HealthWomen Health

Pain after sex

Sex plays an important role in the life of every person. However, even such a pleasant lesson can be overshadowed by pain in a woman after sexual intercourse. The reasons for the occurrence of such consequences are in fact a huge number. You do not need to panic if you have such a nuisance. It is worth turning to a specialist who, on the basis of the results of the tests and the survey, will point out the reason why pain after sex has arisen.

Several cases of similar developments will be described later. The most common cause of pain after sexual intercourse is inflammation. For example, there are many infections transmitted in this way. They also cause unpleasant sensations against the background of a general inflammation of the sexual organs and appendages of the girl. First of all, they include ureaplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis and gonorrhea. Quite often in women who experience pain after sex, there is inflammation of the so-called cervix.

If you have recently suffered childbirth, you should be aware that the vagina as a result of this process is exposed to stress, tears and cracks. It is because of this in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, you will certainly experience very severe pain after sex and during it. In order to reduce them, it is necessary to use special substances, that is, lubricants or lubricants. In addition, try to find the most successful pose for yourself, which will significantly improve the quality of sex after childbirth. Do not forget that the period of recovery of the vagina can be quite long. In this case, everything depends only on the physiological characteristics of the woman herself.

Pain after sex may have another reason. For example, the ovarian cyst, or inflammation of other appendages contributes to their appearance. A girl who experiences such pain during her period, most likely, feels them after sex. In any case, in such a situation, a specialist consultation is necessary.

According to statistics, more than twenty percent of women, who are characterized by pain after sex, have so-called spikes. They arise due to the development of inflammatory processes, which were mentioned earlier. Most often this problem does not manifest itself for a long time.

Pain after the first sex is not a cause for concern. This situation is typical for most of the girls. It is worth it simply to endure. After a few sexual intercourse about such feelings, you do not remember.

Pain after sex is due to the fact that the woman has too little lubrication. Solving such a problem is quite easy. Use artificial gels and greases. In addition, the partner, who as a result of sex was not able to discharge, also experiencing pain in the lower abdomen.

Muscles of the female vagina have the property of stretching and adapting to the size of the male sexual organ. That is why, if you have unpleasant painful sensations as a result of incompatibility of the sizes, do not be upset, it will soon pass.

Specialists point out another reason for this process. This is the so-called muscle strength or special pain in the muscles. It appears either after sexual intercourse, or the next day. Such feelings indicate that sex was passionate and very violent. The same thing happens if you used new and uncharacteristic postures with your partner.

Cunnilingus, more precisely, irritation after it often becomes the cause of pain in the vagina. In order to avoid them, ask the partner to shave.
As for the situation when a woman has a headache after sex, here the problem is most likely psychological. If she did not want intimacy, she was very tired for the day and so on, it is quite possible that such a development of events.

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