Business, Agriculture
Otar is what? Lexical meaning of the word. Contents and formation of flocks
In the dictionary of Ozhegova the meaning of the word "flock" is described as a large flock of sheep. Also, it can often be heard in the lexicon of experienced breeders, not having the faintest idea what they are investing in it. However, the essence of the definition provided by Ozhegov is not quite enough to fully understand what a flock is. How many goals should be in the herd, how and for what it is formed - all this you can find in this article.
Formation of flocks
Otar is a man-made large herd of sheep for their joint keeping and grazing.
Otar is formed from young lambs. When they grow up to a certain age and the mother's milk is not enough, they are gradually unified into a herd and taken to the pasture.
The first couple of weeks of young lambs are isolated from adults. They are kept in a separate pen. When forming flocks, the following factors are taken into account:
- The sex of the animal.
- Age.
- Breed.
- Class.
Large farms may have flocks formed depending on the color, origin, size of the individual, etc.
The lambs are divided into flocks a few months before the next animal slaughter. Before this, the sheep must undergo a physical examination from the veterinarian, make all the necessary vaccinations and get rid of the parasites. As a rule, all these procedures are carried out in one day. Otar is a well-coordinated team. Therefore, the sheep cope with all procedures quickly, clearly and consistently.
How many sheep are in the flock?
Otar, the definition of the term does not contain specific figures, consists of many heads of small cattle.
The number of sheep in the herd depends on the size of the farm. The size of the herd also affects the number. For example:
- The flock of adult winds can reach up to 1000 heads.
- Uterine flock - 850 heads.
- The flare of the yarock is 600-700 heads.
- Tribal lambs are kept as much as the frogs - 600-700 heads.
- The flock of producers is 100 heads.
- Sheep "probes" - 250 heads.
Production animals in a flock are always larger than tribal ones.
Sheep flocks content
The content of sheep is much less expensive for farmers than for any other animals. Sheep are able to find their food even in a remote steppe, which can not be said about cows that need high-quality green pastures.
In housing these animals are also unpretentious. Most of the time flocks spend in the fresh air, which contributes to an increase in the number of wool.
At night, the herd is planted in shelters under canopies to protect them from attacks by predators. In winter, the sheep are kept in sheepfolds. They do not represent complex architectural designs. This is a dull room with an adobe floor. Litter in the sheep does not require frequent replacement, tk. Sheep waste does not have an unpleasant odor.
From this it can be concluded that flock - this is the most profitable way to earn on the maintenance of small horned livestock.
Replenishment of flocks
For a month and a half before sheep sheep are transferred to special food. In its diet includes selected hay, root crops, etc. The main thing is to make sure that the sheep do not gain excess weight, the food should be full and balanced. The lamb is spoiled with cottage cheese, root vegetables and raw eggs.
The owners of the pregnant sheep have a special attitude. That the future mother did not have a miscarriage, it can not be scared, worried and overworked. The diet should be supplemented with chalk and bone meal for an additional source of calcium.
Help in childbirth sheep, as a rule, is not required. But in case of complications, it is better to have a vet number at hand. After the lamb was born, the sheep need to be given drinking water. Then it is necessary to express the first colostrum, tk. It is highly concentrated, which can damage the lamb. And then you can let the baby to feed.
You can transfer lamb to adult food after 20 days of life. You need to do this gradually, starting with soft hay. Conclusion on the pasture is possible in the fourth month of the life of a lamb. After the lambs were introduced to the pasture, lambs and yarochek need to be settled. At five months they begin to puberty, which can lead to mating close relatives. From incest, a weak and inferior offspring can be born. Sexually mature age sheep reach a year and a half.
Sheep Care
Otara is not just a flock of sheep. Each of them requires individual care. Because Most of the time sheep are held on the street, they are subject to systematic attacks of parasites. To get rid of ticks help bath with the addition of 1% solution of Creolin.
In the winter, the sheep practically do not leave the stall, so you need to monitor their hoofs. They can outgrow what will hurt the animal.
The wool of sheep grows fast enough, so they need to be cut regularly. If you have never done this, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. During the haircut, the animal should not be frightened and hurt. The more comfortable the first haircut of the ram is, the more willingly it will go to the next.
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