
"Tranquesipam": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Constant tension, stress at work and at home and other negative factors often lead to more serious problems in the psychoemotional sphere. Neuroses, neurotic and psychopathic states develop, they are accompanied by anxieties and fears, a depressed mood, irritability increases, sleep is broken ... It is almost impossible to cope on its own, and it is not worthwhile to start this state.

Modern medicine has a huge amount of funds that can get rid of unpleasant symptoms and bring back the joy of life. A major role in the treatment of such diseases is played by tranquilizers - soothing and relieving remedies. The doctor selects the medicine depending on the patient's condition. One of the highly effective tranquilizers can be called a relatively new drug "Tranquesipam".

Benzodiazepine tranquilizers

"Tranquesipam" is an analogue of the well-known "Fenazepam", the first benzodiazepine tranquilizer for many years. It was created in the USSR in the 70s of the last century. Benzodiazepine tranquilizers are second-generation tranquilizers that relieve anxiety, fear, emotional tension. At the same time, they have little effect on cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, etc. Among their shortcomings are rapid addiction, so you can not consume them longer than the doctor's appointed time. Most modern psychopharmacological agents refer specifically to this group. Because of the complex effect on the human body, these drugs are categorically forbidden to apply without the appointment and supervision of a doctor.

If you want to know details about treatment with such a drug as "Tranquesipam", instructions, reviews on the Internet will give a fairly complete picture of the effect of this tranquilizer even before the visit to the doctor.

Indications for use

"Tranquesipam" is used to treat a variety of diseases. It refers to the strongest benzodiazepines with a pronounced counter-anxiety effect.

In addition to treatment for increased anxiety, irritability, fears and phobias, this drug is indicated with such problems:

  • Neurotic and neurosis-like states;
  • Psychopathic and psychopathic conditions;
  • Mood imbalance and its sharp changes;
  • hypochondria;
  • Convulsive seizures;
  • Some types of epilepsy;
  • Instability of the autonomic nervous system (what is commonly called vegeto-vascular dystonia);
  • Increased muscle tone with the impossibility of relaxation, tics, etc.

Also, it is successfully used for abstinence syndrome (alcoholism, substance abuse), in the therapy of schizophrenia and for preliminary drug preparation for an initial anesthesia. In addition, it is used in neurological practice and anesthesiology "Tranquesipam". The instruction for the preparation contains a full list of indications.

Forms of release

"Tranquesipam" is available in two forms:

  • pills;
  • solution.

Tablets "Trunkwezipam" contain the main substance of the preparation bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine in an amount of 0.5 and 1 mg per tablet. Pills are packaged in 50 pieces in jars of dark glass or packed in 5 blisters for 10 tablets in cardboard boxes.

"Trunkwezipam" in ampoules contains 1 mg of bromodihydrochlorophenylbenzodiazepine per ml of solution. Intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration, it is sold in ampoules in pallets or in packages for 5 or 10 ampoules with an ampoule knife in the kit.

Effects of the drug

"Trunkwezipam" enhances the inhibitory effect of GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) on the transmission of nerve impulses. The drug has antiphobic, sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant properties, it is an excellent muscle relaxant of the central action (that is, it reduces the hypertonicity of skeletal musculature).

Antiphobic, or anxiolytic, the effect is manifested in a decrease in emotional tension, a sense of fear, anxiety, anxiety. Thanks to the sedative effect, neurotic signs of anxiety and fear also disappear. The process of falling asleep and sleep improves, anxious dreams disappear.

The use as an anticonvulsant inhibits the convulsive impulse, but does not remove the focus of excitation, therefore it can only be used as an additional remedy for the treatment of seizures of various origins.

When ingestion Trunkwezipam is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the maximum concentration is achieved in 1-2 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys in 6-18 hours.

Mode of application

The tablet preparation is administered orally in the usual manner. If you take "Tranquesipam" tablets, the instructions limit their intake to the following dosages:

  • Sleep disorders - 0.25-0.5 mg half an hour before bedtime;
  • With neurotic, psychopathic and similar conditions - 0.5-1 mg 2-3 times a day (after 4 days you can increase the dose to 4-6 mg per day if the drug is well tolerated);
  • With fear, anxiety - 3 mg per day, then the dose increases until the result is obtained;
  • With alcohol withdrawal - 2-5 mg per day;
  • With muscle hypertension - 2-3 mg per day.

