HealthDiseases and Conditions

High low pressure: what to do?

Increased or decreased pressure is a problem that plagues many people of the modern world. The lower pressure of the physician is called diastolic. This name comes from the state of rest of the heart muscle - diastole, because the lower value is measured exactly at rest. If the walls of capillaries and vessels lose their elasticity, blood circulation is disrupted, then a high lower pressure arises. What to do in this case? The main task is before the doctors, who should find out what caused the pathology of the cardiovascular system.

High low pressure: the causes of its occurrence.

Typically, this condition is the result of excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, prolonged smoking or malnutrition. A special place in the life of each person is the movement. The development of scientific and technological progress has made life easier for people, that they practically do not have to move. And indeed, for movement, either personal or public transport is used, all the hard work for us is performed by various devices. In daily bustle, there is little time and effort to attend the gym, but this kind of exercise is simply necessary in order to be healthy and keep your body in shape.

High low pressure: what to do?

An increase in diastolic pressure is considered the first bell, which screams for the need for change. Pay close attention to their food. Abuse of food, full of fats and various flavor enhancers, will soon lead to exactly this result. And the salt in this case plays not the last role, it is not for nothing that it was nicknamed "white death". A large amount of salt in the body leads to fluid stagnation.

For the health of the heart muscle, you need to provide it with a constant source of energy, which can only give natural products that are properly cooked. Salt and other seasonings, food additives are better to exclude altogether, and in extreme cases only in small quantities. Fatty dishes, sweets and fast food should be replaced with foods rich in vitamin and minerals, for example, you can snack with dried fruits instead of sweets. To stabilize the pressure, a drug such as panangin is used, since it contains magnesium and potassium: substances that ensure the normal activity of the cardiovascular system.

Why is high low pressure considered dangerous? When the walls of the vessels are not able, as before, to perform their functions, cholesterol plaques are formed. And they, in turn, can lead to the activation of some serious diseases.

If the above methods of struggle do not help normalize the high lower pressure, what should I do next? Of course, do not wait for significant improvements, you need to seek help from a specialist. Most likely, the doctor will advise you to hand over all the necessary tests in order to reveal the exact cause of this state of affairs.

Do not neglect the help of a qualified doctor, because sometimes an increase in diastolic pressure may be a symptom of serious problems with the kidneys, for example, polycystic or pyelonephritis, some disorders of the endocrine system.

So, on all the questions you are interested in about the high low pressure (what to do with it, what treatments exist, etc.) only a doctor can give a clear answer, which also will reveal the cause and will conduct detailed consultation regarding treatment. Self-medication will not bring such a tangible effect, and may even do harm, so before taking any remedy, it is better to listen to the recommendations after all.

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