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Pigeons, owls and larks: determination of the human chronotype

One of the integral parts of every person's life is a dream. This is the time when we restore our strength, relax, and also relax both physically and emotionally. During sleep, there is a minimization of human activity, which has a truly curative effect on the body. However, it should be borne in mind that the time of wakefulness and recovery in different people is different and depends on their chronotype.

A bit of history

The selection of different types of the body was done by Chinese healers several thousand years ago. They and that determined that all people have a different picture of wakefulness and efficiency. The ancient Chinese were able to find out that by interrupting the rhythmic chain of the main processes in the body, one can come to sad consequences, such as the appearance of various pathologies. So the doctrine of chronotypes was born. The main subject of its consideration is the determination of the working capacity of each of the organs of the human body, as well as the identification of the most intense activity of our body. These are the so-called vulnerability periods. Their elimination avoids the emergence of excessive stress on a person and protects his nervous system from the manifestation of depression.

Modern development of the theory of chronotypes received only in the seventies of the twentieth century. However, the information about the existence of owls, larks and pigeons was widely perceived by many skeptically. Only after the data were confirmed by numerous scientific experiments, the society took this fact with all seriousness.

The importance of rhythms in human life

Each cell of our body, its system or organ has both a temporal and a spatial organization. This determines the sensitivity of the organism depending on the daily cycle.

Life rhythms or biorhythms imperceptibly from us affect the entire existence of man. They affect his physical activity, as well as the ability to adapt. This ability is very important in changing time conditions. Such biorhythmic activity of the body is called bird names. Many people know that there are owls and larks. However, there are also pigeons, as well as intermediate types.

Percentage of chronotypes

So, it is scientifically established that there are people-owls, larks and pigeons. How many of each of these chronotypes are in the world? It is believed that among the population of our planet, thirty-three percent of owls, sixteen are larks and fifty-one are pigeons. However, these types are mixed. Pure owls are only nine percent, larks - five, and pigeons - thirteen. Most people in their biorhythm are of a mixed type. This is 73% of the total population of our planet. Of these, 41% are referred to as lark pigeons, and 32% to blue-owls.

Who gets up early ...

What kind of chronotype each of us has, biorhythms of a person tell us. Owl, lark, pigeon - it all depends on the level of efficiency at certain hours of the day. After all, for each of these types the greatest intellectual and physical activity comes at different times.

So, if we compare larks and owls, the larks get up at six to seven in the morning. For the second, this is a big problem. Early rise allows you to do the work before the work and jog. After that, the larks are quite ready for the labor day. However, by six o'clock in the evening it is already difficult for them to cope with fatigue and drowsiness.

Scientists, chronobiologists have established that the biological rhythm of larks is natural. After all, throughout most of the history of his existence, man directly depended on the sun. People did not allow themselves to get up late, because they had to work in the light of day. And today in the rhythm of the lark live remote from civilization tribes, who in their lives are guided by the surrounding world.

However, scientists argue that a person may have a different biorhythm. Lark, pigeon, owl - this is invented by researchers chronotypes? Not at all. Existing delineations, indicating that there are owls and larks, as well as other types of biorhythms - are the fruits of modern civilization. Gradually, with the development of electricity, such types of human activities developed that ceased to depend on sunlight. And there were owls. Although, of course, night revelers met at different times. But these idle people were very few.

Feeding the Lark

People who prefer an early rise are ready to eat immediately after their awakening. This also distinguishes owls and larks. The ideal breakfast for early birds is milk porridge or cottage cheese, as well as sandwiches with sausage or cheese. Such a protein high-calorie food in larks is ideally complemented by a tonic vitamin salad.

The second breakfast for such people should be carbohydrate. To do this, the menu includes muesli, dried fruits, any cereals and bread.

Lunch at the larks is at 13-14 hours. It is usually dense and high in calories. After all, by this time the digestive system of an early riser man is entering its second peak of activity. For lunch, the lark should eat spaghetti with cheese, soup or potatoes with meat. It should be borne in mind that the completion of the meal with a cup of strong black tea will save for the rest of the working day high performance. This also distinguishes owls and larks. To someone who prefers to get up later, at lunchtime it's best to have coffee.

For dinner, larks prefer high-carbon foods. Muesli and porridge, bananas, tests with jam, as well as chocolate and green tea, are appropriate here. It should be said that food rich in carbohydrates is easier to digest and promotes the development of a special hormone - serotonin, which favors a good sleep.

Work and physical loads of larks

The intellectual activity of people who prefer an early awakening has two peaks. The first of them falls on 8-9 o'clock in the morning, ending at 12-13 o'clock. The second has a shorter period. It starts at 4 pm and lasts only two hours.

Morning is also an ideal time for sports. Larks should plan their training from 11 to 12 hours. In the evening, the fitness load will not give them positive results.

The order of the owl

Morning for those who do not like to wake up early, usually starts only at 10-11 o'clock in the morning. However, it is necessary to get up for work, although for owls it is a lot of work. Set up the right way to such people will help a contrast shower or a cup of strong coffee.

Chronotypes of owls and larks (or the nature of biological rhythms) are not considered at all in the mode of social life. That's why people who get up early, work much easier. The fact is that in the rhythm of the larks all government institutions operate without exception. These are kindergartens and schools, polyclinics and shops, banks and post offices. Only work in them and owls. According to most experts, this is the main reason that modern man is so often subjected to stress caused by a constant time trouble. But how to fix the situation, no one has yet come up with.