If you need very quickly to stop fear, anxiety or psychotic conditions, apply a solution of "Tranquesipam". Instructions for use (in ampoules this drug is prescribed less often than in tablets) gives information that it can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly, the result can be obtained starting from 0.5 mg. But even in the most severe cases, the maximum dose of the drug is 9 mg.

Details on the dosage of the drug in other cases can be obtained by reading the instructions for "Tranquesipam". However, it is worth remembering that the maximum daily dose can not exceed 10 mg.

Be sure to check the doctor's prescriptions with those recommendations that give for treatment with a drug such as "Tranquesipam", instructions for use. Tablets should be taken in strictly defined doses, otherwise the treatment may prove ineffective or even harm. Therefore, if you have doubts about the dosage and frequency of admission prescribed to you, or they do not comply with the instructions, be sure to notify your doctor.


Any tranquilizer has a wide range of contraindications. Not escaped this fate and "Trunkwezipam." It is forbidden to take with severe myasthenia gravis, severe kidney and liver diseases (for example, with cirrhosis or Botkin's disease). Contraindication is poisoning with medications, such as other tranquilizers, neuroleptics, sleeping pills, as well as poisoning with drugs and alcohol.

Almost absolute contraindication is pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. "Tranquesipam" is able to have a teratogenic effect on the fetus (that is, it disrupts the development of tissues and organs and leads to congenital deformities). If the mother took this drug during pregnancy, then among other influences on the fetus, the central nervous system was depressed, breathing was impaired and the sucking reflex was suppressed in the newborn. In addition, the constant reception of "Tranquesipam" in the period of waiting for the child can lead to the development of withdrawal syndrome in a newborn. Therefore, during pregnancy, "Tranquesipam" is used only for vital indications.

In addition, from taking the drug should be refused during lactation and choose another drug (or stop breastfeeding while treating this tranquilizer, if the need for it is high). If the whole condition requires treatment with such a means as "Tranquesipam", the instruction warns about possible complications after its administration.

The drug should not be taken until the age of 18, since its safety and efficacy for children have not been investigated. In addition, among the contraindications - glaucoma (both in the stage of acute attack, and with predisposition), acute respiratory failure, shock, coma. When using "Trunkwezipam" during severe depression, there may be manifestations of suicidal tendencies. And of course, the tranquilizer should be withdrawn from hypersensitivity to any of its components. Therefore, before treatment, you need to get a doctor's advice, telling him about all the factors that may be an obstacle to taking the drug.

Side effects

The list of side effects of "Trunkwezipam", like any similar drug, is also quite large. The patient may experience dizziness, sometimes headache, fatigue, drowsiness, muscle weakness, complain of memory impairment, concentration of attention and coordination of movements and even dysarthria - pronunciation problems (especially if high doses are prescribed), sometimes insomnia. Usually this is manifested at the beginning of treatment, more often in the elderly and for the first time taking Trunkwezipam. The instructions for use contain mandatory information about possible side effects and the frequency of their manifestation.

Also, undesirable, but possible manifestations include muscular reactions - tremor, uncontrolled movements, including the eye, muscle spasms.

Often there is an unexplained excited state, euphoria or, on the contrary, excessive irritability, depressed mood, depression, outbursts of aggression. In extremely rare cases, there are suicidal tendencies and hallucinations. But most often these symptoms are manifested as a withdrawal syndrome - with a sharp cancellation or a sharp decrease in the dose of the drug.

If the sensitivity to the medicine can be followed by an allergic reaction, such as an itch or rash. Also, when taking Trunkwezipam, patients may complain of dry mouth, nausea and diarrhea or constipation and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract, for example heartburn, vomiting, decreased appetite, impaired liver function.

