HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hypoglycemic coma

One of the life-threatening conditions is hypoglycemic coma, which develops, as a rule, in diabetic patients. If a person does not get help on time, then there is swelling in the brain. This condition in 95% of cases ends in death.

In addition, hypoglycemic coma is also dangerous because it develops very quickly. This condition arises from the fall in the sugar level below the critical level. This can occur because of an overdose of drugs that reduce it, or insulin.

The drop in blood sugar can be affected by a strong physical load, a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, a long break between eating. As a result, hypoglycemia occurs, the cause of which is insufficient glucose supply to brain cells.

Deficiency of sugar is provoked by a violation of diet, prolonged stress, mental stress, acute infection, starvation, liver failure. In addition, the cause of hypoglycemia can become a pancreatic tumor, because of which hypersecretion of insulin occurs.

At the very beginning, hypoglycemic conditions manifest themselves as follows:

  • Sweating;
  • weakness;
  • A feeling of hunger;
  • shiver.

If at this stage the person is not helped, then there is a headache, agitation, profuse sweating, anxiety, pupil dilating, dullness of consciousness and slowing of the pulse. The behavior of a person can resemble a state of intoxication.

Further, hypoglycemic coma develops, the sign of which is the lack of response to pupillary light. A person in this state seems to be asleep, but he does not react to touch.

If there is a suspicion that a person develops hypoglycemia, then it is necessary to increase the glucose level in the blood. For this, he needs to give jam, honey, sugar, potatoes, bread, candy, chocolate. You can give the patient a drink of sweet hot tea, coffee, juice, mors, water.

Then it is necessary to provide him with peace and care for several hours. On this day the patient needs to exclude physical activity and, if possible, do not leave the house.

It should be borne in mind that in a state of moderate severity that precedes a coma, it can be aggressive and refuse to eat. Therefore, measures must be taken immediately, as the very first signs appeared.

If the hypoglycemic coma has begun, then you can not try to pour anything into the patient's mouth. We need to call an ambulance. If there are appropriate skills, then inject intravenously 30 ml of glucose solution or intramuscularly 1 ml of Glucoin.

If these measures are not possible, then you can try to make an enema with 5% glucose solution. To do this, you need to enter it 250 ml. If you do not have this drug, you can dissolve a tablespoon of sugar in a glass of water.

In addition, it is effective to rub jam, honey, sugar syrup into the gums and inside the cheeks of the patient. You can remove a person from a mild hypoglycemic coma, causing severe pain. For example, pinch or hit on soft tissues. As a result, substances that block hypoklikemia are secreted.

It is necessary to understand that in such a situation every minute on the account and timely actions taken can save life and health. Since coma is the death of brain cells and irreversible changes occur in it.

So, hypoglycemic coma is a dangerous condition. At the first sign of his approach, you must eat or drink something sweet. Because hypoglycemia is a lack of glucose to brain cells, resulting in death. The longer this condition lasts, the more serious the consequences that are irreversible.

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