Homeliness, Pest Control
Aphids in cucumbers in the greenhouse: how to fight? Folk remedies. Methods of combating aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse: reviews, photos
Each gardener growing cucumbers, quite often meets with such a pest, as aphids, most comfortable feeling in a closed space, that is, in a greenhouse.
Aphids: how dangerous and how it looks?
The appearance of this insect is easy to determine: the leaves on the plant become flaccid and saggy, on their reverse side, as well as on flowers, ovaries and shoots, whole colonies of unwanted pests are easily seen.
Aphids, which are a small insect of green, black or yellowish color, are dangerous in the period when they begin to fly. It happens because of its strong concentration on one plant, which causes a shortage of food. Accordingly, the winged forms of the pest are born, which begin to fly to neighboring plants. As a result - aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse. How to deal with such a pest? Which methods to apply? How effective are they?
Lack of timeliness in taking measures to combat this pest can negate the thorough work of truck farmers, destroying most of the garden crops and, accordingly, the hope of obtaining a high yield.
Struggle for anticipation
Timely acceptance of preventive works will save plants from aphids. Methods of fighting aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse can be folk and using chemistry. But it is better to get ahead of the enemy with preventive measures, one of which is fumigation of greenhouses with sulfur smoke flasks. A square meter uses 50 grams of the drug. This operation is recommended in well-sealed greenhouses with wooden frames, because metal sulfurous anhydride acts destructively.
Also effective is the treatment of the internal space of the greenhouse, including inventory, with chlorine lime at the rate of 400 grams of the preparation per 10 liters of water. The solution should stand for a while. Sprinkle plants need a received liquid, and sediment can cover the shelves and other greenhouse structures.
One of the methods of struggle is the correct agrotechnology of cultivation
Simultaneously with the adoption of measures for the internal processing of greenhouses, it is recommended to increase the ability of fruits to resist pests. To do this, you must comply with the temperature regime. At night, the thermometer should not fall below 18 degrees. In the daytime the temperature is allowed no higher than 28 degrees. It is recommended to whiten the southern side of the greenhouse with chalk.
The correctness of the agrotechnical measures for cultivation of cucumbers is obligatory: observance of the planting terms, ventilation of the premises, timely addition of fertilizing.
We apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers
And yet, if aphids are found in cucumbers in a greenhouse, how to deal with it? Weekly foliar top dressing with phosphoric-potassium preparations will help. It is recommended to conduct them before the pest disappears completely. To prepare the solution, 10 grams of potassium chloride and 20 grams of superphosphate should be diluted in 10 liters of water.
The appearance of ants in the greenhouse is a harbinger of a more global trouble: aphids, the milk of which the ants eat. Therefore, when they penetrate the greenhouse, it is recommended to use special anti-form chalks.
How to deal with aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse? Effective in the control of aphids is planting on the perimeter of plant beds, which are particularly unpleasant for the pest. One of them is basil.
If, nevertheless, preventive measures have proved ineffective and there is a aphid on cucumbers in a greenhouse, how to fight? The photos show the danger of this small numerous enemy.
If the infection is slightly infected, the pests can be removed manually, carefully examining the bushes and cutting off leaves with accumulations of aphids. The green mass is then taken out of the greenhouse and burned, and the cucumber bushes are poured from the hose under high pressure.
Chemicals against greenhouse aphid
If aphids develop in cucumbers in a greenhouse, how to fight? Reviews gardeners tend in this case towards the use of chemicals such as Inta-Vir, Arrivo, Decis, Kinmix, Carbophos. Stop processing is required no later than a month before harvest.
Biological preparations that do not kill aphids are effective, but they infect her with diseases. As a result, the insect perishes at most in a week and a half. These drugs are absolutely safe and do not destroy the beneficial insects in the greenhouses . These are "Entobakterin", "Fitoverm", "Strela", "Akarin", "Peretrum". After their use, aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse will disappear.
How to fight? Folk remedies
Not every gardener is ready to apply chemistry on his beds, preferring harmless folk methods. Preparations made on the basis of natural ingredients are harmless, do not have side effects, quickly decompose, they are no less than chemical, and are afraid of aphids on cucumbers in the greenhouse. How to deal with such a small, but very dangerous pest with their help?
Effective enough and tested for years infusion of garlic. For its preparation, it is required to grind about a half-kilogram of this product, place it in a 3-liter container, fill with water and insist for 5 days. After this time in 10 liters of water, you need to dilute 60 grams of finished infusion and treat the cucumber with a spray.
The second way: garlic should be grinded, put into a bottle, add water in the same amount, soak for about 10 days in a tightly closed container. When spraying in 10 liters of water, dilute 25 ml of the product.
Garlic husks can also be used. To do this, 150 grams should be poured with 10 liters of water, soak for 24 hours and sprinkle plants immediately.
Effective in the fight against aphids. It is required to take 300 grams of its dried leaves, to insist in 10 liters of water, to sustain for two days, after which to apply.
You can use a dandelion. 400 grams of fresh roots and 600 grams of leaves chop, pour 10 liters of water, insist 3 hours and use as directed.
Against aphids, a wood soap solution is effective. To make it in a bucket of water, you need to add 2 large spoons of wood ashes, grate the household soap, mix until the components are completely dissolved.
Effective against aphids infusions wormwood, onion husks, hot peppers, sorrel leaves, tomato and potato leaves. An important condition is frequent spraying by them, because one-time treatment will not be enough: aphids will not disappear completely, it will start to multiply and destroy plants.
The natural enemy is a ladybug
A natural natural enemy of aphids are ladybugs. To attract them to the problem area along the perimeter of the latter, you can plant leafy mustard and dill, most loved by these winged insects.
You can also simply pick up the ladybirds and run them into the greenhouse, and there they will sort out the small and ruthless cucumber killer.
Tips for killing aphids
What should be remembered in order not to get acquainted with such a dangerous pest, as aphids on cucumbers in a greenhouse? How to deal with an unnamed enemy? And how not to allow his appearance on his site?
- Cucumber plantings should be treated in a timely manner, with a small number of pests.
- The prepared solutions should be used fresh, because their toxicity is short.
- The processing of cucumbers in a greenhouse should be done in the evening hours; During the day, preparations under the influence of ultraviolet radiation become ineffective.
- Do not apply funds during the flowering period, otherwise with aphids you can kill insect pollinators.
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