HealthQuit Smoking

The fight against smoking: we are in charge of our health

Did you know that nearly three million people in the world die each year from a pernicious habit of smoking? This is an evil that shortens life for almost a quarter of a century. Every tenth person in the world who dies from cigarettes is a Russian.

A bit of history

According to available sources, it is believed that it is Columbus who owns the first acquaintance with tobacco. American Aborigines used tobacco to communicate with their gods, and also chewed tobacco leaves, using them as an analgesic.

The natives gave the leaves of tobacco to Columbus, but he threw them away, not appreciating the gift. But a member of his expedition, a certain Rodrigo de Jerez, became interested in the process of smoking and then became addicted to him himself. A strange plant together with potatoes and tomatoes was brought home. The Inquisition blamed travelers for the devil, and the hapless smoker was jailed.

In Russia…

Gradually the tobacco got to Russia. At first, his use was not encouraged, and under the tsar MF Romanov, tobacco was treated sharply negatively, considering it a contraband commodity. The fight against smoking was conducted: for its distribution and use, people were punished and fined. After the fire in Moscow in the XVII century, the royal decree issued that no one sold tobacco, did not keep it and did not use it. The death penalty was awaited , however, it was replaced by another punishment - they cut off the nose.

How does smoking affect the human body?

Nicotine is the main component of tobacco. Why is it necessary to fight smoking and smokers? Let's consider the approximate list of negative effects of nicotine-containing products:

  1. The level of CO increases, which leads to a decrease in the oxygen content in the blood.
  2. Early menopause is possible.
  3. Increased risk of osteoporosis.
  4. Especially important is the fight against smoking for women of childbearing age, as there is a possibility of sudden termination of pregnancy, fetal death in the womb and low birth weight.
  5. Danger of serious lung disease and oncology.
  6. The condition of the skin and teeth deteriorates, which leads to early aging.

Does this list not lead the society to the conclusion that the fight against smoking should be carried out within strict limits? Harmful is not only active, but also a passive process. Even non-smoking people, inhaling harmful cigarette smoke, are exposed to dangerous effects of nicotine-containing products.

Euphoria from a smoked cigarette

Smoking is considered harmful also because the smoker tries to constantly feed himself with nicotine. Without tobacco, a person becomes aggressive, irritable, and when he inhales the smoke he has a feeling of euphoria. Why does the smoker not die quickly? The fact is that his body produces an antidote against nicotine. A person gets involved in an endless circle: the body releases an antidote that is neutralized by nicotine.

How to fight?

Living in society, every person should think about health, and not only about his own, but also about the people around him. It is necessary to take measures to combat smoking both on its own and at the state level. Today, cigarettes are becoming more expensive, but it does not really matter: the one who smokes will smoke anyway. Hence, it is necessary to carry out independently and everywhere activities and agitation against a bad habit, such as: the day of fighting smoking in 2013, which was held in many cities of Russia under the slogan: "It's not fashionable to smoke!"

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