Health, Diseases and Conditions
Infectious disease gastroenteritis: treatment, symptoms and causes.
Gastroenteritis is commonly referred to as an infectious disease that affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In general, this disease is accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Most often gastroenteritis is a disease in young children. Therefore, if your child complains of the symptoms characteristic of a disease such as gastroenteritis, how to treat and what medicines to take, all your doctor will tell you. Self-medication is not recommended.
Developed countries with a similar infection cope quickly, and outbreaks of the disease are mostly single. What can not be said about the underdeveloped countries, where there is a deficit of clean water. Therefore, there gastroenteritis takes the lives of thousands of children every year.
The main symptoms of this disease are the following: frequent loose stools, possibly a fever, as well as vomiting and nausea, all accompanied by abdominal pain. Of course, the symptoms in each case are expressed in different ways, depending on many factors. The chair, as a rule, has a watery consistency with a very unpleasant odor, and it can also stand out with flakes or herbs. Depending on the different types of intestinal infection, blood or mucus may be present in the stool. It should be noted that children with gastroenteritis experience a significant temperature increase. And, in addition, possible febrile convulsions, especially common in young children. Therefore, if your child falls ill with such a disease as gastroenteritis, treatment should be carried out as soon as possible and with all seriousness. Such viral infections can accompany abdominal cramps.
The incubation period of this disease varies from several hours to several days. The disease is caused by pathogenic bacteria (viruses). Antibiotics with viruses can not cope, therefore in treatment they do not include. In addition, with a disease such as gastroenteritis, treatment is not recommended for use with drugs used for diarrhea. Since such drugs do not contribute to the rapid withdrawal of pathogens from the intestine, but have the opposite effect.
"Disease of dirty hands" - this is often referred to as a disease and not for nothing. As a rule, the causative agents of the disease in our body get through dirty household items along with contaminated products, water, etc. Any person, not observing the rules of the sanitary-hygienic regime, can be the carrier of the infection, allocating pathogenic pathogens to the environment. Moreover, the carrier of infection may not show signs of illness. In any case, having become ill with such a disease as gastroenteritis, treatment should be brought to the full stage of recovery in order to avoid negative cases in the future.
An interesting fact is that in more than 60% of cases of gastroenteritis, the disease was caused by rotavirus, which is especially active in winter.
Bacteria that cause gastroenteritis.
To such bacteria it is possible to carry an E. coli, staphylococcus, salmonella, dysentery bacteria, etc. Often, intestinal infections can occur due to foods that have not been thermally processed. Destructive role in this matter can also play utensils and household items, which are stored in inadmissible conditions.
Diet and treatment.
With such a disease as gastroenteritis, treatment is carried out in several stages. The first stage includes fasting, copious drinking. Also prescribe antibacterial drugs, after which you should drink a bifidum substance. As a rule, a diet with gastroenteritis is appointed by a doctor-dietitian, who will install the necessary set of products. If the case of the disease is neglected - it is possible to use infusion therapy. With gastroenteritis, physiotherapy has a good effect.
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