Education, Languages
Linguistics of the text. Components related to communication
Linguistics of the text in modern interpretation is the relevance of certain semantic categories of the text and those internal laws of construction that ensure its coherence.
This approach to describing the text as a linguistic figure is not the only one.
Descriptive linguistics, the peak of its relevance in the 1920s-1950s (the founder - L. Bloomfield) - first of all, paid attention to the asemantic approach to the text. In this tradition, the text was considered as a collection of semantic units without revealing clear semantic links between them. More attention was paid to structural construction. Hence another term for descriptive linguistics is structuralism.
Linguistics of the text, considered in terms of relevant links, allocates in a special series such components of the text as repetitions. They can be lexical, grammatical, intonational, stylistic, etc.
Note: sometimes repetition in the text is considered a stylistic flaw. It should be noted that this is not always the case. In a speech, for example, of a scientific and publicistic nature, repetition can act as the main semantic core of general reasoning.
A lexical repetition is a repetition of the same word, or of one-root words. The repeat function can be different:
1. The designation of a large number of objects:
- For those villages, forests, forests, forests (Melnikov-Pechersky).
- On the platform people, people, crowded around.
2. Quality characteristic:
- But the most unexpected in the design were the blue-blue walls.
- In the darkness, the smoke coming from the chimney seemed white-white.
3. Emotion of the action:
- Winter, unusually damp this year, everything did not end and it did not end.
The definition of "linguistics" is not limited to an absolutely linguistic category, and such a concept as the linguistics of the text represents broad communication links with philosophy, logic, and such subsections as sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, artificial intelligence, etc.
In order for the text to be understood by the reader or listener, psychoemotional communication, expressed verbally, is important.
"Not every sentence can be excellent, but everyone should be good." The phrase belongs to the contemporary American writer Michael Cunningham. Paying great attention to the style of the text, he wrote: "Knowing how much effort and inspiration is spent writing a book, I can forgive the author a lot if each line is good and in place, and the book is written with fresh, bewitching language, even with all That the author used the same words that American writers used one hundred years ago. "
It is, first of all, the expression of a sentence expressed in the semantic connection of its constituent components in terms of their psycho-emotional impact on the reader.
M. Sarton wrote in the magazine Solitude: "Take home, create peace and order around yourself, if you can not create it inside yourself." Involving the reader in his personal world, advising how to escape from the inner trappings of doubts, reflections, confused feelings, , The author compels him to empathize with him.This can be expressed in a brief phrase: create an order around, if you can not create it inside.
Cohesion (coherence of text) is only one of the many categories by which linguistics of the text operates. In turn, each category is associated with certain terms: speech, text, sentence, etc. At the same time, it should be noted that, in view of its specificity, the terminology of the linguistics of the text is still in the making and development.
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