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Gas discharge tube for newborns: indications for use

The accumulation of stool and air in the intestines of the baby is often accompanied by colic. All these phenomena, causing painful sensations, cause discomfort to the child. Imperfection of the digestive system of a small man often results in constipation, stool disorders in general, dysbiosis and gas formation.

Why there are colic

The air in the intestines of the baby accumulates during the wrong capture of the breast or nipples of the bottle with the mixture. Colic is accompanied by bloating. Its increase Can be seen with the naked eye and you can feel: if you press it lightly at that moment, it will be hard.

When colic the children scream, refuse to eat, press their legs to the stomach. It happens that only the gas pipe helps. For infants and infants, it sometimes seems the only solution to eliminate gases from the intestine. However, in many cases, stroking massage with hands clockwise, laying the baby on the stomach, exercise "Bicycle", applying a heated napkin to the navel area will help.

Gas discharge tube for newborns: rules of use

Medical workers strongly advise parents not to abuse this way in solving problems with the intestines. If the neonatal tube is still used, then this should occur no more than 2 times a day.

The tube should be inserted neatly and with the utmost care, any incorrect actions may lead to intestinal injuries. You can learn how to insert a gas pipe to a newborn and yourself, but it is better to get this information from the mouth of a specialist.

The tube is purchased at the pharmacy. First of all, you need to pay attention to its parameters: they must correspond to age. Dimensions for newborns are the smallest - No. 15, 16. It is better to buy a rubber, rather than a plastic tube - it is more elastic.

Small tubes are not always available, so you can make it yourself. For this, an enema of the 1st size (for babies) is bought and the bottom cut off. It turns out the same gas pipe.

How to put a gas pipe

Before use, the tube should be washed with soap and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Plain an ordinary or changing table with an oilcloth and cover with a diaper, prepare dry napkins and put them in the reach zone. Hands before the procedure should be carefully treated with an antibacterial agent.

The kid needs to be put on the back and gently reassure if he will cry. Important: the child should be calm. The rounded end of the tube should be treated with petroleum jelly or baby cream and gently inserted into the rectum through the anus. For newborns, the depth of penetration should not exceed 2 cm.

Pipe slightly turn and hold in the rectum for several minutes. At this time, try to carry away something to the kid, so that he does not get upset. With any opposition during the insertion of the tube procedure must stop.

After this, the tube must be carefully extracted from the anus, boiled. The child should be well washed. Repeat the procedure can be no earlier than 3 hours.

It is important to know that a gas outlet tube for newborns is prohibited in diseases of the rectum and the presence of bleeding. If the need for such procedures appears systematically, it is a signal for a comprehensive examination of the health of the baby.

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