Computers, Information Technology
The proxy server does not respond. Causes and methods of troubleshooting
Today, there are quite a lot of users of modern computer systems based on Windows, which are familiar with the concept of a proxy server or at least heard about it. Let's see what it is and why there are situations when the proxy server does not respond.
What is a proxy server?
In simple terms, a proxy server is a specialized service that allows you to connect Internet access or a local network through so-called indirect (indirect) requests.
In other words, the proxy server acts as an intermediary between the user of the computer terminal and the requested resource. As it is already clear, it is not necessary that he should be on the World Wide Web. But very often you can see the appearance of problems associated with the fact that the proxy server does not respond. Now we will consider the most frequently occurring situations and the method of their elimination.
Causes of malfunctions
As a rule, the proxy server does not respond in the main when using incorrect settings. It would seem that the addresses are entered correctly, but at one point the connection stops working. Why?
This is often caused by improper or forced shutdown of Windows, for example, in case of a sudden power outage (in the cases when there is no UPS), disconnection of some system services and applications with the hang of "OSes", etc. In such moments, the proxy settings just have a "fly" property. But it is possible to combat this, and even very successfully.
In some cases, the problem that the proxy server does not respond may be due to its own performance. It can be temporary maintenance, updating of software components and much more. And this we are not talking about that if the provider service does not provide services for connecting using a proxy, then it is absolutely pointless to configure its parameters in general.
The proxy server does not respond. What to do?
First, let's look at the basic proxy settings that are called in the advanced properties of the Internet browser, installed by default. For standard Internet Explorer or Edge (Windows 10), these settings are configured via the standard Control Panel.
We will proceed from the fact that the provider still uses a proxy. If the proxy server does not respond, Windows 7, for example, or any other modification simply does not recognize its actual address when trying to establish an intermediate connection.
What to do in this case? Yes, just enter the correct values of the addresses provided by the provider when connecting the terminal to a local network or the Internet.
On local networks should be said separately. The fact is that glitches, even those when the proxy server does not respond, Windows 8 can also interpret in its own way. This, by the way, applies to almost all the latest versions of Windows, starting with XP. Note whether the proxy option for local addresses is enabled. If there is a tick opposite to this item, it is strongly recommended to remove it. Quite often the problem arises precisely because of this, because the system does not refer to the address of the proxy server itself, but to the identifier of another machine connected to the local network. Although such addresses, in theory, have nothing in common, however Windows versions of all versions are not protected from such failures.
Using anonymous proxy servers
With anonymous resources on the Internet, which are proxy servers that allow you to change or hide the actual external IP address of a user's computer when surfing the web, the situation is somewhat different.
Here, in the main, connection errors occur precisely because of the problems of the resources themselves. Often this is manifested in the fact that the browser displays a message that the timeout period has elapsed (error 504 Gateway Timeout). This means only that the requested resource, able to work either as a proxy server or as a gateway, did not receive a response on time from the server that is in the connection hierarchy above it.
Here you can do the simplest way - just update the page, and in extreme cases (if you are sure of the health of the resource), just reboot the system. Perhaps sometimes it may be necessary to disable the antivirus or the firewall or the inclusion of the site itself in the list of exceptions, because the antivirus that the firewall is capable of blocking some, in their view, suspicious sites.
In principle, we considered the most frequent situations and the simplest methods of correcting them, simply not going into the technical side of the question. Separately it is necessary to say that in most cases the absence of communication with proxy servers is not associated with any critical violations in the operation of operating systems. Rather, this is a special case.
It's not even about user settings, it's about the health of the resources of this type, especially when using anonymizers. Actually, as can be seen from the above material, problems can be solved quite simply. Sometimes you just need to check whether the network connection and Internet access are active, otherwise it happens that the icon in the system tray indicates that the connection is active, but in fact it is limited or absent at all (most often with respect to connections based on Wi-Fi connections).
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