HomelinessPest Control

Karbyshi: how to deal with them? Karbyshi in the garden - what to do

Every gardener and truck farmer puts a lot of labor and care in their plantations. Simultaneously with the planting of plants, they enter into a struggle with agricultural pests. Just the rodents, which inflict huge losses on agriculture, are hamsters or carboys. How to deal with them? This is exactly what will be discussed in this article.

Who are the Karbyshs?

Karbysh is a hamster ordinary. It is the largest representative of the subfamily of hamsters. The length of the body of an adult animal can reach 34 cm, the tail 8 cm. The average body weight of the animal is 700 g.

The animal has a soft and dense pile. Skin color is bright and contrasting. Karbysh from above can have a rusty-brown color, and the belly is black. On the sides in front there are two light spots separated by black fur. Bright spots can occur from the sides of the animal's head and behind the ears. In nature, there are absolutely black hamsters.

The muzzle of the carbish is of moderate length. The tail is dilated at the base and tapers towards the end. It is all covered with stiff and short hairs. Ears are short, the wrist and foot have a wide base. Claws are well expressed on the fingers.

The hamster ordinary differs wild and spiteful temper, often turning into aggression. Therefore, they can bite each other carbs. How to deal with them? The best means of these animals is a trap.

After a bite of a hamster, lacerations remain on the body, which can be dangerous, both for humans and for pets. These rodents are the distributors of more than 30 types of deadly diseases for humans.


Carbs are omnivorous. They like to eat greens, cereals, legumes. Do not pass by bulbs and roots. For the winter, the beast harvests up to 15 kg of reserves. Winter does not sleep. Can crawl to the surface at a temperature of -20 ° C.

By nature karbysh is similar to a rat and can be thrown at people. Poorly endures the summer heat. Able to die from the sun. He likes water reservoirs. Hamsters do not live in a herd. Single holes dig at a certain distance from each other.

The animal lives mainly in the forest-steppe and steppe. He prefers floodplain meadows and wetlands.

Most often the animal settles on cultivated areas, parks, rice fields, orchards, vegetable gardens and forest belts. Selitsya more on dense soils and less often on loose and sandy lands.

The way of life leads twilight, night. The rodent spends the whole day in a hole. Stocks for the winter hamster is in cheek pouches, which is placed about 46 grams of grain. The hamster separates the crops in the pantries by species. Do not be afraid of man and often live near dwelling houses karbysh. How to deal with them, to prevent their reproduction? Such a question is posed to them by people whose gardens and vegetable gardens have been affected by pests.


All rodents are especially prolific. Karbysh is no exception. The common hamsters breed in March and in April. During the season the female can bring about three broods. Every time, 8-15 cubs appear. How to deal with them? Karbyshi without timely measures of struggle will not leave a trace of crops in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to take immediate action.

What does the burrow hole look like?

Noru karbysh digs deep and complex. In length, it reaches about eight meters and more than a meter and a half in depth. From time to time, he settles in burrows where gophers used to live. Standard hamster burrow can have up to 5 exits, numerous storerooms and a nesting camera. In the pantry the animal stores its supplies. When the breeding season passes, the carbish animal returns to a lonely life. So how do you get rid of uninvited guests?

Karbyshi on the garden plot

Garden horticulture hamster causes great harm. His activity in the garden begins in the seedling period. At this time, the carbish (animal), like a pair of scissors, cuts off sprouts of cabbage, pumpkin, cucumber, carrot, onion.

In the summer, the animal destroys the fruits of courgettes, carrots, pumpkins, beets. The rodent loves onions and garlic. He does not refuse from squash and potatoes. Gnaws tubers and roots in plants. At this time, the pest not only destroys crops, but also stores potatoes, carrots, seeds for the winter.

Karbysh is distinguished by a great voracity, and harms in the garden, vegetable garden, it causes significant. All that he can not eat, takes with him. The farmers are constantly competing with him.

Methods of struggle

If a hamster has settled on the site, then all possible measures should be taken immediately to combat it. First of all, it is possible to put traps on an animal and how to fix them. Otherwise, the animal will go into the hole along with the trap.

The most popular method of combating a hamster is water, which is used to flood an animal's burrow. Water in the dwelling of the rodent needs to be poured a lot. Pour the liquid until the animal begins to choke and get out. This method of controlling the pest has its own disadvantages. Nora hamster has more than one way out. To mow the animal out of the burrow, the other outlets should be closed. The difficulty lies in the fact that the underground passageways of the dwelling can be stretched for several meters, and the outlet can be located on someone else's site.

