HomelinessPest Control

Green soap for plants - a choice of real summer residents

Protecting your future harvest is one of the main concerns of any classic summer resident. Otherwise, his daily work is no different from the efforts of Sisyphus. In this case, all the achievements of modern chemical products are in progress. Most modern gardeners use pesticides (against harmful insects), herbicides (against weeds), fungicides (antiseptics).

Among other deadly chemical cocktails, green soap for plants has proved to be quite good. In a narrow circle of people for whom this topic is relevant, it is also called "potash."

This tool has long been used in agriculture. What is green plant soap ? A thick liquid of green or light brown color, which dissolves well in water. When using this drug, remember the concentration, it should not exceed 4%. If damage to plants is minimal, then 2% is quite sufficient. This is approximately 200 g per 10 liters of water. It can be used alone or as part of other chemical solutions. However, it is not recommended to add green soap for plants to phosphorous insecticides, Bordeaux liquid. This substance contains oils, natural fats, water, potassium salts. If you notice a small precipitate, do not worry. Just shake the liquid well.

In what cases can I use green soap for plants? Most often this product is used for spraying stone and pome fruits, vines and berries. This drug perfectly helps to cope with various diseases, which are the cause of a headache of any summer resident. And not just a summer resident. They can also handle indoor plants for various injuries. These include:

  • Powdery mildew. Especially effective is green soap for plants in combination with a sulfur solution. It is desirable to conduct the procedure in sunny and hot weather (the temperature is more than +20 degrees). Repeat treatment after two weeks is mandatory.
  • Brown spots or gray rot on plants. In this case, a solution of copper sulfate and soap will help. Again, re-treatment is required to fix the effect after 12 days.
  • Fighting aphids. A soap solution is sprayed on the plant, causing a jet from the bottom to accumulate parasites.
  • Fungal diseases. Green soap for plants will cope with this scourge. This treatment should be carried out every year to protect your plantations. The solution consists of three parts: green soap, carbofos and copper sulfate (in a ratio of 30: 2: 2, respectively). If you want to get rid of the spider mites, add 2 g nicotine sulfate to the mixture.

As you can see, this drug is effective and universal. If you decide to use green soap for plants for the first time, the instructions will tell you in detail how and what to do. Usually, there is nothing complicated in this procedure. The soap is diluted with water in accordance with the table. Spraying is best done in the morning or evening in dry weather without wind.

Despite the fact that soap is considered non-toxic, do not let this substance enter. It can cause irritation of mucous membranes, airways or vomiting. Therefore, it is worth remembering the safety rules.

Try and you green soap for plants. Reviews of other truck farmers are good, and all the nuances of the application you will easily find out during the procedure.

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