Nutrition of people who prefer a later awakening

Owl and lark biorhythms have different. Thus, the stomach of those who prefer a later awakening, begins to wake up only two hours after the ascent. That is why the owls, in contrast to the larks, should have breakfast only after this time. In the early hours, such people are recommended only to drink a glass of mineral water. This will allow to start the processes of metabolism in the body and purify the stomach of the slag that accumulated in it overnight. Instead of a glass of mineral water, you can drink apple or grapefruit juice or eat a light fruit salad. Owls should not eat protein foods in the morning. For them it is preferable to sour milk products or muesli, and from drinks - natural coffee. After two or three hours breakfast can be repeated with the inclusion of honey or chocolate, coffee and bread.

With the approach of lunch to such people, the digestive system begins to gain strength. These are the biological rhythms of the owl. Larks by this time already have lunch, and for those who get up later the daytime meal begins only at 15-16 hours. In his menu it is necessary to include more protein products (meat or fish). In the interval from 17.30 to 18.30 owls can pamper themselves with yogurt or dried fruits. But for a dinner that should not be later than twenty hours, protein food will be ideal. It can be vegetables in boiled or raw form and low-fat fish. Particular attention is paid to dinner by the type of people owl. The skylark prefers light food at this time of the day, and those who like to wake up later may not eat the whole day, catching up the missed breakfast and lunch by the evening. Of course, such a regime often leads to problems with digestion and to excess weight. That's why these people need to eat in the evening as little as possible of calories.

Work and physical loads of owls

People who prefer a later awakening have three peaks of mental activity. The first of these falls on the daytime. This is the time interval from 13 to 14 hours. The second peak of activity is evening. It is observed from 18 to 20 hours. The third period of activity is night. It lasts from 23 hours to 1 hour. The most productive period is the evening one. In view of this, such people should make plans for their working day.

As for exercise, in the morning hours owls are contraindicated. Gymnastics and jogging they better leave for a while closer to dinner. The ideal time to visit the gym is from 19 to 23 hours. This is the period when the most effective classes will be in the collection of muscle mass and weight loss.


And if a person does not have an owl, or a lark? Then he is a dove. Such people are referred to as the day type. Their life rhythm is adjusted to the usual for us change of night and day.

Comfortable awakening in pigeons occurs somewhat later than in larks, and the period of the greatest physical and mental activity lasts from 10 to 18 hours. At night, such people depart about 23 hours.

Pigeons are best adapted to changing darkness and light. Displacement of their own biological clocks occurs only when moving to long distances, when the time zones change. For example, with a time difference of 3 hours, they experience sleeplessness at night, as well as fatigue and drowsiness during the day. These same moments contribute to a general decline in efficiency. It should be borne in mind that when moving to the west in pigeons, lengthening of biorhythms is observed, and during short trips in the eastern directions - shortening.

Eat such people prefer balanced food, avoiding a large number of fatty and harmful foods.

Mixed types

Different are human biorhythms. Skylark, owl and pigeon are pure types, identified by scientists. However, most people belong to other "feathered" categories.

For example, larks pigeons. Representatives of this mixed type are easily adjusted to an early rise, which significantly lengthens their working day. However, if the lark-pigeons of a similar rhythm are held for a long time, then they may have temporary physical and mental decline. Usually, similar phenomena occur after 16 hours in the summer and after 17-18 hours - in the winter. Adapt to the changing conditions of this type of people will help a small day sleep. This half-hour or hour rest will restore the strength and smoothly move to the night and night mode of work.

There is another mixed human chronotype. It is called a blue-owl. These are not night workers at all. However, such people are able to work actively at a later time (at 1-3 pm). But it is worth bearing in mind that in this mode, blue-owls simply need a short day's sleep.

How to find yourself

By revealing your chronotype, each of us is able to make the most efficient use of internal resources and establish a spiritual balance. To determine who this or that person is - an owl or a lark, and maybe a dove, there are different ways. One of them is to calculate the Hildelbrand index. To determine it, you need to conduct small studies, measuring the frequency of breathing and pulse. In the future, the values obtained are correlated.

This test is carried out in the morning, before rising from the bed. If the ratio of pulse and respiration frequencies is higher than five to one, then the person is a lark. If the result is less than one to three, he is an owl. The average value of such a ratio indicates a chronotype of a pigeon. To obtain more accurate results of the test, it should be carried out on an independent awakening on a weekday. It is desirable to do measurements two to three days in a row and take the average ratio for yourself.

Due to the fact that the owl and the lark of the biorhythm are different, the definition of the chronotype can also be made through the measurement of body temperature. It must be done immediately after awakening, without getting out of bed. Then the temperature is measured after an hour, during which they are engaged in ordinary affairs. If the column of the thermometer shows the same value, then the person is a lark. In owls, a temperature increase of 0.5-1 degrees is observed.

There are also psychological tests. If the maximum working capacity and activity of a person is at noon, then he is a lark. The revival of owls occurs only at six o'clock in the evening. If a person is easier to solve their problems at 15:00 and later, then he is a dove.

Having determined the chronotype and changing in accordance with it your daily routine, each of us can get rid of problems related to physical and mental health for good. It is important to listen to your body, making up your own schedule of work and adhering to the correct diet. After all, nature itself, which created different chronotypes, reminds us that each person is individual.

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