Not so often, but nevertheless incontinence or a delay of urine, infringement of function of kidneys are possible. In addition, there may be a decrease or increase in libido, dysmenorrhea in women. Do not forget about the addiction to the drug.

This is far from a complete list of side effects, but most of them are extremely rare and with a controlled reception of "Tranquesipam" may not appear at all. To reduce or remove side effects can be a drug such as "Mesocarb".

Precautions for taking Trunkwezipam

It is necessary to carefully finish the reception of this drug: it must be stopped gradually, gradually reducing the dose so as not to cause withdrawal syndrome. Sudden discontinuation may cause depression, irritability, insomnia, excessive sweating and other symptoms, especially if the drug was taken more than 8-12 weeks before.

"Tranquesipam" should not be taken during the management of vehicles and those whose profession is associated with increased concentration of attention. For the duration of treatment, alcohol should be discarded in any form.

If "Tranquesipam" is taken in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency, then it is necessary to control the hepatic enzymes and the picture of peripheral blood.

If the patient takes a tranquilizer for the first time, the dose of "Tranquesipam" should be lower than for patients who have already taken tranquilizers and antidepressants or who suffer from alcoholism.

Dependence on the drug occurs with long-term admission in doses of more than 4 mg per day. If you take Trunkwezipam for more than 3 weeks, the instructions for use recommend that you consult with your doctor about further use.

The drug should be immediately withdrawn if the respondent has such reactions as increased aggressiveness, convulsions, a sense of fear, especially thoughts of suicide or hallucinations. Problems with falling asleep, superficial sleep, etc., are also grounds for discontinuing the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Since these drugs are taken in conjunction with other medicines, you need to know about the effects of their on each other. For example, Tranquesipam reduces the effectiveness of Levodopa, increases the toxicity of Zidovudine.

If simultaneously with "Tranquesipam" neuroleptic, antiepileptic or hypnotic drugs or muscle relaxants are prescribed, then the effect of both agents is enhanced. But the same interaction occurs with the simultaneous reception of a tranquilizer and ethanol, which can lead to an increase in alcohol poisoning.

Hypotensive drugs increase the decrease in blood pressure in the treatment of "Trunkwezipam."

If you think that in your condition you need treatment with a drug such as "Tranquesipam", the instructions for use should be studied in advance. If the medicine is really shown to you, it is necessary to inform the attending physician about what medicines are already being taken.


Since "Tranquesipam" refers to the most extensive and popular group of benzodiazepines, if necessary, it is easy for him to find a suitable analogue. "Trunkwezipam" itself is an analogue of "Phenazepam", a well-known tranquilizer. In addition to it, you can note such drugs with a similar effect:

  • "Fesipam".
  • "Phenazepam-Ros."
  • "Fenorelaxan".
  • "Elzepam", as well as many others containing the same active substance in the basis.

They are similar in effect, but they can differ in price, in some components and as a result - in the presence and severity of side effects. In each case, the drug should be chosen by the doctor, it is he who determines which drug will suit the patient - "Phenazepam" or "Tranquesipam". Instructions for use of analogs are not considered, but gives the name of the active substance, according to which it is possible to determine whether tranquilizers are from the same group, that is, they act similarly on the same disease.


Most of the host Trunkwezipam note that this is actually a good drug. A wide spectrum of action and, despite the large list, poorly manifested side effects, and also the effectiveness allowed the tranquilizer to become one of the most sought-after medicines in its field. In simple words: it is an excellent sedative, good sleeping pills. In addition, it acts very quickly, it has a cumulative effect. The patient's life quickly returns to normal and becomes calm and joyful. In the reviews often mentioned the fact that a worthy replacement for "Phenazepam" is precisely "Tranquesipam".

Do not forget that the treatment with this medicine can be started only after the appointment of a doctor. The drug is sold only on prescription. Self-medication is extremely dangerous because of contraindications and possible side effects, so the first thing you should study after prescribing Tranquesipam is the instructions for use. Feedback from those who have already applied the drug is quite positive, but in almost everyone there is an important clarification: if strictly follow the prescriptions of the attending physician, Tranquesipam can solve many health problems without adding new ones, which will noticeably change life for the better.

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