
Learn the days of the week in English

English is one of the most popular languages on the planet, it is also on the UN list of international languages. As a means of communication, it is used by more than a billion people on the whole planet, and about the same number of people study it as a second language and can speak it freely. Therefore, if you plan to live or visit abroad, on vacation or business, read scientific articles or literature in the original language, or simply make friends around the world, start studying the language step by step right from today. Moreover, his grammar is not difficult compared with other European languages. In any bookstore or on the Internet, you can find a number of manuals and textbooks that will help you learn English. Recently, various courses with native speakers or experienced Russian teachers have also become popular. Today let's find out how correctly the days of the week are called and read in English, dates and times are read and denoted. This is one of the easiest, but at the same time important topics, because in conversation, especially during business negotiations, we always operate time intervals. Detailed disclosure of this lexical topic can be found in our article.

Learn the days of the week in English

First, keep in mind that the usual 7-day time period in English does not start on Monday, as in Russia and CIS countries, but on Sunday, ie in this case Monday will be not the first day of the week, but the second, and etc. Also the name of the days of the week is always written with a capital letter, as well as the names of the months, they have certain abbreviations, which are often used in diaries, abstracts, etc.

Days of the week in English with transcription
Name Correct word transcription Translation with explanation
Sunday ['Sʌndei] As already mentioned, the first day of the week is Sunday
Monday ['Mʌndei] After him goes - Monday
Tuesday ['Tju: zdei] Of course, always comes Tuesday
Wednesday ['Wenzdei] And, next, the middle of the week - Wednesday
Thursday ['Θə: zdei] The fourth day of the week is Thursday
Friday ['Fraidei] Promises an early weekend to us Friday
Saturday ['Sætədei] And the last, seventh day of the week is Saturday

As in Russia, the days from Monday to Friday in most English-speaking countries are considered workers, and Saturday with Sundays - days off. As already mentioned, often when writing a title are given in brief form. The table below will tell you how to write it correctly.

We write the days of the week in English for short
Full name of the day of the week Abbreviated form
Sunday - Sunday Sun.
Monday to Monday Mon.
Tuesday - Tuesday Tue.
Wednesday - Wednesday Wed.
Thursday - Thursday Thu.
Friday - Friday Fri.
Saturday - Saturday Sat.

Do not forget at the end of the abbreviations put a point, it is mandatory. If you want to designate a date, in this case, the days of the week in English should be written before the number and month, most often in short form. For example:

Wed., 17 July 2012 - read "Wednesday, the seventeenth of July, 2012" or "Wednesday, July the seventeenth, 2012". Usually such writing occurs in diaries.
If you want to make a clarification that an event has occurred exactly a certain number, and you are focusing on this number, then before the naming the preposition "on" is put, for example:
On Wed., 17 July 2012 - read "on Wednesday, the seventeenth of July, 2012".
These simple words and rules are very easy to remember. Now you know how to write and pronounce the days of the week in English, which means that you have become a little closer to your goal of studying this subject. The main thing is to persevere and practice regularly, if possible, practicing the acquired knowledge with native speakers.

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