
Lobelia perennial

Lobelia perennial, in addition to beautiful flowers, has decorative leaves used for decoration of colorful compositions and landscaping of garden borders. Plants can be grown in special garden vases and balconies. Lobelia perennial has been a success with many gardeners because of abundant and long flowering. Flowering shrubs need to be cut regularly, after which they blossom until late autumn. In horticulture used mainly hybrid forms of lobelia. Lobelia cardinal or purple has bright red flowers, collected in spicate inflorescences, visible on a site from afar. The height of its inflorescences can reach a height of one meter, it grows well in wetlands. Lobelia stalks blossom blue-violet, beginning in the middle of summer. Lobelia perennial prefers sunny areas and bright lighting. Grow plants preferably on loose loamy and sandy loamy soils. When the soil is saturated with organic substances, lobelia does not bloom well, but has a lush coating of leaves. Regular, abundant watering is needed, as the flowering ceases when the soil dries up.

Lobelia reproduces perennial seeds, which are sown, beginning in February in seedlings. Varieties of plants with double flowers are propagated by cuttings. In the ground for seedlings it is desirable to add sand and peat. Very small seeds are sown, not sprinkled on top of the earth. Planted seeds should be poured from the spray gun and covered with greenhouse film or glass.
Seedlings are formed better in warm conditions. Optimally growing seedlings
Lobelia on the windowsill, and in May you can plant it directly in the flower garden.

Plant shoots are twice taken down. During the first dive between shoots make a distance of about 2 centimeters. The second dive is done when the flower bushes grow a little. The distance between the bushes is 6 cm. The plants are planted in the soil in early June, after the air is well
Warm up. When planting between the bushes, the lobes are left 15 cm. Plants like
Transplantation and for good growth requires constant rejuvenation at least one
Every two years. Long shoots need to pinch, and the bushes regularly pruned. To better bite the top of the plant pinch. Perennial species can be propagated by division and by radical cuttings. When growing lobelia, you need to remember that this plant is poisonous, some varieties are used as medicines. After the first flowering period, the lobel is cut to 5 cm in height, after which new flowering shoots are formed.

Lobelia look great on their own and embrace them "neighbors" so that the garden composition looks harmonious, quite difficult. In order not to disturb the balance of the flower garden, they can be grown as separate groups or in containers. Ampel lobelia looks beautiful in hanging flower beds and baskets. Her partner plants are the ageratum, balsam, verbena, cloves and rudbeckia. Cascade lobelia looks charmingly separate from other plants. This is a delicate plant with long hanging shoots forming a bush in the form of a ball. Frequent small flowers cover the entire plant completely. Coloring of flowers can be sirenovato-pink, purple, blue, white or bright blue. Cascade lobelia is unpretentious to growing conditions, compact, looks great in suspended structures and blooms profusely until the first frost, after which it must be transferred to a closed room. Suspended baskets with cascading lobels can decorate the balcony, loggia or terrace of a country house. The plant is resistant to wind, requires regular watering and very photophilous. Flowering lobelia can be transplanted, it is easy enough to transfer transplants.

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