HealthHealthy Eating

Nutritional value of banana: how useful is this fruit?

Bananas are a very useful fruit, rich in vitamins and microelements. Especially it will be nice to hear those who like to eat it. Banana has many useful properties that help our body to increase the level of immunity, to get into the food vitamins of group B, C, beta-carotene and many microelements. For more complete information on the benefits of this fruit, you need to determine what the nutritional value of a banana is and what exactly it is expressed.

First of all, remember that the availability of useful properties is only valid when choosing the right kind of banana. So, the quality and ripe banana looks ripe, juicy, has a yellow color and a smooth surface. The length of the banana should be about 20-22 cm. The presence of black dots on the skin indicate that the banana has collected the right amount of sugar. But the black peel indicates the improper storage of banana by the supplier. But they are suitable for food and do not harm the body.

Remember that the nutritional value of a banana is that it primarily contains three types of sugar - fructose, sucrose and glucose. They, combined with the large amount of carbohydrates that are also found in this fruit, make up for the high energy costs very quickly. This is very important for those who engage in sports or heavy physical labor.

Interestingly, the banana is the only fruit, the use of which in its raw form does not cause an exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Also, the nutritional value of a banana is that it significantly lowers acidity and thereby alleviates the condition of the patient with gastritis.

In addition, the banana contains about 400 g of potassium, which helps stabilize the heart, and improve the transport of oxygen to the brain and regulate the removal of water from the body.

It is very useful to use bananas for schoolchildren and students, and do it better in the morning at lunchtime to improve mental performance.

If you compare the berries by caloric content, the banana among them takes first place. So, the energy value of a banana is about 90-95 calories per 100 g. To be more precise, it depends on the ripeness of the banana and its size. On average, the banana weighs 100-120 grams. Note that the energy value of bananas, which were consumed in the dried state, increases about three times compared to raw fruits and is about 290 kcal. If a person prefers to eat banana chips, then together with a hundred grams of the product, he gets about 530 kcal.

Despite such a high caloric value, people who want to lose weight should not exclude bananas from their diet. After all, these fruits have so many useful properties that their calorific value is not so important. For a diet, they fit perfectly. Remember that diet should be the style of your life. It is not recommended first to starve, there are only a few, or even one, product, to lose weight, and then just as quickly to type it. You must constantly monitor the diet and exclude from the diet those foods that harm you and your body. So, doctors recommend about 20 minutes before eating there are two bananas. The nutritional value of a banana is also that this fruit reduces appetite, so the amount eaten will decrease. Moreover, if you want to eat something sweet, prefer all high-calorie delicacies is a banana. It is best to choose a healthy eating style.

Finally, we note that bananas used with fats, will never lead you to losing weight. Too much of the calories consumed. Therefore, choosing a style of food, remember this! Your dairy and your diet are strictly dependent on you, so if you get any results (positive or negative), remember that this is entirely your merit!

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