HealthAlternative Medicine

Lilac oil - a wonderful medical product

Many people like lilacs. And in this there is absolutely nothing surprising. She pleases us with magnificent flowers and a wonderful pleasant aroma. True, not everyone knows what medicinal properties are possessed by lilac oil. But it can help the body cope with many diseases.

Oil of lilac. Indications for use

So, more. Lilac oil is most often used for joint diseases (rheumatism, gout, arthritis). Use the drug also in the treatment of bronchitis, colds, sore throats, influenza, as a means for inhalation. In aromatherapy, lilac oil is used to increase sexual attraction, female and male libido. Also treated with this herbal preparation are some skin diseases. In addition, this fragrance relieves stress and all sorts of nervous disorders.

Permanent and essential oil

These funds must be distinguished. Lilac oil is a complex matter. What does it mean? It is not just a "poor relative" of ethereal oil. Their properties are not identical. Although they are similar. Permanent oil perfectly complements the essential, as it can absorb those plant substances that are absent in essential oil.

Oil differs from each other not only in quality, but also in the method of production. Essential oil is extracted from the plant itself. Absolutely nothing is added to it. Permanent oil is obtained from leaves and flowers, placed in a container filled with vegetable oil. It is stored for about three weeks in a warm place. The darkened leaves and flowers are removed, replaced by fresh batches until all the fragrance is absorbed into the base oil. Until then it does not gain maximum strength.

Application of essential oil

And now in order. Essential oil of lilac is extracted from its tree bark. Its use can significantly reduce joint and muscle pain, and also alleviate the symptoms of respiratory diseases, and with continued use as inhalants - and completely get rid of them. Headaches and chills for colds are removed, if rubbed with whiskey oil. The exciting bright aroma successfully relieves of sexual disorders. Heals oil and skin inflammations - purulent pimples, acne, boils. In addition, it tones well and has antibacterial and antiviral effect. You can mix lilac oil with other oils. The main thing to remember is that it should be used only externally.

Essential oil of lilac - a rather economical means. For the aroma lamp, only five drops are needed, for aromatherapy - three, for the aroma - two. In the massage oil (ten grams) is added five drops of lilac oil. In the inhaler - two drops. For a compress, you need four drops per ten grams of alcohol. In cosmetic products, three to four drops are added to five milligrams. In colognes, perfumes and soaps, oil is added to perfume. In a word, this tool is multifunctional.

We insist on oil at home

The next option. You can make a real lilac oil at home. For this, gather flowers in May. Allow them to dry in the sun, and after - under the canopy. You can use both purple and white flowers. They contain not only essential oils, but also syringin (a special glycoside) and other organic substances.

During the flowering process, harvest the leaves as well. Only now you need to dry them immediately in the shade (in a well-ventilated room or outdoors). Leaves, like flowers, have healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

In equal proportions, mix the leaves with flowers. Three hundred grams of the mixture is poured with a liter of sunflower oil. Insists a means on the windowsill in a glass container for a month. The sun's rays should fall on the oil layer. Do not forget to shake the tincture from time to time. After a month, strain it and put it in the closet.

Helpful Tips

Lilac oil properties are endowed with very useful. The main thing is not to hurt yourself. For example, pay attention to the fact that this tool can treat skin diseases, but in the event that you need to do rubbing, skin areas prone to furuncles and rashes should be avoided.

Before applying the oil on the skin, heat it lightly on a water bath. Just follow the precautions. The temperature should be no more than forty degrees. If you are treating small joints of feet and brushes, try using warm baths.

Flowers and leaves must be collected in the forest park or outside the city. In general, away from factories and roads.

Follow these recommendations and you will receive a wonderful drug. The main thing is to know how to use it correctly. Pay attention also to individual portability. People prone to allergic reactions, before using the oil, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

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