HealthAlternative Medicine

Than useful pine nuts

Many of us often eat nuts, including cedar, but not everyone knows how useful pine nuts are. Research data indicate that the weight of the core of pine nuts is 43% of the weight of the whole nut. The core content is as follows: fat - 64%, nitrogenous substances - 19%, easily digestible proteins - 90% (containing up to 2% arginine), carbohydrates - 15%. Due to the quality composition of fat, proteins and other elements, pine nuts are considered very nutritious and healing. It is a useful fat that is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids (and this is linoleic acid), pine nuts stand out from the general list of all existing nuts.

Amino acid arginine is very useful in the development of an intensively growing body, so doctors often recommend eating pine nuts for children. Also, they can be eaten by pregnant women and, of course, teenagers, whose body is intensively formed in adolescence. However, do not give them to children under three years of age, since the reaction of the body to nuts can be an allergy. Until you establish the tolerability of a child's body of certain foods, including pine nuts, so as not to provoke allergic reactions, it is better for their child not to show at all.

Cedar infusion or than useful pine nuts

Siberian forests are rich in pine nuts, so the Siberians skillfully took advantage of this advantage and created a wonderful recipe for tinctures of pine nuts, which they called - "Cedar tincture." She has gained real popularity and love among cooks, who use it in cooking different dishes. However, this infusion is recommended to be used purely for medicinal purposes. Therefore, in each house, this tincture should be stored in the refrigerator in reserve.

And now we will describe the scheme by which you can prepare the infusion of pine nuts.

The first thing to do is to empty the nuts from the husks so that you end up with clean cores. Then they need to be poured with vodka (half a liter), before pouring into the bottle. In this form they must insist no more than forty days.

Within a month, this infusion of cedar nuts should be drunk according to the following pattern:

  • The first day - five drops;
  • The second day - ten drops;
  • The third day - fifteen drops ...

Thus, with the daily addition of five drops, it is necessary to reach twenty-five. After that, the scheme will change slightly and on the first day it is already necessary to drink five grams, on the second day - ten grams, and thus go out with daily use of the tincture to the amount of twenty-five grams.

At the conclusion of the scheme it is again necessary to return to the use of five drops.

Thus, you will feel what the pine nuts are useful for, getting rid of salt deposits, if they disturb you. Also this tincture works well for osteochondrosis and pains in the spine, beriberi. Even in prophylactic purposes, it is quite effective for the body.

A few more words about the usefulness of pine nuts, or rather how they are used in the preparation of lean milk and cream of vegetable, which are often much more useful than milk and even meat.

Dried nuts are cleaned from the film, rubbing in the palms of your hands. Then, placing them in a wooden mortar, it is necessary to grind, while adding a little water (hot). The resulting gruel should be poured into a pottery or pot and brought to a boil, placed in the oven or (if any) in the oven. In such a simple way, milk and vegetable cream from pine nuts are prepared. Before consumption, adding boiled water to them, you can get cedar lean milk, but you want to use cream for food, do not add water.

Using nut milk and cream as a medicinal product offered to us by folk medicine, you can get rid of breast diseases, from consumption. Now you also know how useful pine nuts are.

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