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Than to deduce warts? Laser Wart Removal

Probably everyone faced the problem of warts if not in himself, then a close person for sure. Skin accretions in the form of papillae, rounded formations or cauliflower - this is the place of reproduction of papillomavirus infection, which modifies human cells, causing the virus to expand and acquire a very unpresentable appearance.

At the time of its appearance, small warts look like a normal cosmetic defect. But if the body weakens and immunity decreases, then they begin to grow in size, seizing a new territory, and in some cases can lead to a cancerous tumor.

According to statistical data, 65% of the population of our planet are carriers of papillomavirus infection. Warts take second place in the "popularity" after acne, among all dermatological diseases.

The adolescents can disappear on their own if the human immune system returns to normal and the virus is spread by the body, but the time for getting rid of the warts is individually from 6 months to 2 years. But a favorable outcome is possible only in 80% of cases, otherwise careful treatment, care or surgery is necessary.

In total, about 30 types of warts can be counted , and not all of them are as harmless as it seems at first glance. Therefore, before getting rid of any neoplasm, a competent dermatologist should be consulted, especially since medicine knows how to remove warts and has acquired an impressive arsenal for their removal.

Causes of the appearance of warts

The root cause of the appearance of warts is infection with the papilloma virus. This is possible in the cases described below.

  • Handshake or kiss, i.e. With direct contact;
  • Household way: toothbrushes, combs, public transport, gym, etc .;
  • Plantar warts can be obtained in the pool and when wearing someone else's shoes;
  • Children's growths can occur if the mother is infected with papilloma during pregnancy;
  • Sexual contact may cause warts in the groin area;
  • Self-infection during shaving or epilation.

The main source of infection is a person with neoplasms on the skin, but cases when infection occurs from a carrier without pronounced signs of papillomas are not uncommon.

Favorable environment for the appearance of warts

The virus actively penetrates through any lesions on the skin - small abrasions or cracks. In a person with a strong immune system, the virus ceases to be active for 6-12 months and is gradually eliminated from the body.

In people with weakened immunity, the risk of warts increases many times as a result of:

  • Infections;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Menopause;
  • Stress;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hormonal imbalance and obesity.

The period of development and susceptibility of each person to the papillomas depend on his body, but the main risk group is the elderly and children. The protective properties of the skin of children and the elderly are significantly reduced, as a result of which the first signs of tumors can appear within 2 weeks and quickly progress. It is worth noting that before you remove the warts in any way, the consultation of a dermatologist is mandatory.

Types of warts

Papillomas are classified by their appearance and arrangement of elements.

  1. Conventional warts. This is the most common type, found in 60% of all infected. They differ in a small growth in the form of knobby nodules above the surface of the skin. As a rule, the edges of such warts are clearly limited and have a pink or grayish-white color. Most often occur on the fingers and wrists.
  2. Plantar warts. Appear on the legs in the form of painful plaques of yellowish or gray color up to 5 cm. In the total mass constitute 35% of all cutaneous papillomas.
  3. Juvenile warts. 4% of all adolescents are infected with these types of tumors. These plaques are irregularly shaped yellow-gray, slightly elevated above the skin. Locations: hands, damaged skin, face and knees.
  4. Threadlike large wart or acrochord. The new formation has a cylindrical shape and resembles a cone that lengthens with time. The growth is elastic and soft to the touch. It occurs in 50% of all elderly people and has a bodily yellowish color.
  5. Warts of butchers. Risk group - people who often and densely in contact with raw meat. The virus penetrates the body through minor damage to the skin. The main sources of spread are the hands and elbows. Neoplasms are usually painless and have a light brown or white color.
  6. Condyloma or anogenital formation. Black wart, which in appearance resembles a cock's comb or cauliflower. It is located in the groin area, in rare cases on the tongue or on the inner side of the cheeks. After the appearance of the first formations, the virus spreads rapidly over the entire area of infection.
  7. Keratosis or senile warts. This kind of papilloma is not directly related to infection. It appears as a result of the growth of the horny layer of the skin and has several stages: a plaque level with the skin, then a nodule with an uneven surface, and then the build-up turns into solid scales. Risk groups are elderly people with psoriasis and other dermatological diseases.

