
Phytomedication "Rovatinex". Instructions

The drug "Rovatinex" (an analogue of "Urolesana", "Blemarena", "Cystona") is a diuretic and antispasmodic. It is used in more than sixty countries for half a century.

Today, of course, there is a great variety of medicines used to remove concrements (stones) from the ureters and kidneys. A special place in the therapy of urolithiasis is occupied by phytopreparations, which are obtained from terpenes (certain carbohydrates) contained in the essential oils of coniferous trees. The agent "Rovatinex" instruction characterizes, as the most widespread of all terpenoid-containing preparations. A special combination of components makes it possible to use this drug in urolithiasis as an auxiliary treatment. The agent "Rovatineks" instruction also recommends taking to prevent the formation of stones in the urinary tract and kidneys.

The drug, having a triple mechanism of action, increases blood flow in the kidneys, increases diuresis (volume of urine for a specific period), relieves spasm in smooth muscles, increases kidney function. All these properties contribute to the improvement in the upper urinary tract tract urodynamics (urinary excretion), faster removal of sand, concrements or fragments against the background of renal colic or as a result of destruction by remote lithotripsy (shock wave) or other methods of operative therapy of urolithiasis .

Phytopreparation "Rovatinex" is able to increase the concentration of glucuronic acid (involved in detoxification processes) and protective colloids (preventing precipitation). Thus, taking the remedy prevents the formation of new stones. Taking into account also the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory property of the phytopreparation "Rovatinex", the instruction allows its use in inflammations of chronic course without exacerbation, as well as during the healing of acute inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract.

The drug is prescribed for reception during meals inside (oral).

Phytopreparation "Rovatinex" instruction recommends that patients older than fourteen years take one or two capsules three times a day. Dosage can be increased (on the recommendation of a doctor) to two or three capsules four or five times a day with renal colic. Children from six to fourteen years are prescribed twice a day for one capsule.

The drug "Rovatinex" (reviews of specialists and patients testify about this) is transferred quite well. The use of the drug can rarely cause minor and eliminating discomfort in the stomach, in very rare cases - vomiting. Clinical practice describes two cases of drug intolerance for an unclear reason.

The phytopreparation "Rovatineks" is contraindicated for children under six years of age, with hypersensitivity to the components.

The drug should be taken with caution at the same time with oral anticoagulants (preventing coagulation) and drugs metabolized in the liver.

It is not recommended to take the medication "Rovatineks" during lactation and in the first trimester of the prenatal period.

Do not use the drug and with severe colic in the kidneys, infection of the urinary tract of the severe course, anuria (lack of excretion of urine).

When carrying out therapy with the use of the drug "Rovatinex" it is recommended to increase the amount of liquid used.

To eliminate symptoms of an overdose, gastric lavage is used (in the period of one to two hours from the time of taking the drug). A mandatory observation of the patient is established, treatment is performed in accordance with the symptoms (if necessary).

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