HealthHealthy Eating

Meltwater and its properties

Every year, the quality of water deteriorates, more harmful substances (rust, chlorine, heavy metals) appear , which make tap water dangerous for health. In some cities tap water serves only for technical purposes. In this regard, most people began to look for additional sources.

Someone installs special filters for water purification at home, others buy only bottled water in stores, some recruit water in springs, and only a few use thawed water prepared independently. Since ancient times people used thawed water and considered it a cure for many ailments. What is the use of thawed water, and how to cook it at home? This we will discuss in this article.

Melt water and its properties have a curative effect, promote the rejuvenation of the cells of our body, improve metabolic processes and increase efficiency. This is explained simply: the structure of this water resembles the intercellular fluid of the human body, and because of this it is called the living water.

Meltwater and its properties have a truly life-giving force. Thawed liquid not only rejuvenates the body, but also gives the person energy recharge. Rejuvenation of cells is due to the ability of thawed fluid to accelerate biological processes and cleanse the body of harmful toxins. It can be washed, used for cooking and drinking like ordinary water.

The better thawed water and its properties are conventional tap water?

Ordinary water, which flows from our tap, contains heterogeneous molecules, but most of them do not participate in metabolic processes. They are much larger than the body's cellular membranes . And in the thawed liquid, the size of these molecules corresponds to the size of the hole of the cell membranes.

This is the main difference and advantage of melt water - it is easier and faster to react with chemicals, so the body does not need to expend additional forces. Living water and its properties are superior in structure to even bottled liquid. Therefore, it can be drunk to any living creature on earth, it will only benefit.

Melt water and its properties contribute to the purification of blood vessels and remove sand from the kidneys and liver. It can be used to treat atherosclerosis, to prevent heart disease and improve the quality of tooth enamel.

It should be noted that there is practically no such heavy component as deuterium, which has a detrimental effect on our body. In high concentrations, it is a strong poison. Scientists have proved that the partial destruction of deuterium significantly activates vital activity and releases energy reserves.

With skin diseases, it is included in general therapy (psoriasis, neurodermatitis, chronic eczema, erythroderma, toxicoderma), a positive result is observed approximately on the fifth day of treatment. Of course, full recovery does not occur, but the main manifestations of the disease decrease. Freshly defoliated liquid increases immunity and favorably affects the mucosa.

How to prepare melt water?

We will need special containers for the freezer in which we pour filtered tap water. Leave to freeze for about 8 hours at -18C. After the time has passed, we take out the containers and dip the bottom with hot water. A liquid that is not frozen should be poured, because It contains harmful impurities.

It is desirable that the water freezes only around the edges, for this simply reduce the time of freezing. Next, the formed ice is put into the dishes and thawed naturally. In this way, melt water is prepared. Its properties have healing power, but only for 18 hours. When water is heated, it loses its useful substances.

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