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Uterus during pregnancy

When a woman comes this happy time, when she is waiting for a child, her body undergoes certain changes. Some of them are visible to the naked eye, while others are not visible.

One of the female organs that changes most is the uterus, which during pregnancy is responsible for the life of the unborn child. Together with the increase in the weight of the fetus, it too is constantly increasing, and the birth is already more than its original size five hundred times.

Another function that the uterus performs during pregnancy is a protective activity that allows the newly born organism to continue its normal development, minimizing the impact of all external conditions.

The female uterus is a completely muscular junction that is located in the pelvic area. Its upper region is called paradoxically - the "bottom", and already further from it towards the ovaries are located the fallopian tubes, from which the eggs enter the uterine cavity.

The layers of muscles in the uterus are arranged in three layers. Outer are the longest ones that cover the front, upper and back part of the entire female organ, the middle are intertwined, through which the blood arteries and internal, which are circular muscles, encompassing the cervical region and its lower part.

The work of the muscles is as follows: the external muscles, as a result of the contraction, push the fruit to the exit, the middle muscles contract and unclench, which ensures the influx of fresh blood into the walls of the uterus through the blood vessels. The inner ones relax at the moment of the child's release.

During fights, it often happens that the emotional state of a woman who is frightened makes internal and external muscles work against each other, disrupting the synchronicity of the uterus. As a result, the laborer begins intolerable pains, and sometimes other unforeseen situations.

The uterus during pregnancy takes on the uterine tube a fertilized egg that is implanted in its walls. From this moment she begins to fulfill her direct mission, which is being prepared since the first menstrual cycle of her mistress - a young girl.

In general, this important female organ has the shape of a pear with a triangular cavity inside, its weight fluctuates within a hundred grams. The changes that the uterus undergoes during pregnancy are also affected by its shape, which varies along with the dimensions.

From the very first moment of pregnancy, this female reproductive organ begins to increase. And although it is impossible to notice at first, however, by the beginning of the second trimester, the size of the uterus during pregnancy begins to increase quite rapidly. They depend on many factors of the development of pregnancy, including, and on the volume of amniotic fluid and the size of the very future child. For example, in the second month the uterus has a size with a chicken egg, by the twelfth week it is already surely palpable, and before the very birth its length reaches the limits of 35 centimeters.

The bottom of the uterus, during pregnancy measured by its height, in contrast to the early periods, when the observation of its growth is performed with the help of a vaginal examination, by the middle of gestation and even before the birth itself is determined by a simple measurement using a centimeter.

By the forty-week gestation period, the uterus's bottom should be lowered to the middle of the distance that lies between the evident process and the navel, which has a protruded shape before giving birth.

Sometimes there are cases of a decrease in the height of the bottom of the female uterus, due to the fact that the fruit is located transversely. In this case, natural childbirth is practically impossible, because The child's head is in the side.

Another type of high-risk pregnancy, in which the uterus has an abnormal size, is a multiple pregnancy, in which the likelihood of any complications is much greater.

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