HomelinessDo it yourself

Pillars for fence. Dacha fence

No matter how attractive and original the only fence is, it will be of little use if its supports are poorly constructed. Literally in 2-3 years from all beauty there will be only a skewed fence that does not add presentability to the site and the house. Therefore, it is important to properly install the poles for fence with your own hands and not worry about its condition for many years.

Installation of fence posts

To date, there are many materials from which the supports for country cottages are made, but each of the species has its own nuances in the manufacture and installation. However, according to the generally accepted technology, almost all the poles are installed on a sand-gravel pillow, which is a kind of drainage system. To make it, a layer of rubble is laid on the bottom of the pit under the pillar, sand is poured over it and a spillage is made for compaction. The total thickness of the pillow should be about 10 cm.

Concrete pillars are used for a wide variety of fences, as this is one of the most reliable and durable supports. Such a support is not subject to corrosion and rotting, it is practically not damaged, and it is not so difficult to manufacture it.

There are several ways to pour concrete pillars, each of which is good in its own way.

Pouring concrete into molds

To make such a column, you need to purchase a special form from the glass fiber reinforced plastic, polyurethane or metal in the store. Although, if you want to save, you can make a similar matrix with your own hands. And to accelerate the manufacturing process, you can make a form for the simultaneous filling of 4 poles.

Concreting of poles is carried out according to the following technology:

  • Form must be collected and smeared with a special compound or machine oil.
  • Bind a rigid structure of reinforcing bars with a thickness of 12-14 mm and lay it inside the formwork.
  • Lay the concrete mortar and carefully align it in the form, while sealing with a vibrating pad.
  • On both sides, at an equal distance, metal inserts are inserted, to which the skeleton will subsequently be attached.
  • After that, the mold with concrete is left to pre-dry, periodically wetting the surface of the concrete. It is necessary that, when setting, the cement slurry does not crack, and drying takes place evenly. As a rule, the matrix is covered with a wet burlap.
  • After about a week, the formwork can be removed and send poles for the fence, made by oneself, finally dried in a shed or other darkened but well ventilated place.

Making of the support with the use of formwork

Another option is to make a column using a special formwork for columns, which can also be purchased in a building supermarket or assembled independently. The use of such a method is advisable if a large pillar is needed.

Formwork should be collected from all four sides in height of one meter, there is no need to do more, since it will not be particularly convenient to lay concrete at the first stage.

Continuation of the formwork above the meter is made only on three sides, leaving the fourth for the laying of concrete.

After installing all the necessary shields for the formwork, they are fastened with slopes, and inside lay reinforcing rods connected by the same technology as in the previous case.

Pillar manufacturing specifics assume technical breaks for the assembly of the formwork, which is highly not recommended when pouring concrete. Therefore, we try to fill the pillar at a time.

To ensure that the quality of the product does not suffer, cement mortar must be laid with strictly horizontal layers. This will prevent internal efforts in the pole, and it will last much longer.

After making the necessary number of supports, you must hollow out the grooves or install anchors to fix the casing under the dacha fence.

Pillar made of asbestos or plastic pipe

Perhaps the easiest and least troublesome method, which does not require a lot of time and money, is pouring a column using a pipe that will serve as a kind of formwork.

Drilled wells with a depth of 1.2-1.5 m, which are installed plastic or asbestos pipes of suitable size.

The pipe in the borehole is leveled vertically and filled up on all sides with earth, which is carefully compacted.

In the middle of the pipe, the reinforcement is laid. If the pipe diameter is of sufficient size, the binding of reinforcing bars is carried out according to all rules. In the case of a small diameter, one rod is installed, curved in the form of letters P, the length of which corresponds to the double height of the concrete column.

The concrete is poured. If an asbestos tube is used, it can be left in place.

The plastic pipe must be carefully removed a week after the pre-setting of the solution.

