Spiritual developmentNumerology

When can I guess? Choose an auspicious day for predictions

Divination is a magical ritual designed to provide answers to questions about what awaits us in the future. For the results to be reliable, a number of rules and conditions must be observed. So, for example, it is possible to resort to fortuitous practices only at a certain time.

Let's try to figure out when you can guess, and at what time it's better not to ask questions of the universe.

Card reading. Fundamental rules

It is believed that Monday - a day for fortune telling is not the most suitable. So does the deceptive Moon. This luminary patronizes poets and lovers, but foretellers and magicians are not in honor.

Guessing on love and relationships is best in women's days - Wednesday and Friday. Questions about financial card cases are most often answered on Tuesday or Thursday. Saturday is suitable for predictions of the general plan.

It is impossible to guess on a Sunday, however, as well as on all other church holidays.

The days are not suitable for card guessing, cloudy, in which the heavens are covered with clouds.

According to the lunar calendar, it is easiest for a person to interact with subtle worlds on the 12th, 14th and 19th day. It is at this time that our intuition, the ability to perceive and process information become aggravated.

When starting to divination, do not forget that the more clearly formulated your question, the more accurate will be the answer to it. The time interval covered by card predictions is small.

Traditionally favorable days for any fortune-telling are the days of equinox and solstice, as well as the whole period of Christmas.

What day is coming for us?

As you already understood, in order to spread the cards, it is still necessary to select the right moment. But there are rituals for daily use: simple guessing on paper, bones, coins. You can resort to their help at any time in order to find out how the coming day will turn out.

If you are still only comprehending the basics of divination, the simplest ritual will suit you. It only requires a needle and a piece of paper. Prepare can be prepared in advance, in order to use the same template all the time.

We cut out the square from the paper and in two columns write the predictions on it:
Profitable offer
Financial loss
The attention of the authorities
Friendly support
Empty troubles
Old friend will meet

Only 14 phrases, but you can add to the list on your own. Now close your eyes and at random stick a needle in the list. What prediction falls out, that's what you expect for the coming day.

Keep in mind that the more often you resort to such guessings, the more accurate the predictions will be. When can we guess in this way? Every day, anytime. However, do not forget to retire and focus on the issue.

Divination with the appeal to the spirits presupposes a concrete answer to the question posed. Take an opaque vessel and 12 pieces of paper. Write on the six of them "yes" and another six "no." Then fold each and lower one by one into the vessel, uttering the name of the spirits: Anael, Mikael, Gabriel, Sabul, Cheret, Hut, Avanabil, Fataha, Tabasis, Bergen, Hraabis, Saidis. Shake the vessel, cover it with your left hand and say the spell: "Twelve spirits - demons (list again the entire list), answer me three questions, but do not laugh, but open the truth."
Do not ask confusing questions and do not repeat, even if the answer does not suit you. When can I guess? Any time when there is a serious problem. There is no need to alarm spirits over any trifles.

Fortune telling "weaving" for accuracy and informativeness does not pretend, but it is a good way to kill time, if there is nothing to do. Write on the piece of paper the name and surname of the person whose attitudes you are going to find out about. At the bottom, put numbers from one to a hundred and a date. All this is available in the form of a kind of matrix. Zeros do not need to be written.
We cross out the same numbers and those that give an addition of 10.
By the number of remaining figures you will know the attitude of you to whom you are guessing.

1 * 10 * 19 - loves,
2 * 11 * 20 - suspects of treason,
3 * 12 * 21 - is indifferent,
4 * 13 * 22 - sympathetic,
5 * 14 * 23 - shows attention,
6 * 15 * 24 - he (she) is not interested in you,
7 * 16 * 25 - will be together soon,
8 * 17 * 26 - he is drawn to you,
9 * 18 * 27 - your couple has a future.

Of course, such fortune-telling is seriously taken silly, they serve more for fun and pleasant pastime. When can you guess on paper? Anytime, as soon as it becomes boring.

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