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Preparing for pregnancy: where to start? The first pregnancy

Now future moms and dads are more responsible for future pregnancies than their parents. Most couples prefer to plan conception, but not everyone knows how to do it correctly. So, the preparation for pregnancy: where to start?

The very beginning

First of all it is necessary to determine the most appropriate moment. If the young family has material problems, then with pregnancy it is necessary to wait. After all, the future mother needs peace, and the lack of finance is always a huge stress.

It is also necessary to take into account the wishes of both spouses. It is necessary for the parents to have a mutual consent that each spouse wants a small screaming miracle. If your family is ready, both morally and materially, then you can start active activities.


The first pregnancy is a very important period in a woman's life. The second time, experiences and emotions will be slightly different, but still a pregnancy, no matter how it may be, is always a miracle.

The answer to the question that worries modern moms: "How is the preparation for pregnancy? How to start? "- Quite simple:" With a survey. " Visit your family doctor or visit the family planning center. In the latter you will even be helped to plan a pregnancy.

If you are seriously concerned about the health of the baby's future, then start the examination with a visit to a geneticist. He will conduct appropriate tests and, if suddenly your family is at risk, will select adequate treatment.

The next visit is an obstetrician-gynecologist. The specialist will help with planning a future pregnancy, write a referral to the appropriate tests.

Usually, the following tests are prescribed: TORCH-complex, bacteriological culture and analyzes, which identify infections from the STD category.

Her husband will also be required to take tests. As a rule, these are tests for compatibility and spermogram.

Do not forget to heal chronic diseases. Also need to be vaccinated. It will be better if you do them in advance, and not when the pregnancy comes.

We lead a healthy lifestyle

But only surveys are not enough. Also, it is worth paying attention to their food and bad habits. Everything that concerns bad habits is extremely clear. They should reject both spouses.

With food, everything is somewhat different. For example, a man's diet is not as important as a woman's daily diet. The future mother should not abuse some products. These include chips, carbonated drinks, food containing dyes and preservatives. It is necessary to somewhat restrict the reception of smoked products, sweets, etc. If you have observed a diet before, now you should abandon them. The daily diet of the future mother should be varied.

Methods of pregnancy planning

There are only two methods for planning an "interesting situation". First: to dispense with contraceptives and count on a gift of fate. Second: independently calculate the days that are favorable for conception. These moments can be calculated with a high degree of probability, by plotting a basal temperature graph. It is he who will show when the female body is most ready to conceive.

How to learn about pregnancy before delay?

Doctors unanimously say that the onset of pregnancy can be determined only after the delay of the next monthly. But you want to know about it beforehand! And there is such a way. Learn the pregnancy before the delay will help all the same graph of basal temperature measurements.

When a woman keeps such a calendar of temperatures, she knows that during ovulation the temperature rises to 37 degrees or slightly higher. If the pregnancy has not occurred, then it falls below 37. If the fertilization has occurred, then the elevated temperature will remain until the number of expected monthly, which, of course, will no longer be. This is one way to learn that you will become a mother, even before the pregnancy, officially confirmed by a doctor.

Tests for pregnancy

Tests for determining pregnancy are another way to make sure that a small life is already developing within you. Pre-test pregnancy can not always be determined.

Perform these home tests only after a slight delay in menstruation, because the hormone hCG is allocated for 7-8 days from the moment of conception. Starting from the 12th day, the level of hCG reaches such values, which are enough to determine the pregnancy. Therefore, you can use the test 2-3 days before the start of the expected monthly excretions. But in this case, you need to buy a test with high sensitivity.

The procedure must be performed in the morning, as the concentration of hCG in the urine reaches a peak at precisely these hours. It is advisable not to go to the toilet 6 hours before using the test. If there is a negative result or a barely noticeable second stripe, then repeat the test after a couple of days.

If you want to get reliable data:
- clearly follow the instructions in the manual;
- check the expiration date, otherwise the result may not be accurate;
- If you purchase the test for further use, observe the storage temperature.

Laboratory analysis

To do this, you need to donate blood for laboratory testing. Exact definition of pregnancy is possible after 10 days after coition. In healthy non-pregnant women, chorionic gonadotropin is not produced . This hormone is a consequence of the formation of the chorion (future placenta), but in some cases a high level of hCG can occur against a background of a disease.

Signs of Pregnancy

Subjective signs of pregnancy before the delay are manifested in the following:

  • Toxicosis (nausea and vomiting);
  • Pain in the nipples and mammary glands;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • Change the power of sexual desire;
  • Increased vaginal discharge;
  • Frequent urge to urinate.

Despite all the above signs, it is possible to finally make sure that a pregnancy has come, only after having undergone ultrasound examination. It is considered the most accurate method.

Getting ready for pregnancy: vitamins

The theme of our conversation is "Preparing for pregnancy: where to start," so it's time to talk about vitamins. Which of them should I take?

Folic acid (vitamin B9)

This vitamin is important for men, because it improves the quality of sperm. Women need it so that there are no developmental defects in the process of forming the baby's organs. Deficiency of the vitamin can provoke various anomalies.

Let's find out what other vitamins to prepare for pregnancy should be taken, and what is their role.

Vitamin E

Thanks to this vitamin improves the work of the ovaries and restores the menstrual cycle. As for the male body, it promotes the formation of quality spermatozoa. If the amount of vitamin in the body is not enough, the probability of miscarriage increases.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is able to strengthen the connective tissue, improve performance, reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, enhance protective forces.

Vitamin A

The organism of a pregnant or lactating woman has a high need for this vitamin. Also, it will benefit women who are only going to become mothers. But they should not be abused. It must be remembered that its excess can cause various pathologies of the fetus.


When iodine is taken, the child's nervous system is formed. Therefore, you need to take the medication already from the time when conception is only planned.

Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage

If you have a miscarriage, then do not despair. After a spontaneous interruption, the probability of conception is 80%. When you can get pregnant again after a miscarriage ? According to the recommendations of doctors, you should wait at least 4-6 months before a new attempt. For protection during this period, it is necessary to use contraceptives. You can find them by your doctor.

How to prepare after miscarriage for pregnancy

Preparing for pregnancy: where to start after a miscarriage? It is absolutely necessary to conduct studies of the Rh factor of both partners, since if one of the parents has a negative Rh, then a rhesus-conflict is possible. This is one of the causes of spontaneous miscarriage.

Further, future parents need to undergo research on infectious and viral diseases, hepatitis B and C, and others.

Studies of the hormonal status of both spouses are conducted. In addition to this, you should start taking vitamin B9.

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