HomelinessDo it yourself

The boiler is on self-cultivation. Homemade boilers for working

The main problem for many of our homeowners is the ever-increasing tariffs for energy. And because it is easy to explain that many of them are constantly in search of alternative methods of heating. In recent years, solid fuel boilers have become especially popular, which can be heated not only by coal, but also by wood.

But firewood and coal need to be bought. And what if you need to heat a large garage or production hall? After all, taxes are already far from the most humane, and therefore you always want to somehow minimize costs.

Problems can effectively solve the boiler on the working. It's quite easy to make this heater with your own hands. Spending money only on the material, in the end, you can free of charge (or for a penny) to heat even large rooms, at the same time fighting against environmental pollution.

Which design should I prefer?

If you are facing the task of heating not a garage separately standing on the outskirts but a more or less large building, we recommend that you pay attention to the boiler with the hot water circuit. In this case, you can not only significantly improve the aesthetic appearance of the entire heating system, simply hiding the device in a separate room, but also where it is more efficient to use energy from the burned oil.

In addition, a conventional boiler on the mine will look somewhat ridiculous in some office space. But if you place it in the boiler room and stretch out the pipes, then all the decorum will be met. We remind you that in a residential building there is always a need for hot water, so it makes sense to make a dual-circuit boiler.

Where to install?

It is not enough to make a boiler on working off. With your own hands, you can completely burn the room if you do not equip the place where this equipment will be installed in advance. First, never place the boiler near the entrance. If something lights up, you just can not get out.

Safety precautions

In the garage, in any case, it will be necessary to provide a safe path for the evacuation of the car. From the wall to the installation site should be at least half a meter, and the walls themselves should be refractory. Chimney in the case of using waste oil is strongly heated, and therefore, in no case should it come into contact with wood or other materials that can quickly ignite.

Ideally, the oven should be installed on a concrete base. And it is better to do it in the form of a notch in the ground. Even if a burning oil flows out of the furnace, it will not do any harm.

Be sure to worry about a reliable ventilation system, since when burning oil, a large amount of carbon monoxide is released, as well as other compounds that are not very useful for human health. Disregard for this issue should not be.

Principle of operation

By the way, how does all this work? After all, if you pour in the usual furnace waste oil, then all this will end with a fire!

In many respects the principle of operation of the described devices is similar to that for a lamp that is familiar to everyone . A furnace is made of two tanks, which are connected by means of a pipe for air supply.

The oil in this case is poured into the lower compartment. There it is heated and begins to evaporate. These vapors enter the air-exchange tube, where they are ignited. The burning oil-air mixture passes into the second tank (afterburner). There it finally burns out, and all the remaining gases and particles of metal (which are in the oil a lot) go into the chimney.

How to do it?

Before you make a boiler on your own workout, you should worry about finding the right metal for this purpose. Since the combustion temperature in the combustion chamber is serious, it is desirable to find suitable trimming of the main pipes from high-quality steel. If there are none, a regular balloon from under the household gas will do.

In order for the furnace to be fully automated, a pump is needed to supply oil and air to the combustion chamber. A circulating pump is required to circulate the heat transfer medium. Registers and pipes for installing a heating system in a room will also be needed. Considering that a water boiler requires a high enough temperature of the coolant to work, it should be done as carefully as possible.

Elements of construction

Having learned about the main features of the design, you can start working. First, you need to make two containers of metal. Their diameter is not so important. Suppose that it will correspond to the size of the main pipes or the gas cylinder. A chimney pipe is very important, in the construction of which there should be no horizontally located sections!

In the pipe, which connects parts of the furnace, you need to drill several holes at once for better air intake, and they need to be drilled in the upper part (the lower one will be used for the other). The pipe between the two tanks must pass through the casing, filled with a coolant (water).

Doing the boiler on the development by yourself, pay special attention to the quality of all welds, as defects can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Attention! In conventional spent fuel boilers, the afterburner pipe has a number of openings throughout its entire length through which air enters, providing a better traction. Since in our case approximately 70% of the surface will be in a casing with water, to ensure a normal combustion of the fuel it will be necessary to force the air there. Only such a scheme of the boiler on the development will ensure its long and trouble-free operation.

Simply put, you can not do without a pressure pump. If you try to save, then very soon both the afterburner and the chimney will cover with a thick layer of soot.

How to ensure the best efficiency?

Important! To the cover of the top tank, weld a plate that would not reach the bottom of the plate. Why do we need this constructive element?

It is very important, because it inhibits the burning mixture, ensuring its best afterburning and high efficiency of the entire structure. If you do not include this element in the design of the oven, then it will eat the oil barrels.

Through the upper part it will be necessary to pass the water heating circuit, for which the corresponding fittings are threaded beforehand, through which this pipe will be connected to the casing.

In the bottom chamber cover make two holes, one of which should be equipped with a shutter. It will be necessary for the smooth regulation of thrust and temperature conditions. The second hole will be designed for pouring oil into the evaporation chamber.

Important! Since oil - a very dangerous substance in terms of fires, it is desirable to constructively provide a funnel for filling fuel much safer. So your heating boiler on the working will not cause a fire.

If you make a dual-circuit boiler, the whole system must be connected to the water supply. It is necessary to provide for an expansion tank of decent capacity. Please note that drawings of boilers for working with a water circuit should be entrusted to a professional technician.

How to kindle a stove?

Strangely enough, it's very easy to do this. First through the funnel (remember, as we talked about above) in the lower compartment is poured about a liter of waste oil. It is kindled by putting a piece of burned paper on it. When the oil flares up and begins to boil, another five liters of excrement is poured into it.

If you intend to use an automatic system for refueling, you must immediately adjust its mechanism. The rate of combustion largely depends on the characteristics of the furnace and the thrust, but on average this amount of fuel is enough for two or three hours. Thus, self-made boilers can be excellent assistants in the conservation of the budget.

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