Food and drinkRecipes

Meat and Yorkshire pudding: simple dishes for small gourmets

Deciding that her sweet child will be treated only by her own cooking dishes, she faces sooner or later the problem of a limited number of children's "right" recipes. That's when the English cuisine comes to the rescue . Or rather meat and yorkshire pudding. Why them? It's simple: the ingredients for these dishes will suit even the smallest gourmets.

Yorkshire pudding: we prepare the basis

Acquiring a cookbook revealing the secrets of English cuisine, my mother will be surprised to find that the cooking options and the ratio of products are a great many. That is why the simplest way of cooking will be revealed below (after all, any parent knows how difficult it is to devote a lot of time to culinary experiments when a small "typhoon" runs at home).

Which products should be prepared in advance? Firstly, flour in the amount of one hundred and thirty grams, and more simply, one glass. Secondly, milk. Enough will be two hundred milliliters, or the same measuring cup. Thirdly, there are four eggs. And finally, salt to taste and fat (animal or vegetable) for lubrication.

How to cook pudding? To begin with, a specified amount of flour must be sifted into a container with high sides. This is done in order that Yorkshire pudding acquired in the process of baking additional airiness. Next in a separate bowl, eggs are beaten and poured into a prepared flour, which is constantly stirred, with a thin trickle. After the homogeneous mixture has been formed, the turn of milk comes, the addition of which occurs according to the same scheme that was applied to the eggs. Finally, salt should be added (if required).

The pudding is baked in this way: the gas oven should be heated up to 220 degrees, and the electric oven - up to 240. In it, heat the baking dish (provided that silicone is not used), which then needs to be greased with the existing fat. Then pour the prepared semi-finished product and send it to bake for twenty to thirty minutes before the appearance of a golden-brown hue.

Yorkshire pudding can be served as an independent dish. But, adding to it a meat or fruit-curd puree, parents will arrange a real feast for the child. However, the question arises here, at what age can you offer such a dish to a small gourmet? If you follow the tables of introduction of complementary foods, then this pudding is suitable for the baby, who marked his first birthday.

Meat pudding: benefit and pleasure

A lot has been said about the benefits and value of meat for a growing organism. Children's nutritionists recommend offering a baby a day up to 70 grams of this product. But the trouble is: children who have late teeth eruptions are given a small set of dishes. Therefore, loving mothers should pay attention to such a simple and tasty dish as meat pudding.

Which products should be prepared in advance? Of course, meat. And, since we cook for the baby, it is better to give your preference to veal, but beef will also suit. The total amount is, as already mentioned, up to 70 grams. In this case, you can take ready-made baby meat sauce. Next, you need one yolk and milk in the amount of six tablespoons. In addition, you will need breadcrumbs in the amount of one teaspoon.

How to cook pudding? The process of preparation, of course, begins with mixing products. If preference was given to the usual boiled meat, then it should be passed through the meat grinder two times. After that, veal is combined with yolk, breadcrumbs and milk and mixed until a uniform mass. The resulting mixture can be poured or added to it finely chopped greens. After pour the semi-finished product into the mold and cook for a couple of twelve minutes. Apparently, the recipe is designed for gourmets from ten months.

In conclusion, it should be noted that both these puddings can be combined in one meal. To do this, bake Yorkshire pudding in a wider form in diameter than meat. And when served on the table to form a kind of "sandwich".

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