EducationThe science

The prominence is ... Prominences on the Sun

Solar activity means a set of nonstationary phenomena in dynamics, and various active formations that arise in the atmosphere of the Sun. One of the manifestations of its activity is the emergence in the magnetic field of the solar atmosphere of specific fibers, namely, plasma formations. When they become visible at the edge of the solar disk, they are called prominences.

Prominence - what is it?

For the first time the mention of the appearance of unusual formations in the period of total eclipse of the Sun appeared in 1185, and a detailed study of them began in 1842. Subsequently, they were called protuberances (protubero), which in Latin means "swell."

Today, thanks to numerous studies, it is known that the prominence is the formation from the solar plasma, which has enormous dimensions. These giant ejections rise above the surface of the Sun along the lines of force of its magnetic field and are held there for a certain amount of time. Some of them can "hang" in the near-sun space, sometimes up to several months, without changing their original form.


Despite the fact that the science deals with the study of these unusual formations for a long time, there is no clear and complete theory explaining their diversity and various phenomena associated with them. In fact, prominences of nature are dark fibers that are clearly visible in the solar chromosphere. Their structure is denser and colder than the surrounding plasma, and the chemical set of elements corresponds to the composition of the layer that forms them. Nevertheless, their internal physical state is such that the spectrum of some protuberances is oversaturated with hydrogen lines, and others with different metals. The duration of their existence indicates that their substance is retained by magnetic forces.

How are prominences manifested?

Solar prominences look like bright formations protruding along the edges of the Sun's disk. Emerging against its background, they have a darker color, which is due to a lower than the surrounding substance, the temperature of their plasma.

Against the background of a hot crown, a protuberance is a dense and cold formation. Having risen from the surface of the Sun, it partially dumps its substance, and then descends and disappears. Some of them are present in the crown for months, others, moving at high speed, do not disappear for several weeks. Individual specimens of enormous speed suddenly explode.

How big are the prominences?

Prominences on the Sun strike with their extraordinary size. Typical representatives of these formations reach a height of up to 40 thousand kilometers, while their width can be about 200 thousand kilometers. There are also such emissions, the height of which is 800 thousand kilometers. Repeatedly, scientists have recorded such record-holders, the size of which exceeded 3 million kilometers. The eruption of one of such huge protuberances, which soared, arched a horseshoe, was observed from the side of the spacecraft for 30 hours in August 2010.

What are the prominences?

These formations are quite diverse. By their appearance and speed of motion, prominences on the Sun are divided into:

  • Quiet, characterized by slow movement and almost imperceptible change in shape, they can exist for several weeks and months;
  • Active, which are characterized by the speed of the flow of matter and the existence of a few minutes to tens of hours;
  • Loop-shaped (coronal), as a rule, arise in the form of small clouds, which eventually connect to one large cloud, existing for several hours;
  • Eruptive (or soaring) resemble huge fountains that can very quickly erupt and change their shape, after which they quickly disappear.

Depending on their shape, as well as on how the matter itself moves in them, they are classified into three types:

  1. Formations in the form of a jet of smoke or clouds, capable of ascending a spiral to a considerable height.
  2. Prominences in the form of curved jets and knots that begin and end on the solar surface. As a rule, having risen on magnetic lines of force, at high altitude they begin to fade.
  3. Formations of large sizes, having the form of a tree or shrub. Clumps of their matter move chaotically, having thus a speed that does not exceed several tens of km / s.

How to observe prominences?

Prominence is a manifestation of the activity of the Sun. It can be observed during a total solar eclipse, although it happens rarely. That is why scientists have designed spectral instruments that allow recreating artificial eclipses. Such telescopes, made of a special kind of glass, devoid of microbubbles, are equipped with a black disk that mimics the moon. In the process of observing the Sun, he slowly floats on it, as a result of which the devices see light emanating only from its crown.

Before the eyes of the observers an amazing picture opens - the dance of prominences on the Sun. Beyond the edge of the improvised Moon, clearly visible projections of a complex form of bright pink color, similar to the flames or huge clouds escaping from the upper layers of the solar disk.

Within the peak of the 11-year activity of the Sun, it is possible to observe coronal arched prominences. This is a rare phenomenon of inexpressible beauty - education in the form of a huge cloud, from the edges of which streams descend, appear in the crown of the Sun over its chromosphere.

For a long time the phenomena occurring in the solar corona remained mysterious for astronomers. Prominent ... This word was associated with the mystery, which was stored by a star called the Sun. And only in our time, thanks to the satellites and space stations, most of these secrets were revealed.

Mankind will have to make many more great discoveries both in the uncharted Universe and in our solar system.

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