News and Society, Environment
Today, it is not a secret to anyone that humanity uses the riches of its planet in a barbarous manner, while not only taking everything that is possible, but also destroying the remaining.
That is why deforestation in our time has become one of the most important environmental problems. After all, if we continue to harass the "lungs" of the Earth at such a rate, then very soon there will not be a single tree left on it.
And what will become of us? After all, forests not only enrich the surrounding atmosphere with much-needed oxygen, but also are the main driving force in the water cycle. They take moisture out of the soil, and then, filtering and cleaning it, is released into the atmosphere, thereby increasing the humidity.
The damage caused by deforestation is so great that it threatens the planet with global warming. With their decrease, the amount of greenhouse gases increases.
Of course, for a man the enormous economic importance of the forest. Wood is used in the manufacture of more than twenty thousand different products. This is plastic, and synthetic rubber, and alcohol, and fertilizers, and paper, etc.
However, to consider the use of forests only in the materialistic aspect is very wrong. Human life is impossible without them as it is impossible without nature.
The problem of deforestation develops in parallel with the history of mankind, and the further the technical progress progresses, the sharper the issue of deforestation of our once very green planet. And the gradual development of infrastructure - roads, cities, agriculture - very much stimulates this process.
Deforestation is simply vital for agriculture, but in fact it is, quite primitively, causing very great damage to nature, burning trees to enrich the soil.
Traditionally, forests can be divided into three groups.
The first includes those that perform sanitary, water protection and health-improving functions, are protected areas, in a word, bear the most important ecological function. Deforestation of this group is strictly prohibited.
The second group includes those that have limited use. They are also important for the environment and are in densely populated areas with well-developed infrastructure. They are cut down partially, while carefully monitoring the timely restoration of the cut down trees.
And the third group is the operational forests, which can be cut down completely, and in their place it is necessary to plant new seedlings.
Russia largely depends on the forests that are on its territory. In addition to raw materials for industrial needs and valuable wood, this is more than a hundred species of berry, fruit and other plants, about 200 different medicinal and edible species of trees and shrubs, as well as mushrooms. To them you can add a huge number of game birds and animals that live in them: sable, squirrel, marten, beaver, wood grouse, hazel grouse, etc.
Scientists have estimated that about 80 percent of all flora and fauna species of the planet are in tropical forests, cutting down which results in the destruction of the ecosystem and the disappearance of so many plants, although some of them are indispensable components of many vital medicines.
According to the recently published UN report, world deforestation continues to grow at a tremendous rate. Each year more than 13 million hectares of green plantations are destroyed, only half of them are filled. And this means that a forest the size of a football field disappears from the face of the planet every day.
And although in Asia, several years ago, the area of green plantations began to increase, but the consequences of deforestation still make themselves felt.
Mankind has already learned a lot of sad examples in its history, showing what can be caused by unreasonable and barbaric deforestation, when once the green and living area can suddenly become a lifeless, uninhabited desert where it is no longer possible to live a person. A vivid example is the death of civilization on Easter Island.
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