Than to deduce warts

People whose immunity is reduced and who have papillomas located around the genitals or in the oral cavity, it is necessary to undergo antiviral therapy with the following drugs *:

  • "Acyclovir";
  • "Grosprinozin";
  • "Panavir".

Together with therapy, it is recommended to take drugs * that increase and strengthen the immune system, which will also help get rid of warts and papillomas:

  • "Polyoxidonium";
  • "Immunal".

After the immunity gets stronger, you can proceed to direct removal of papillomas. If there are no problems with immunity, and rashes are few, then you can do without medication.

* Apply after consultation with your doctor!

Laser Wart Removal

When removing the lesions with a laser, the device points to the affected area of the skin, heating the papilloma cells and evaporating all the water from them. As a result, the build-up simply withers, and the laser "seals" the damaged skin and capillaries that feed the wart. After the operation on the skin appears dry crust without blood and pain.

Removal of warts by the laser on the face or other tender parts of the body takes place only with the use of a soft grinding laser, otherwise there is a possibility of the appearance of scars and scars.


  • Removal of papillomas on the face due to a positive cosmetic effect;
  • Formation within 1 mm - 1 cm.


  • Inflammation or abscess in the papilloma area;
  • Low level of immunity;
  • Suspicion of malignancy of education.


Relatively fast recovery of the skin - about 5-7 days. Practically there are no postoperative scars and bleeding is excluded. One of the main advantages of the laser method is sterility, so the danger of contracting anything during the operation is reduced to zero.


The laser in any case causes trauma to the skin, so there is a possibility of the appearance of children in people with weakened immunity. Alas, there is no possibility to take a tissue sample for oncologic confirmation.

Nitrogen burning

Cryodestruction or burning out of warts is an effect on the papilloma at low temperatures up to 196 ° C. Liquid nitrogen, acting on tissue cells, destroys the formation of papillomas. After cauterization, a bubble forms, under which a healthy skin begins to form, already without a viral presence (2-3 days).

Small formations are cauterized with a cotton swab for 5-10 seconds, while large warts may require 30 to 40 seconds of cauterization.


  • Cosmetic defect;
  • Affiliated papillomas;
  • Plantar formations;
  • Often traumatized warts.


  • Decreased immunity;
  • Facial area (risk of scarring).


The operation takes place in a matter of seconds, does not require large financial costs and is more than safe.


In places where the skin is hypersensitive, the procedure can be very painful. In such cases, local anesthesia ("Lidocaine", "Novakain") is used. Please note that at least 15 minutes must pass from the moment of anesthesia. Otherwise, liquid nitrogen will simply freeze the anesthetic and there will be extensive frostbite.

Surgical removal

The operation takes place only in the presence of a dermatologist and, as a rule, under local anesthesia (Lidocaine, Novocain). After the excision of the formation and extraction of the root, a cosmetic suture is applied and post-surgical treatment of the site of surgery is performed.

If the wart is on the nose, elbow or on a thin stalk, the surgeon simply cuts off this leg, not cutting healthy tissue, which allows the operation to pass more or less painlessly and quickly.

Surgical intervention in the removal of papillomas is infrequent, because the cosmetic market is full of all kinds of equipment to remove tumors, so the exception can only be complicated cases in the groin area and extremely neglected warts.

Indications for surgical removal of papillomas:

  • Suspicion of good warts;
  • Papilloma is constantly exposed to external injuries (shaving, clothing);
  • Rapid development of neoplasm or inflammation;
  • The area of the wart is more than 1 cm.


  • Infectious diseases;
  • Various pathologies of internal organs;
  • Unstable clotting of blood.


Removal of formations of any size and quality, coupled with analysis of the good quality of the papilloma. The speed of the operation and the clearly visible result.


The healing period of the operated site is up to 3 weeks. Permanent care and periodic visits to the doctor. In some cases, a postoperative scar may remain .


Before you remove the warts, first thing is to consult an experienced dermatologist, who, in turn, will put a correct diagnosis of papillomas, and exclude any malignant changes in the formations.

Cosmetic salons, of course, are well equipped with equipment and facilities, but not always the staff has the necessary skills and knowledge. Therefore, in order to avoid risks, it is better to contact specialized clinics or graduates.

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