Food and drinkBeverages

Non-alcoholic beer: brands that are worth paying attention to

Just a couple of decades ago, when non-alcoholic beer only appeared on the shelves of our stores, this drink caused bewilderment and jokes. Say, is this beer, in which there is no hops? But in fact, and hops, and malt, and all the other necessary foam drink components there. And the taste of it should be the same as that of ordinary beer. Therefore, choosing the best brand is not an easy task, because drinking a non-alcoholic beverage is nothing more than savoring the taste and aroma.

How and from what non-alcoholic beer is brewed

In fact, it is exactly the same drink as ordinary beer. They are cooked in exactly the same way, from the same ingredients. Only brewers have to reduce their turnover at the very end, that is, a fortress, to get non-alcoholic beer; 0 degrees, however, in fact, rarely when found - as a rule, the fortress varies within a unit. But still such a percentage is too small to intoxicate, so all these products are referred to as non-alcoholic. For comparison: even in good kvass or in a stale kefir "degree" more than in such beer.

To remove excess strength, a ready-made drink can be filtered out, this so-called dialysis process is the most optimal way to preserve all other characteristics of the product. The meaning of the technology is that the molecules of water and alcohol are of different sizes, so they separate from each other through a special membrane filter. This method is used, for example, in the production of beer "Baltika 0".

There is also technology, during which the finished product is heated to high temperatures to evaporate alcohol. There is also a technology for suppressing fermentation. On the final result, the process is not too much affected - the output is ordinary beer, but with a minimum strength.

Taste, color and aroma: the non-alcoholic is different from the usual

Since non-alcoholic beer was originally the most common, their organoleptic properties should not differ. Light lager (beer of bottom fermentation, in which yeast at low temperature settle on the bottom - usually it is made of non-alcoholic analogues from the lager) should have a light straw or golden color and transparency with minimal precipitation (and in rare cases).

Foam in a glass should be high (2-3 centimeters) and a rack (should keep at least 2 minutes). A good foam is not only beautiful, it is also an indicator of freshness and fullness of taste.

A good drink should have a full, rich flavor. Depending on the raw materials used and the technology of production, apple notes can be mixed with the smell of hops, honey is a good addition. If the beer smells of caramel, then, overdone with the temperature, and if yeast - violated the recipe.

Well, finally, taste. Bitterness from hop should be soft, not sharp, felt only after a sip and pass for a couple of minutes. At the same time tart, sweet or sour tastes will not dominate.

Non-alcoholic beer: Russian brands

So, which Russian brands deserve attention? First of all, note the zero "Baltika" - this is the first non-alcoholic beer, which appeared from Russia in 2001. Brew it from us at a major plant, using modern dialysis, but sell everywhere. Perhaps that's why Baltika 0 is the most popular with the Russian consumer, in addition, this grade is sold in a glass bottle and in a tin can.

Also in Russia the beer "Bavaria 0" is brewed under the Dutch license. Its taste is closer to the traditional European camp and is estimated higher than in similar species. Similar to the characteristics and the option of Stella Artois - he is also Russian, but he is brewed by the Belgian technology. What other brands offer non-alcoholic beer?

Stamps produced at the plant "Heiniken" in St. Petersburg, are diverse, there is among their products and non-alcoholic beverages, for example, Zlatý Bažant Nealko. According to experts, the drink is not distinguished by its high taste qualities, it, as evidenced by the reviews, is not bad drink, but does not stand out. There are notes of wet grass, sawdust, wet bread, which is often inherent in non-alcoholic samples.

In addition to Europeans, they love beer and know how to cook in the States. The American brand "Budweiser" produces in Russia by its technologies and popular Bud Alcohol Free.

Regional brands

Separately it is worth noting those brands of non-alcoholic beer (in Russia), which are cooked not by Western technologies and large enterprises, but in the regions. Among them there are many worthy samples. For example, pasteurized filtered Besser from the Barnaul brewery. A local enterprise in the Altai Territory has a long history of brewing, and their nonalcoholic variant is quite good.

In Siberia, too, good non-alcoholic beer is brewed, as in Krasnoyarsk. For example, "Legend" from the factory "Pikra". There are samples in Chuvashia - "Foam" from Cheboksary brewing company.

Foreign varieties

In Europe, non-alcoholic varieties are more common and in demand than in Russia, and in this sense the European and American markets are saturated with interesting products in this segment. In Russia, you can buy a predominantly German product.

  • Jever Fun non-alcoholic beer practically does not yield to the taste of traditional varieties with strong bitterness.
  • Maisel's Weisse Alkoholfrei - wheat beer.
  • Paulaner - for lovers of wheat varieties, well quenches thirst.

Other geographical points are represented, for example, by Austria, which produces a very good and tasty non-alcoholic Schloss Eggenberg, or the Netherlands with the Buckler brand (it's the non-alcoholic beer brewed at the foreign plant "Heiniken").

Stamps not sold in Russia

The very first "zero" beer, which in Russia is called the best in the European market, is Clausthaler. It is produced in Germany at the Binding-Brauerei plant, and we can only buy the classic Classic. However, the brand produces several different types of Clausthaler, which we do not try - lemon, ginger, herbal beer.

Highly valued and Belgian craft Mikkeller. His intoxicating notes are not inferior to the best examples of brewing skills in the alcoholic segment.

Harm and benefit

Of course, there is no particular benefit from beer, since the fermentation product, albeit with a minimum amount of alcohol, will not bring health to the body, as, indeed, harm. However, it is worth remembering that any beer is too quickly absorbed by the body, which leads to the appearance of excess weight. Excessive passion for even non-alcoholic products can lead to varicose veins, hormonal imbalance.

However, scientific researches were carried out, during which anti-carcinogenic properties of nonalcoholic beverages were revealed, however, it is too early to speak of real assistance of this product in the fight against, for example, tumors.

Behind the wheel

One of the reasons for the popularity of non-alcoholic beer lies in the opportunity to drink a bottle, while driving. The minimum percentage of alcohol in this drink will not clutter up the mind and will not show up in the blood during the test. To get drunk, you need to drink a few dozen liters. But remember the smell - if you are stopped, you will have to prove that you are not drunk.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Another category of connoisseurs of nonalcoholic beer is pregnant and lactating women. So they can feel on the same wavelength to the rest in a fun company or at a festive table. However, unlike drivers, for moms, it is not a harmless product. Alcohol in it is still contained, albeit in small amounts, and this may be enough to cause harm to the child. In addition to alcohol, various harmful additives and preservatives can be present in the composition, and they can be even worse than degrees.

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