HealthDiseases and Conditions

Stomach ulcer Symptoms. Causes of Emergence, Modern Methods of Treatment of Disease.

Many believe that peptic ulcer of the stomach appears due to a violation of diet, the pathology of mechanisms designed to regulate secretory-trophic processes in the stomach or duodenum. So believed until recently, the disease attributed to stress, smoking, alcohol abuse, drinking strong coffee. Of course, all these factors contribute to the disease, but the recent discovery of scientists has added the infectious nature of the disease caused by the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. A lot of discussions were held on account of the stomach ulcer as an independent disease or it affects the duodenum. At the moment, we can say with certainty that the stomach ulcer provokes and disease of the duodenum.

It is not rare that the stomach ulcer does not manifest itself, sometimes the symptoms of the stomach disease are poorly expressed, depend on the depth of the ulcer and the patient's tolerance of the patient. Symptoms of stomach ulcers are, as a rule, pain in the pit of stomach, vomiting with acidic contents, heartburn. In acute form of the disease, the patient experiences everyday pain and discomfort. Pain, usually, manifests itself on a skinny stomach, after eating, subsides and may occur again after a while. To exclude the diagnosis of other similar symptoms, the doctor sends the patient to an endoscopic examination. This method of diagnosis is the most reliable at the moment. In addition to diagnosing ulcers on the "eye", the doctor can take a piece of the mucous patient to examine it for the detection of pylori bacteria, perform local treatment and even stop bleeding.

At the moment, the drug treatment of stomach ulcers is the use of several drugs. The doctor will prescribe alkaline preparations to normalize the acidic environment of the stomach, the pH of the stomach contents may be 5.0 or more, and the administration of antibacterial agents is prescribed. High acidity of the stomach does not allow the healing of ulcers and leads to chronic inflammation. Antibiotics are designed to destroy Helicobacter pylori, which is able to settle in the gastric mucosa and cause the formation of stomach ulcers. To surgical intervention in the treatment of stomach ulcers are resorted only in emergency cases and if drug treatment has not given the proper effect. Sometimes it is better to remove some of the stomach ulcer than to let the disease spread into a malignant tumor.

To reduce the acidity of gastric juice is prescribed "Omeprazole." All this leads to a decrease in the occurrence of disease recurrences (relapses of the disease). If you smoke, you must quit smoking. Limit the use of coffee, spirits, coca cola, carbonated cheap drinks, they promote increased acid secretion of the stomach. Do not eat canned foods, spicy seasonings. Limit food intake in large portions and eat five times a day in small portions. Do not drink blood thinners, such as aspirin, etc. When taking medication, be sure to consult your doctor.

Medicines that can cause exacerbations of stomach ulcers: aspirin, steroid hormones, anti-inflammatory drugs, voltaren, methindole, orthophene.

When symptoms of stomach ulcers appear and suspected of this disease, consult a doctor immediately for a precise diagnosis. Do not neglect your health, since the ulcer is insidious by its complications and can lead to perforation of the ulcer and bleeding. When the ulcer is perforated, saving the patient's life can go on for minutes, and immediate surgical intervention is required.

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