, for what period of time and how many kilograms you want to lose weight. Proceeding from this, we form a diet, not forgetting about proper nutrition. A photo taken before the beginning of the course will help to keep clear of the goal. Calculate the maximum caloric intake by the following formula:

For men: 66 + (13.7 x body weight) + (5 x height in cm) - (6.8 x for age in years).

For a woman, the formula is somewhat different: 655 + (9.6 x body weight) + (1.8 x height in cm) - (4.7 x by age in years).

You get a figure that reflects your real metabolism. Now you need to multiply the result by a factor equal to the level of physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, it is 1.2, and if you perform light exercises 1-3 times a week, multiply by 1.375. The intensive occupations 3-5 times a week are equal to the coefficient of 1.55, and the daily heavy physical activity is 1. 725. The figure is the number of calories your body spends per day. If you want to lose weight, then this amount should be reduced along with an increase in the level of physical activity.

Selecting a diet, be sure to consult a dietitian, and, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. Photos "before" and "after" will be an excellent incentive to continue to follow it. But, despite the strong desire to lose weight, you must keep track of the slightest change in your health. If you have begun to sleep badly, irritability or headache has appeared, the state of health and skin condition have sharply worsened - these are all the right signs that nutrition is not balanced. So, you infringe yourself in the necessary elements. Only a doctor can make an optimal diet of the day. Proper diet is easy to follow, such a diet does not cause deterioration in health and does not leave a feeling that you are limiting yourself in something.

An approximate diet for a woman

To lose weight, you have to limit the consumption of calories, which means, a little tighten the belt. But what is the right diet without a varied and balanced diet? Start the day best with porridge, while oats or millet, cooked on the water, is excellent. Complement the morning meal of an apple and coffee with milk. Do not miss the second breakfast, it is necessary not to overeat at lunch. In addition, the body becomes accustomed to the fact that food is received often, and it stops storing fats in the bins, as is the case with tight restraints and long breaks between meals. As a lunch, a glass of yogurt and a couple of apricots or other fruits will do.

Lunch is no less important. Be sure to prepare a piece of fish or meat for a couple. Supplement can serve as a cup of cabbage salad, one baked potato. For a snack, it is best to give preference to vegetable salad, for example, grated carrots with olives. Finally, dinner: do not give up protein products. Stewed chicken breast with vegetables will come in handy.

We fix the result. The main thing is the system

Indeed, it is not difficult to organize proper nutrition, the main thing is to continue to adhere to it constantly. The most important thing here is to observe the regime on a daily basis, despite working, studying and other matters. You can not force the body to starve or accustom it to a feeling of hunger, since in such conditions it will put any extra piece in reserve. Remember the feeling of fatigue with diets. This is the result of the fact that the frightened organism tries to save all useful substances, slowing the metabolism. Eating 4-6 times a day, you give your instincts to know that everything is in order, with this regime, the metabolism and weight are normalized. You can make for yourself an approximate correct diet and adjust it in the process.

Drinking water is a must

The pledge of proper nutrition is your desire to be healthy and beautiful. But many people forget about the need to consume a sufficient amount of liquid. Try to minimize tea and coffee, but instead drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day. Thus it is not necessary to try to drink all rate at a time. It is better to carry a bottle with you constantly and drink as thirst develops.

Listen to yourself

Even if a dietitian has developed a detailed correct diet for you for a month, this does not negate the need to listen to body signals. We are used to eating because the food is fragrant, attractive, that is, the very intake of food is a pleasure. But in fact the body knows what he needs right now. If you intolerably want a sweet, perhaps, at this very moment there is a great need for energy. But it is better to allow yourself a piece of chocolate instead of a fat cake in the morning.

The simpler, the better

Remember what our grandparents ate. Basically it was soups and cereals, vegetables, fish or meat. Today we are accustomed to complex, multicomponent dishes, salads, sauces. In such a leap of flavors, it is difficult to determine the calorie content of a dish. If you arrange a lunch consisting of olivier salad, fish with cheese sauce and potatoes and chocolate cake with tea, then they will be released more than 20, and after all, each of them requires their enzymes for the cleavage. This is what the doctor pays special attention to, making proper nutrition for the girls. The menu should be as simple as possible, and the dishes should be as light as possible. For example, you do not need to water the chicken breast with mayonnaise and cover with cheese - so you reduce the beneficial properties of both protein products. It is much better to divide them into two different meals. This also applies to the caloric content of products: if possible, it is always better to avoid adding oil to the dish, and try to choose milk with a low percentage of fat. Of course, fats are also required for the body, but in very small quantities. A small piece of butter at breakfast will completely cover the daily need.

Pay attention not only to quantity, but also to quality

Indeed, one of the rules of healthy nutrition states that the body should receive a full set of essential substances, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and trace elements. To make this possible, the food must be fresh and natural. Pay attention to the presence of preservatives in the products, and soon you will return to the usual diet for our ancestors. Everything that is sold in supermarkets, packed in beautiful boxes, contains more or less additives, stabilizers and other unnecessary and even harmful components. Therefore, give preference to products in which their minimum quantity or not at all. Following this rule, you will save your budget, because fresh vegetables and fruits are much cheaper than canned, the same applies to meat and sausages. Useful foods will quickly saturate the body with the necessary substances, which means that you will not be hungry because of the lack of an important element in the diet.

Small concessions

Proper nutrition is not a diet, which means that it is not limited in time. Therefore, the strict requirements of diets (not eating bread or sweet at all) do not work here. The only restriction is the use of fast food, very oily, excessively sweet and salty food. At the same time in reasonable quantities, the body needs bread, sugar, and even lard, which also has useful properties. Therefore, we offered you a food pyramid at the beginning of the article. The basis of nutrition should be the most useful ingredients, and a small addition can serve all the others. Following this principle, you will save yourself from suffering and unnecessary restrictions, and playing sports completely neutralizes these excesses.

The first time to adhere to the principles of healthy eating seems difficult. There is not enough ketchup and mayonnaise, soda and sausage, the food seems fresh. But then you begin to feel light, you feel well and completely indifferent to the harmful excesses, which you initially lacked so much. Be healthy and beautiful!

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