Health, Diseases and Conditions
Increased hairiness
Today, increased hairiness in society is a phobia. That is why many people either shave visible hairs, or get rid of them by any other method. But from them at the present time not only women are released, but men are also carried away by it. And in the past, everything natural was considered beautiful. For example, in India, hair on the female breast was considered a kind of divine sign.
Although the female sex is very rarely faced with a similar problem, many of its representatives direct all their efforts to combat it. It can be like a single hair somewhere on the chin, and a rather intense hairiness, which makes a woman sometimes difficult to distinguish from a man.
A similar manifestation is observed in those cases when the female body has a lot of androgens (male hormones). Across the world, approximately 5-8% of the population of the fair sex suffers from increased hairiness. But even a small percentage, but in fact, there are quite a lot of women with this problem - this disease is inherent in every 20th.
Increased hairiness in other words is called hypertrichosis - excessive growth of terminal and canine hair directly in those places where such growth is the norm, regardless of sex. At the same time, of course, age and national characteristics are taken into account. For example, the norm is the growth of hair in women on the shins. With increasing intensity of their growth, this situation is estimated as hypertrichosis.
The appearance of terminal hair on the chest is called hirsutism. Normal hairiness of men on the chest is considered. But when too many of them appear, it will also be called hypertrichosis. Such a disease can be acquired and congenital.
So, in the case of congenital hypertrichosis, hair is noted on the body at birth. And acquired, as a rule, occurs when exposed to certain chemicals, or when using certain drugs, as well as after skin injuries.
In the congenital such a disease, the causes of its appearance can be various factors that can be called genetic. Hair growth in this case can be noted not only in limited areas of the skin, but also throughout the body. Often, this pathology can be determined even during the development of the child inside the womb of the mother.
Increased hairiness acquired is the result of the use of certain drugs or continuous mechanical action (with constant pressure on the skin can grow hair on it). In addition, this disease can develop after the actions of certain chemicals, as well as be a consequence of the syndrome of polycystic ovaries.
This syndrome requires treatment with hormonal drugs, with a congenital ailment - epilation, and with the acquired - replacement of the drug used with an analogue or depilation. For prevention, cosmetic procedures using paraffin masks, various methods of peeling, the use of nutritious creams and irradiation of UFL should be excluded. And also, various kinds of chemical and mechanical effects on the skin should be avoided.
Many believe that the increased hairiness in men in different parts of the body is directly related to their temperament. From this it follows that men with a normal level of hair on the body are not distinguished by a special "charm". But it is worth noting that experienced experts have long denied such a mistaken opinion.
So, for example, for a number of peoples (Arabs, Caucasians, Jews), an increased degree of hair cover is their natural state. While there are much more temperamental "hairless" Asians. This or that quantity of hair is connected not only with national identity, but also with features of hormonal development of an organism and age of the person.
In addition, increased hairiness on the back and chest of a man often indicates a pathology of the adrenal gland that causes early puberty. And also can be a consequence of hypertrichosis.
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