
Preparation "Etatsizin": analogues, instructions for use, reviews

Deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system may indicate the development of a serious ailment. When the first unpleasant symptoms appear, you should seek help from a specialist. The doctor will prescribe a drug that can improve the patient's condition and stop the negative dynamics of the disease. The drug "Etatsizin" (tablets) is popular. Before using the medicine, you should carefully study the instructions.

Form of issue and composition

The drug is presented in the form of yellow round tablets, coated with a shell. The active ingredient is diethylaminopropionylethoxycarbonylaminophenothiazine hydrochloride. As auxiliary components, calcium stearate, sucrose, methylcellulose, and also potato starch are used. The shell consists of substances such as carnauba wax, quinoline yellow dye, magnesium hydroxycarbonate base, titanium dioxide, and silicon dioxide. Tablets "Etatsizin" go on sale in a cardboard package. The medication is dispensed in pharmacies only on prescription. This reduces the risk of using the drug without the appointment of a specialist.

Tablets belong to the class of antiarrhythmic drugs. The main active ingredient slows the excitation process along the conductive system of the myocardium. Together with this, the threshold of fibrillation increases. The preparation "Etatsizin" has a significant advantage. The doctors' testimonies show that the pills practically do not affect the reduction of the heart rate.


Bioavailability of the drug is 40%. Suffice quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract tablets "Etatsizin." The doctors' comments show that the maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached in 2-3 hours. The drug can bind to blood proteins. The main components easily penetrate the placenta and can be excreted in breast milk. Therefore, the use of medication is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Actively metabolized through the liver drug "Etatsizin." Analogues of the drug act in the same way. Some metabolites that are formed during the treatment can have antiarrhythmic action. The main components are excreted from the body together with the urine. The whole process takes no more than 4 hours.


It is used only by the doctor's prescription for the medicine "Etatsizin". Analogues should also be used only after consultation with a cardiologist. Medications from this group are prescribed for people with cardiovascular diseases. Most often, the medication is used for such deviations as ventricular and supraventricular tachycardia, supraventricular and ventricular extrasystole, as well as paroxysms of fibrillation and atrial flutter.

People with liver failure may also be prescribed this drug. In this case, treatment should be strictly under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. But the use of "Etatsizina" with complex violations of the kidneys is undesirable. In any case, the decision to prescribe the tablets is taken by a specialist after a complete examination of the patient's body condition.


The instructions for use should be carefully studied for the "Etatsizin" medication. Analogs also require increased attention from the patient. The fact is that the drugs from this group have many contraindications. They should be known in order to avoid the development of side effects. Tablets are not prescribed for such deviations in the cardiovascular system as cardiogenic shock, conduction disorders, postinfarction cardiosclerosis, severe left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, and chronic heart failure.

Serious contraindications are marked abnormalities in the work of the kidneys and liver. In some cases, the doctor can make an exception. Tablets are prescribed if the benefit of the treatment exceeds the potential harm for other body systems. The decision is made after a complete examination of the patient.

The drug is not prescribed for women who breastfeed or bear the fetus. There are also age limits. Tablets "Etatsizin" are not prescribed to under-age patients. With caution, you should use the drug to people who are addicted to allergic reactions. In some cases, hypersensitivity develops.

special instructions

The "Etatsizin" medication can act as an arrhythmogen. Analogs have the same effect. Therefore, patients should strictly study contraindications to the use, and also to clarify in advance the presence of hypokalemia. It is not recommended to use a medication in combination with other antiarrhythmic drugs. Patients with complex diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is advisable to start treatment in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. If the doctor sees a positive dynamics of the disease, further therapy can be carried out at home.

For a number of conditions, for example, with an increase in ectopic ventricular complexes, it is necessary to immediately stop taking Etatsizin tablets. Analogues should also not be used in this case. A serious violation is also the development of bradycardia or the appearance of blockades.

During treatment, the patient should be under the supervision of specialists on-site or out-patient. It is strictly prohibited at this time to take alcoholic beverages. Negative dynamics of the disease can also affect smoking or the use of products that increase blood pressure (black chocolate, coffee).

Taking the drug "Etatsizin", do not get behind the wheel of the car or control other technical means. There is a risk of dizziness and loss of consciousness.


The medicine is consumed inside regardless of the meal. However, experts note that the bioavailability of the drug is increased when used on an empty stomach. It is necessary to take one tablet 2-3 times a day. If the specialist observes a weak dynamics of the disease, the dosage is slightly increased. The maximum daily allowance is 300 mg (six tablets). The daily dosage can be divided into three doses.

Once a persistent antiarrhythmic effect is achieved, the dosage is reduced to a minimum. The course of treatment can last no longer than a month. If necessary, after a few weeks, therapy can be repeated.


Can lead to unpleasant symptoms reception in a large number of tablets "Etatsizin." Analogues reviews in this regard also have negative. Incorrect use of antiarrhythmic drugs can lead to the opposite effect. Problems of the cardiovascular system are only aggravated. In addition, such unpleasant symptoms as disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, dizziness, sleep disturbances, and lowering of blood pressure may occur.

To eliminate any manifestations of an overdose, in a hospital environment, symptomatic therapy is performed. The medication "Etatsizin" is temporarily discontinued.

Drug Interactions

Medication should not be taken with other antiarrhythmic drugs. It is not necessary to use tablets together with such medicines as "Propafenon", "Allapinin", "Dizopiramid", "Prokainamid". It is also not recommended to take the medication together with MAO inhibitors. If you use "Etatsizin" tablets together with beta-blockers, the antiarrhythmic effect is enhanced. This feature is often used by cardiologists in their practice. Especially good results are given by such a technique with respect to arrhythmia caused by excessive physical exertion.

It is not recommended to take alcohol together with the drug. This contraindication describes the preparation "Etatsizin" instruction. The doctors' comments give us an opportunity to understand that alcohol only aggravates the patient's condition. Categorically it is impossible to take alcohol tinctures together with antiarrhythmic drugs.


It is not always possible to find the right medicine in the pharmacy. How to replace the drug "Etatsizin"? A photo of one of the analogs is presented below. Information about them can provide a cardiologist. Good results in the treatment of arrhythmia give the drug Amiodarone. These tablets are white, coated. The main active ingredient is amiodarone hydrochloride. Additionally, components such as povidone, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide colloidal, and sodium carboxymethyl starch are used. The drug goes on sale in cardboard packages.

The medicine can be prescribed for arrhythmias of different degrees. Contraindications exist the same as the "Etatsizin" tablets. Instructions for use, reviews - all this must be studied before the start of therapy. Medication "Amiodarone" is not prescribed for children, as well as for women during pregnancy.

Perfectly with an arrhythmia cope also such preparations, as "Kordaron", "Sedakoron", "Amiokardin".

How much is a medicine?

The drug refers to medications of the middle price category. For one package (10 tablets) you will have to pay about 1500 rubles. It is worth remembering that in pharmacies the medication is dispensed only by prescription. You can save money if you buy the drug in online pharmacies. There you can buy tablets for 1200 rubles.

What do patients say about tablets "Etatsizin"?

Patients note that tablets give good results only if they are properly taken. It is necessary to strictly comply with the dosage prescribed by the doctor, and monitor the reactions of the body. At occurrence of any unpleasant signs it is necessary to address at once to the cardiologist.

Negative reviews are mostly due to the fact that patients do not carefully study the instructions. There is a huge number of contraindications, which must be taken into account. Before the start of therapy it is recommended to undergo a complete examination of the body. In the most difficult cases, treatment should take place in the intensive care unit under the supervision of specialists.

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