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Radish with honey from cough: reviews, recipes and applications

Every mother knows how difficult it is to cure a child's cough. Well, if the disease passes without complications, that is, the body's resources are enough to overcome the invaders in the form of pathogens. And if not? Then we see a protracted inflammatory process that goes deep into the bronchi, and then into the lungs. Today we will talk about what can be done at the very first stage of the disease, when it is still possible to get by with folk remedies. And the best assistant for the parents at this time is a radish with honey from a cough. The responses of a large number of parents confirm that this tool works flawlessly, it is tasty and does not affect the family budget at all, unlike many pharmacy products.

Practical experience of cough treatment

Most parents passed this way. With the onset of autumn, we begin to give the children immunomodulators, to smear the nose with oxolin ointment. However, this does not always help, and the child falls ill. Next, we usually go to a pediatrician who prescribes medicines for a serious amount. These are a variety of syrups and tablets, sprays and teas. Often, there is no big effect from them. The next step is to purchase a nebulizer. This is a very good way to cure the effects of colds, but it's expensive, and not everyone can afford it. And here it is time to remember about the excellent, proven by centuries means - a radish with honey from a cough. The reviews have been confirmed hundreds of times: it's hard to come up with something better. Operates faultlessly.

Properties of bitter root

In fact, this knowledge is transmitted from generation to generation for a very long time. Your mothers and grandmothers knew perfectly well what the radish helps best with honey from coughing. Reviews of modern parents are no different: for children and adults, this remedy is simply wonderful. And what substances does it contain, what helps it to fight for the health of our respiratory system? First of all, it is a source of potassium, calcium and iron: these are minerals that are very necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system. Secondly, a large amount of essential oil, which is part of the radish, gives it the strongest bactericidal properties. But that's not all, so do not rush to brush when you are told that the radish is best saved by all the medicines with honey from coughing. The doctors' comments fully confirm this information, because according to the studies, it also contains a powerful antibacterial substance that is capable of destroying the cell walls of many microorganisms. It is called lysozyme, among other things, it also has mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, I want to note the presence in the root of a large number of vitamins C and B 6 , which very well help the body to withstand the attack of pathogens and viruses.

The different nature of coughing

When we discuss any drug, a reasonable question arises: in which cases can it really help, and in which it will be powerless. After all, we all know that the same type of symptoms can cause the flu virus, as well as numerous bacteria. Therefore, doctors and distinguish ARD and ARVI. Let us hasten to reassure you - in any case, a radish with honey from a cough will be very useful. Children are recommended to give it every time a cough occurs. Her juice is an excellent expectorant that helps to quickly get rid of phlegm and get rid of a cough. It is extremely important that the preparation of medicinal infusion does not take you much time. There are a lot of options for preparing it, today we will tell you about the most popular, simple and affordable.

Preparation of raw materials

What is a radish with honey? Recipe reviews are called an excellent option not only anti-inflammatory, but also mucolytic agent. In parallel, which is of no small importance, this agent exhibits excellent immunomodulatory properties. That is, it can be used for prevention, especially in the period of epidemics of acute respiratory diseases. Even complications in the form of sinusitis can be treated with juice of this healthy vegetable.

Familiar since childhood recipe

Remember, when we were small, the grandmothers prepared for us radish juice with honey from a cough? The reviews of many parents indicate that with these words immediately comes to life in memory a vegetable with a cut lid filled with sweet liquid. It is about this type of cooking now and will be discussed. First of all, you need to choose the largest root crop. Make sure that there are no signs of rotting on it. Now you need to thoroughly wash the radish and scald it with boiling water. Now you have to do the hardest thing: you need to take out the middle. This can be done with a knife or a spoon. It is not necessary to make the groove too large. As you choose the juice that is going to be collected, honey can be added and you will have a portion of your home medicine again.

Now go directly to the preparation of the drug. For this you will need to take honey. Its quantity depends on how big your radish is and how deep it is. It will take about half the time. The top part is not thrown out, it will serve as a lid, which can be closed on top of our root crop. It remains only to wait. And it takes quite a bit of time, after about an hour sweet and very useful juice will start to gather in it, and after four hours it will be completely filled with medicinal syrup. You can collect it in a separate cup and refill the cavity with honey.

Modified version

We continue to talk about such a wonderful remedy, like a radish with honey from a cough. Recipes, applications and feedback - this is exactly the topic of our today's conversation. If the first recipe does not please you, or this preparation seems too complicated, try to do it differently. You will need to take one large radish, wash it and peel it. Next, you need to cut it into small cubes. The received raw materials should be put in a glass jar and covered with gauze. It is very important not to tie tightly. Now you need to add to the radish two tablespoons of honey and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to insist 4-8 hours, after which the sweet syrup is ready for use. Do you remember how the cough used to be treated by a black radish with honey? The testimonies suggest: despite the fact that this tool has survived the century, nothing new has been invented until now.

Mode of application

Ready-made infusion should be given to a child one teaspoon 6-7 times a day. For an adult, this should be a tablespoon 7-10 times a day. Honey makes the juice sweet and pleasant to the taste, so you not only do not have to persuade the baby to take another dose of medicine, but on the contrary, hide the jar of syrup so that it does not earn allergies. It must be remembered that honey is a very strong allergen. One radish can be used for 3 days, after which it should be thrown out and the next one prepared. Do not forget to report each time a little honey, it's best to do it at night. This is how black radish with honey from cough will best manifest its properties. The reviews emphasize that relief comes in the first days.


Despite the whole benefit of this amazing natural remedy, one must also remember the contraindications, which, of course, exist. First of all, this is a high probability of allergic reactions. You must be completely sure that the child does not have any allergies to beekeeping products. It is permissible to use sugar or jam in this case, although the effect will be somewhat lower. Contraindications may be sick kidneys, so first consult your doctor. It is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, since caustic juice can cause irritation. This applies primarily to gastric and duodenal ulcers, as well as inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and other problems with the intestines. As you can see, the spectrum of contraindications is wide enough, so self-medication should not be dealt with.

Let's sum up the results

Today we considered an excellent tool for treating influenza and acute respiratory disease. This is a radish with honey from a cough. Recipe reviews are called first aid for children and adults. Natural syrup does not contain any harmful additives, and therefore can be used without fear to treat even young children. However, contraindications must be considered. If you have been treated only with expensive imported syrups from the pharmacy network, it's time to discover such an affordable and effective tool that is at hand at any time of the year.

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