Health, Alternative Medicine
Ivan-tea: good and bad. How to properly brew a willow-tea
In Russia, from ancient times, they knew and actively used for such purposes long-standing grass such as ivan-tea. The benefits and harms of it were tested not by one generation of Rusich, but the recipes of medicinal decoctions and drinks from it were inherited.
Before describing the botanical characteristics of this plant, let's recall what it looks like. Each of us saw the grass repeatedly, but that's what it's called Ivan the tea, and could not guess. On the glades and roads, on deforestation and burnt areas since the end of spring, you can see this grass. The plant is rather tall and can grow up to two meters under favorable conditions. The leaves are long and narrow, and the top is decorated with an inflorescence in the form of a pyrene of siren-pink color. It is Chamerion angustifolium, better known to us as narrow-leaved willow-tea.
Botanical description
This perennial herb belongs to the Kipreiny family and is widespread throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Today, we know about 50 different types of willow-tea, growing on Earth. There are 17 species of this plant on the European territory of our country.
The stem of the willow-tea is erect and solitary, it can grow up to 2 meters in height. The root is creeping and powerful, its average length is about 1 m. Leaves are pointed oval in shape, with short petioles. Large, brightly colored in lilac-pink or purple hues, the flowers are gathered in a conical brush on the top of the plant. Blossomed in the middle of June, and continues to bloom for about one and a half months. After the fruit is formed - elongated boxes up to 8 cm long, filled with many small seeds with a tuft. Due to this adaptation, the seeds can spread by wind over considerable distances. Thanks to the many additional kidneys developing at the base of the root system, it is easy to vegetatively propagate ivan-tea. The benefit and harm of such a rapid and active spread is that this representative of the flora can quickly fill the places of forest fires, thus contributing to the faster growth of bushes and trees. On the other hand, if you have a dacha plot, overgrown with this grass, then it will be very difficult to overcome it.
How to properly call it?
Over the centuries, people called Ivan the tea in different ways. Properties and external characteristics of the plant gave rise to such names as:
- Kiprej;
- Dense tree;
- The concealer;
- Matovnik;
- firefighter;
- Miller;
- Fire grass;
- Kopor tea ;
- Clover;
- Down jacket;
- Get up-grass;
- Scribble;
- Breadbasket.
Breadbasket Ivan-tea began to be called because in former times, dried and ground its root was added to flour when kneaded and baked bread.
And what is in it?
In such a simple and everywhere found plant, like a spray, as scientists have found, contains a lot of minerals, vitamins and other necessary and useful substances for humans. First of all, it should be said that the leaves of this plant are several times higher than any citrus in the content of vitamin C, so that they can be used in the preparation of various vegetable spring mixes and vitamin salads.
In addition, in the composition of Ivan tea there are flavonoids such as quercetin and camferol, there are pyrogallic tannins and pectins, coumarins and organic acids. This herb contains such minerals and trace elements as iron and calcium, potassium and copper, magnesium and manganese, phosphorus and molybdenum, nickel and selenium, zinc and titanium, boron and sodium.
What helps?
About the curative properties of Ivan the tea, the Russian people already knew in the XII century, used it, and the poor and the rich. In which cases does it help?
- As a sedative, relaxing and hypnotic.
- Has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and mild sweatshop effect.
- Relieves headache and effectively helps with migraine attacks.
- Promotes an increase in the body's synthesis of T-lymphocytes, acting as an immunostimulant.
- Effective fights against pathogens.
- Accelerates the metabolism, which allows you to use it to treat diseases of the digestive system and combat excess weight.
- Used to prevent and treat prostate and prostate diseases.
How to make tea?
It should be remembered that from such plants as medicinal ivan-tea, it is possible to prepare several types of medicinal tea drinks, as well as various decoctions and infusions. The easiest way to get a cup of this drink is to buy a pack of already prepared and dried grass packed in sachets in a pharmacy.
Cooking broth and infusion
Having learned about how to properly make a tea, let's find out how to make a medicinal decoction from it: you need to take 3 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves, then pour them a glass of boiling water in an enameled container. We keep the dishes with grass and water in a mildly bubbling water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then cool the broth at room temperature and squeeze the thick with gauze. It should be taken before or during meals for a couple of tablespoons. Store the resulting broth can be no more than five days in the refrigerator.
To prepare the infusion from the spray, take 20 g of dry collection of willow-tea, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist for two hours at room temperature. Then it is filtered and taken 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon before eating.
Do not overdo it!
There are no special restrictions for the use of such herbs as ivan-tea. The benefits and harms depend only on whether the recommended dosage is observed. Since cyprus has rather strong antipyretic and sedative properties, doctors do not recommend taking drinks from it together with pharmaceutical preparations of similar effect. In addition, you should not drink tea from this plant every day, as with frequent intake begin to accumulate coumarins in the liver and have a toxic effect on it.
There are a number of painful conditions and diseases in which should be used with caution ivan-tea. The benefits and harms of it should be especially carefully monitored by doctors when taking the remedy by patients with:
- Varicose veins;
- Glomerulonephritis;
- Thrombophlebitis;
- Arrhythmia.
It is not necessary to apply ivan-tea to children under 6 years of age, and then should be used as carefully as possible. Pregnant and lactating women, so as not to harm the child, you must always get advice from your doctor before you start taking herbal teas or infusions of Cypriots.
How much does it cost?
In the pharmacy you can buy ivan-tea, the price of which can vary from 55 rubles and higher for 50 g. The cost of grass depends on the manufacturer and the place of collection of the spray. Of course, it is better to find, collect and dry it yourself, but here is an environmentally friendly place where this plant grows, quite a few. Yes, and with free time in modern people is quite problematic. In stores, too, you can find a willow-tea, the price will only be several times more than in the pharmacy. For the same 50 g will have to pay from 130 rubles and more. The assortment there, of course, is richer: there are mixtures of spray with various medicinal herbs and medicinal flowers.
Where and for how much to buy willow-tea, it's up to you, but remember that before you start taking this natural remedy, you need to consult with the doctor watching you, so as not to damage your own health.
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