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Folk remedies for snoring at home: reviews

Many people sometimes frantically begin to seek funds from snoring at home, finding out that they suddenly noticed this unpleasant phenomenon. For the most part, these searches are due to the fact that a person does not want to disturb the sleep of close people awakening from the sounds they make. If the snorer lives alone, he can not even guess about this shortcoming for years. It would seem, and for the better: without disturbing anyone, you can snore at your pleasure. However, this is not the case: you need to get rid of night sounds and in order to maintain your own health.

Why does a person snore?

Before looking for a remedy against snoring at home and experimenting with it, it is necessary to find out the cause of its appearance. In the main bulk, they boil down to the following:

  1. A set of excess weight.
  2. Inflammatory processes in the throat.

If snoring is characteristic of you throughout your life, most likely, it is caused by the peculiarities of the structure of the oral cavity, which include:

  1. Twisted nasal septum. For the most part, it's an innate feature, but it can also be acquired - if you get a blow to the nose.
  2. Narrow larynx - is given from birth.
  3. Your palatal tongue is somewhat elongated.

If snoring occurs in a pregnant woman, it can be caused by toxicosis in severe form. In this case, the means of snoring at home should be selected as carefully as possible, since many of them can harm an unborn baby. In later terms, a woman in pain can snore because the fruit is too large and supports the mother's lungs. In this situation, nothing should be done at all: snoring disappears immediately after birth.

Children snore rarely, only the carriers of the curved septum can be the snoring. If a similar phenomenon is noticed for a baby, this signal urgently needs to be carried to the doctor: the probability of adenoids formation or increase in glands is high.

Than snoring threatens

Of course, loud and persistent sounds at night interfere with everyone who hears them. But the remedy for snoring at home should be looked for not only in caring for others. Snoring involuntarily harms itself. Firstly, he does not get enough sleep, because he wakes himself up many times during the night. Hence - constant fatigue and a drop in efficiency. Secondly, because of snoring, the person regularly holds his breath. Let it last for a moment, but it repeats too often. So the blood is not saturated with oxygen enough, and the snoring begins to enter into a risk group: the likelihood of a stroke or heart attack increases every year, during which he snored. Statistics counts a lot of sudden deaths caused by this seemingly non-serious defect.

Disturbing symptoms

If a person lives not alone, he will be very quickly informed about "concerts" at night. Lonely also may not know that he already needs money from snoring at home. Doctors call to be vigilant and pay attention to such signs of ailment:

  1. Frequent spillages for unknown reasons. Most often they are caused by a temporary stop of breathing.
  2. Headaches after sleep. May be accompanied by a jump in pressure without any apparent reason for this.
  3. Desires to urinate at night. If you are often pulled to the toilet, it can signal a breathing delay: the kidneys in this situation begin to work more intensively.
  4. Without reasons, weight increases: the hormonal background is changing because of the same lack of oxygen.
  5. Frequent nightmares.
  6. The fall of the libido.
  7. Feeling of frustration immediately after recovery, accompanied by a desire to sleep again.

Of course, individually, the symptoms can talk about other problems. But if several are observed immediately, it's time to go to the doctor for a checkup.

Preventive measures

Whatever means of snoring at home you choose, without observing certain rules, they will be ineffective. First of all, accustom yourself to sleeping on your side: this position will significantly reduce the risk of sudden death. The second point: give up smoking, which increases the tendency to snoring. Third: six hours before bedtime, you can not drink sedatives and antihistamines. It is advisable to abandon sleeping pills and maximally remove alcohol from your life. If you are overweight, take steps to lose weight. Do not start inflammation in the throat: a chronic cough for you becomes deadly.


The impact on the active points of the ancient Chinese system is a slow-acting, but effective remedy for snoring at home. Acupuncture should be dealt with daily, pressing on each of the points at least 5-6 times.

  1. Zhao-hai: located on the closing of the plantar and back sides of each foot.
  2. Le-tsue: 3-4 centimeters above the wrist, from the side of the thumb.
  3. Wan-gu: above the fifth wrist bone, between the brush surfaces near the little finger.
  4. Shui-tu: is located at the bottom of the thyroid cartilage on the neck. With this point, you need to be careful: too intense exposure can cause dizziness.
  5. Xu-an-chi: what we know as the "solar plexus".
  6. Zhan-gu: the center of the foot from below.

The frequency and strength of snoring significantly reduced after a month of regular self-massage.

Folk remedies for snoring at home

Not only the Chinese fought with the mentioned sleep defect since ancient times. Our healers also developed a number of potions that help get rid of snoring.

  1. Fresh juice of cabbage mixed with an equal volume of honey. It is taken before going to bed, the course is designed for a month.
  2. Baked carrots in unlimited quantities. Strengthens the weakened walls of the larynx.
  3. Burying the nostrils with sea buckthorn oil for 3-4 hours before sleep.
  4. Rinse your throat with olive oil for about half a minute.
  5. Rinse with infusion of oak bark and calendula flowers. Preparations are taken in the amount of a teaspoon, filled with boiling water (a glass) and kept for two hours in a thermos bottle. The procedure is carried out after each meal.

Of course, the treatment of snoring at home with folk remedies must be accompanied by a struggle with the causes that caused it. Do not forget about the preventive recommendations outlined above.

Special exercises

These are very effective means of snoring at home, reviews of which are invariably positive, despite the fact that the exercises require perseverance and regularity. This "gymnastics" very quickly returns the elasticity of weakened muscles and relieves snoring, if it is not caused by physiological characteristics. The complex includes:

  1. Extension and retraction of the chin (at first you can help yourself with your hand).
  2. Pushing the tongue as far as possible down and up with a delay at the extreme points.
  3. Strong biting of the object with holding it, how much will stand. Attention: in order not to damage your teeth, take a wooden peg or cork.
  4. Simulation of the pronunciation of the "AND" sound without its sounding, with the strain of all the muscles involved in the pronunciation.
  5. Throat singing, if you can master it.

All exercises are done every day, no less than 30 times.

Danger of self-treatment

Before you choose a means of snoring at home, do not be lazy to go to the doctor. Perhaps you need specialized treatment, without which you can not get rid of snoring. In addition, some folk recipes may not apply to you because of your personal characteristics. And most importantly: if snoring is accompanied by interruption of breathing, you can unintentionally aggravate the situation and make it even more dangerous.

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