How to make typing poles for a fence

A good option, although not the cheapest, will be the manufacture of support from decorative blocks. Assembled fence poles are made by a special technique, which differs substantially from the standard manufacturing.

For this type, a 1.0-1.5 m deep well is produced (depending on the height of the dacha fence).

The cement grout is poured into the hole to zero ground level and the reinforcement of the required height is installed.

Blocks are put on rods, thus it is necessary to observe the instruction on installation from the manufacturer as the way of installation can be different. Set-up blocks are of three basic types: end, through and rotary.

Each set of blocks to strengthen the structure sits on cement mortar, while the size of the seam should be no more than 12 mm. The same composition is filled and the internal cavity of the blocks.

If desired, before pouring in the interior of the stacking post, you can lay electrical wiring or other communications for equipment.

Manufacture of wooden supports

Even a wooden pole can stand up to 20 years, if, firstly, it is right to choose the material, and secondly, to install it according to the appropriate technology.

For a long life as an material for wooden poles, choose an oak trunk, from which it is necessary to remove the bark and subject to further processing.

The trunk is sanded, and its lower part is treated with hot tar, resin or a special agent that prevents decay, which can be purchased in a construction supermarket. For additional waterproofing, the wooden column is wrapped with a ruberoid or a dense polyethylene film.

Wells for the pole are made according to the general technology, that is, the depth should be at least 1.2 m. It is usually not recommended to pour wooden posts with concrete, so after aligning the support vertically, it is filled with sand with mandatory ramming.

If the installation passes on the mobile ground, to strengthen the pillars pre-mounted iron pipe, filled with concrete, which is necessary to install a column of wood.

Masonry of brick pillars

Brick poles have a fairly solid weight, so in most cases, they carry a strip foundation. But before they make a framework for support. This is necessary in order to install and strengthen the brick pillars for fence by yourself. As a rule, two main technologies are used.

First option

In place of the future pillar, strictly in the center, a metal pillar is drilled and installed , which is leveled vertically and fixed with wedges. In this case, it is recommended to cover the pipe with a protective agent against corrosion or a special alkyd paint. After the foundation, the metal pipe is bricked.

The second method of installing a brick support

The second option is performed in the process of pouring the strip foundation, when reinforced bars are placed in the concrete vertically. Usually their length is of the order of 30-40 cm. Subsequently they are lengthened by welding.

A week later, when the concrete foundation is sufficiently seized, the bricks are laid. Then a cement mortar of a thick consistency is laid in the formed cavity between the walls of the column. When using more liquid concrete in the gap insert ruberoid, rolled up roll, which will avoid the flow of the solution.

During the laying of bricks, it is necessary to periodically check both the verticality and the horizontal of the rows to avoid skewing and uneven surface of the column.

Brick poles made by such methods have a long service life, and damages can easily be eliminated by replacing the destroyed part with a new material.

Screw posts

It is very simple to install the poles for fence with your own hands using screw piles. For their installation, you do not even need to drill a well, everything will be done by the pile itself, the end of which is very similar to a conventional drill.

The standard version of the screw column has a length of 3 m, while the base with blades is retracted for the underground part.

Depending on the manufacturer, the upper part of the screw support can have both a circular and a square section. Therefore, you can choose any convenient execution of the column for fastening the skin.

The installation of such poles takes very little time, but the use of these piles is impossible on soils with a high content of stony inclusions.

But for crumbling and other complex soils, a modification with a large diameter is produced, allowing them to consolidate in them more thoroughly.

Plastic supports

Relatively recently, new supports, made of polyvinyl chloride, have appeared, so their distribution is not so widespread. Such poles are installed only together with their own plastic sheathing, which has the most diverse appearance, as a rule, imitating other materials. Despite the fact that in the manufacture of such supports plastic is used, they are not inferior to most dacha fences, with the exception of, perhaps, concrete fences. In addition, this type of supports has a service life of at least 50 years, which makes the use of such poles more than profitable.

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