Poison from rodents serves as one of the ways to control pests. A remedy for carboys with a poisonous substance is placed next to the animal's hole. From time to time, poisonous "feeders" are replenished.

In the fight with karbysh, a dog can come to the rescue. She is the enemy of the rodent. Catch a rat cat cat. She is specially trained in such hunting, and unlike a dog, she will not do much harm to the garden.

Will help remove rodents from the site of an ultrasonic repeller. The device produces specific mechanical and sound waves that are unpleasant for animals, so when they hear them, they leave the site.

If the carbage is planted in the garden area, then all the fruit trees should be fenced with a net of metal, since animals are capable of damaging the bark, and in some cases the tree is completely destroyed.

Chemicals from rodents

If a forest hamster-karbysh visited a country plot, then it can be removed using poison from rodents, which should be disposed near the dwelling. The most popular chemical products are:

  • "Storm". Poison acts quickly and efficiently. Possesses a mummifying property. It does not allow the animal's carcass to decay and excludes the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
  • The Clerat. Within 24 hours causes the death of the rodent. Reduces blood clotting and causes internal bleeding.
  • "Kilrath". Operates on the pest for a week. It has a bitter taste, so experts advise mixing the drug with grain, porridge, mashed potatoes and other baits.
  • "Varat". Bait in granules. Provides 100% eaten by the animal. Valid for 3-6 days.
  • Mororat. Mummifying bait. Produced in soft briquettes. Valid for 3-4 days. Contains the active ingredient brodifacum.
  • "The final". Produced in solid briquettes. Enriched with flavor additives, because of what rodents eat it with pleasure. It has water-repellent properties. It is suitable for use in humid places and at low temperatures.
  • "Rat death." It is based on the brodifacume. Causes bleeding and attacks of suffocation. The death of the rodent comes on the 5th-8th day.

The poison is laid out in the burrows of burrows. Feeders from the bait replenish from time to time.

Mechanical accessories

In the fight against pests, mechanical devices will not be superfluous. The kapkan on the carbage should be taken with an arc, designed for catching a small fur-bearing animal.

The charged device is located at the horizontal entrance to the dwelling of the animal. Since the carbish is able to drag the trap, it should be securely fixed to the ground.
Some people are fighting rodents with traps similar to mousetraps, only large in size. This trap, like the previous one, should be fixed. To get the animal into the trap faster, you can pour water into the hole. In this case, the hamster will jump out and immediately land in the trap.

To catch the animal used self-made traps. To make it, take a box with a lid that fits snugly. Two rubber bands are attached to the lid. They will press her. Under the lid put the rasp or stick. Put bait inside the box. The rodent rushes into the box and eats the bait. At this time, the cover closes behind him. Instead of a box, it is more appropriate to use a metal cage. Traps and traps are the best means of hamsters. With them, the question of how to withdraw karbychs, will be solved in a short time.

Ultrasonic scarers

Another effective tool that helps to remove the carbs from the site is the rodent repeller. This method of pest control is the most humane and safe. The device produces high-frequency ultrasonic waves, the frequency of which varies at a rate of 60 times per second. For rodents the sound produced becomes unbearable, and they try to move to another territory, without a hostile sound signal. Especially popular are the following devices:

  • "Typhoon". It can be used in the territory up to 220 m. It operates with a wide sound beam. It operates in two modes: soundless and sound. The first is used in living quarters, the second acts more efficiently and is used where people do not live.
  • "Grad". Works silently. It produces both sound and ultrasonic waves. There is a built-in flickering beam.
  • Electrokot. Repeller rodents affect not only sound waves, but also light flashes. There is a special annoying signal that maximally affects rodents.

Some gardeners to achieve the best result in the fight against underground pests instill an ultrasonic device into the ground and turn on. From their words, karbyshy leaves the garden for a short time.

Preventive measures

Undoubtedly, the carbish (how to get rid of a pest, it was described above) does more harm than good. Therefore, if all listed methods were ineffective, and the animal decided to return to the site, the gardeners are advised to temporarily refrain from planting, so that the animal had nothing to eat.

Another rodent will not be allowed to exist on the site of a dog or a cat. They need to start on a permanent basis, then from the troubles caused by karbyshom there will be no memories.

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