
"Vamelan": instructions for use, indications and reviews

The modern man is put in such conditions, where it is practically impossible to do without the help of sedatives. Constant stress leads to nervousness, excitability. Most people do not want to be aware of this problem at all. As a result, the relatives suffer, on which the whole stream of irritability "pours out." Support the nervous system and protect native people from aggression allows the drug "Vamelan". Instructions for use provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with this tool.

a brief description of

The drug "Vamelan" instruction for use recommends the use for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. The remedy is a wonderful sedative and a good sleeping drug.

The effectiveness of its impact is dictated by the components of the drug:

  1. Extract of valerian. The substance has sedative properties. It perfectly reduces irritability and tension, a symptom that characterizes neurasthenia and mental fatigue. Also valerian is able to restore sleep. In addition, it has an antispasmodic effect.
  2. Mint extract. The component perfectly copes with mild insomnia, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. Mint, in addition, is distinguished by choleretic properties.
  3. Melissa. It removes pain, relieves seizures. Melissa has a calming effect, increases appetite. In addition, this component is an analgesic, antispasmodic agent for colic.

Indications for use

At what pathologies does the use of the "Vamelan" tablets recommend the instruction for use?

Doctors prescribe the drug at the following manifestations:

  • Excessive nervous excitability;
  • Strong irritability;
  • Feelings of depression, anxiety;
  • Nervous tension;
  • Disturbed sleep, insomnia.

However, remember that it is possible to resort to the help of this combined phytopreparation, as well as any medication, after consulting with the doctor.

Dosage of the medicine

The doctor, appointing this remedy, will detail the scheme of drug use.

"Vamelan" (capsules) instruction for use recommends using this way:

  1. The remedy is intended exclusively for patients over 12 years of age. In pediatric practice, the medication is not used, since its safety and effectiveness for this age category have not been studied.
  2. The patient is recommended to take 1-2 capsules at one time, depending on his condition. During the day, appoint 2-3 appointments.
  3. If it is necessary to eliminate insomnia, 1-2 capsules should be drunk 1-2 hours before bedtime.
  4. The duration of therapy is usually from a couple of weeks to 3 months. With chronic or severe ailments, treatment can be delayed for 6-12 months.

Side effects

Undesirable reactions are practically not observed during treatment with a drug such as "Vamelan".

Instruction for use indicates the following possible manifestations:

  • weakness;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Constipation (occurs only as a result of prolonged drug treatment).

In general, the drug is well tolerated by patients.


The drug "Vamelan" instruction prohibits the use of people with:

  • Individual intolerance;
  • Under the age of 12 years.

In case of an overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Spastic pain in the abdomen;
  • A feeling of contraction in the chest;
  • Sudden dizziness;
  • Dilated pupils.

Washing of the stomach is recommended to treat the patient. In the future, the patient may need symptomatic therapy.

special instructions

Be sure to read the instructions carefully before using this medication.

The tool has some features:

  1. The drug "Vamelan" instruction for use does not recommend combining with medications that have a depressing effect on the central nervous system. The drug mentioned above is able to enhance their effect on the body.
  2. Medication is not contraindicated in pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, this category of patients can be prescribed only by a doctor.
  3. The duration of treatment with the drug is not limited. After completion of therapy, the patient does not develop withdrawal syndrome.
  4. It is recommended to use caution during the treatment. It is advisable to refrain from traveling behind the wheel and at the time to abandon the dangerous activities.

Patient's opinion

We examined how the "Vamelan" medication describes the instructions for use. Reviews of people who took the drug, of course, are of particular interest. What do patients think about the drug? Is this product able to cope with nervousness?

Most often there are reviews about the drug "Vamelan" of pregnant women. The drug is recommended for those patients who face the symptoms of a chronic neurosis. They argue that the drug is quite effective. He quickly and easily eliminated irritability, relieved of unreasonable anxiety. Excellent normalized sleep.

Many women testify that during pregnancy they became extremely vulnerable and often cried. The remedy helped them to calm down and returned a pleasant feeling of expectation of the baby.

This all makes it possible to conclude that the medicine "Vamelan" is really an effective sedative phytopreparation. But do not forget that this tool should be recommended by a qualified specialist and it is for you.

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