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Private kindergartens (Mytishchi). Where better to send the child
Huge turn to the kindergarten. Almost every second parent living in the Moscow Region is familiar with this problem. Fortunately, at present, such a problem is not so acute, the parent can go to work, leaving the child with a nanny or sending him to a paid kindergarten. The latter exist in almost every region, the number of such institutions increases every year. The prices and conditions are different. For example, private kindergartens (Mytischi, Moscow region) are characterized by a low monthly payment, while the conditions in them are not worse than in the most elite institutions in the center of Moscow. There are several most popular.
"Akuna Matata"
Everyone knows about the advantages that private kindergartens have. Mytischi is unique in this respect. About ten paid institutions for preschool children were created on the territory of the district. The Akuna Matata garden is very popular. There are several reasons why parents want to send their child here:
- Recruitment of children from a very early age - from one year. As an exception, the baby can visit the kindergarten earlier, if he can move independently and hold a spoon in his hands.
- The institution is well prepared for school. In addition to basic subjects, the basics of English are also taught here.
- In the kindergarten, professional educators with extensive work experience work.
"Akuna Matata" is a unique kindergarten with a high level of education. Here the child will always be happy, and he will be under the supervision of classified teachers.
Happy Nappy
The second kindergarten by popularity is Happy Nappy. Its main thrust is the development of children in all spheres of life:
- Not only intellectual, but also physical preparation of children is carried out here. Several sports groups are organized, parents can choose the most suitable for their child.
- Experienced specialists use a special method of development. Children are always interested in studying, and they get the knowledge base they need.
The kindergarten also features a comfortable work schedule. Children can stay here from 8 am to 8 pm.
In some cities there is a special focus on private kindergartens. Mytischi was no exception. Here preschool organizations are directed to a certain range of development. For example, "Smiley" has a high level of knowledge of English. Graduates of this institution have almost perfect knowledge of it. Children who need language skills to travel to other countries, study in elite schools or for general development are given here.
"Swan geese"
Also there are medical private kindergartens. Mytischi offers one such institution aimed at developing children with special needs. It employs specialists such as:
- Speech therapist.
- Psychologist.
A lot of activities for children are organized in the kindergarten. Periodically, various actors, a puppet theater, clowns come here, other popular events are held. There is also a swimming pool, a sports complex and a hall for choreography.
All the gardens in Mytishchi have distinctive features:
- It's always fresh, not polluted with exhaust fumes. Children will always be in the ecological space.
- All the gardens have a comfortable work schedule. If necessary, you can agree with the caregivers to leave the children for a longer time.
- In each private kindergarten there are skilled teachers with a long record of work. They will be able to find a competent approach to every child. Children will always be safe with them.
The main feature is that there is no need for a long time to stand in line for admission to a pre-school educational institution. You can write a child here at any time. The cost of visiting a kindergarten may be different.
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