HealthDiseases and Conditions

Muscular dystonia: timely diagnosis is the first step to recovery

In modern medicine there is a general collective concept of "dystonia", which is characterized by chaotic muscle contractions, resulting in a pathological violation of the natural position of the trunk, legs, or hands. Very often the diagnosis of muscular dystonia is placed just for newborn children, so the question of the essence of this anomaly is quite acute.

So, muscular dystonia in the baby has a lot of reasons, among which the most common is damage to the child's brain and birth trauma, as a result of circulatory disorders, cerebral hemorrhage, oxygen starvation during pregnancy and pathology during childbirth. We should not rule out the possibility that muscular dystonia may arise due to mutating hereditary diseases or after unauthorized administration of certain medications. However, very often it happens that even an experienced specialist can not reliably determine the root cause, in which case an overall prognosis "idiopathic muscle dystonia" is put, whose treatment, first of all, is focused on the speedy reduction of symptomatic reactions.

Often a similar anomaly arises, and because the child's body has slow, prolonged contractions of muscles, which subsequently lead to deformation of the trunk, hands, face, neck. Muscular dystonia in a child progresses at a very early age, and its symptoms are pronounced after an increased stress on the spine, for example, at the end of the day, after running or during long walking. And here it should be noted some paradoxical in its kind of regularity: thus, the early manifestation of this disease entails its long and difficult treatment; And, conversely, the adult patient has a reduced form of the same pathology, which proceeds and is treated much more easily. Also, one should not forget the fact that "outbreaks" of the disease are aggravated by mental stress, and during emotional calm they disappear unnoticeably.

What is the expression of muscular dystonia? First of all, small deviations are visually noticeable in sick children, in particular, the stiffness or limitedness of their motor activity. In addition, with the course of this disease, the tone is also different: hypertonus - increased muscle tension and hypotension - weakened muscle tension. It is also important to understand that the pathological process can affect both one muscle group and their complex, which indicates the dysfunction of both one limb and the whole organism, for example.

Today, physicians distinguish spasmodic dysphonia (defeat of the vocal muscles), blepharospasm (eye muscle pathology), scabies spasm ( arm muscles spasms ) and torticollis (neck muscles anomalies), and each of these types carries a negative contribution to the physiological development of the baby.

Timely diagnosis of muscular dystonia in infants can only be a sensible expert, but vigilant parents should also be alerted by unnatural gait and abnormal postures of the limbs or the entire trunk of their child. For this disease are also characterized by violations of motor manipulation and some inhibition of the baby's motor skills, delay in physical development, so to speak. Progressive muscular dystonia immobilizes a clinical patient and often leads to its partial disability at a later age, so a vigilant response to the problem will help to avoid such a sad fate. Such a diagnosis completely cures therapeutic massage and special therapeutic gymnastics, which today are massively recommended for adults and children alike.

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