HealthDiseases and Conditions

Vegeto-vascular dystonia in children. Analysis of the causes and recommendations for treatment.

Vegeto vascular dystonia in children is manifested by certain symptoms that characterize a number of disorders in the autonomic function of the child's body. Today, such a diagnosis is known only in the post-Soviet space, but when it is formulated, a single opinion is still not adhered to. It is generally accepted that the diagnosis of the VSD itself is not particularly dangerous, but, in combination with some negative factors, in some cases provokes the development of complications: peptic ulcer, gastritis, allergic reactions, cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma.

Factors affecting the development of a complex of symptoms of VSD are quite a lot:

  • heredity;
  • Hormonal restructuring of the teenager's body;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Stress, nervous and depressive conditions;
  • Pregnancy, complicated by fetal hypoxia;
  • Infantile disease;
  • Unsuitable climatic conditions and diet;
  • Trauma of the brain during childbirth and lesions of the central nervous system.

Vascular dystonia, symptoms depending on the type of disorders .

Vegeto vascular dystonia in children is manifested by these types of disorders and symptoms:

  • Heart type is manifested by pain in the heart and abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.
  • Hypertensive type is accompanied by increased pressure in the state of rest of the child.
  • The hypotensive type is manifested by reduced pressure without obvious causes.

Vegeto vascular dystonia in children is already determined from the first year of life: restless sleep, frequent regurgitation, sensitivity to allergens and reduced appetite. Vascular dystonia, the symptoms of which have already appeared, from the second year of life is complicated by frequent and prolonged catarrhal diseases, which are characterized by residual symptoms in the form of a long subfebrile condition after recovery. At the same time during the sleep the thermoregulation is normalized, but the arms and legs of the child are always cool, even with a significant increase in body temperature.

The child often complains of weakness and headache, he has unstable attention and repeated nervous breakdowns. Such children are long susceptible to ARI and ARI, up to adolescence.

Babies often behave inadequately, their behavior often varies from one extreme to another: the child is often aggressive and conflicting, and sometimes whiny, touchy.

Vegeto vascular dystonia in children, treatment methods.

Vascular dystonia, whose treatment is often difficult, should be considered taking into account the psychological side of this issue. Parents are not recommended to pay excessive attention to the symptoms of the disease, it is much more useful to educate the child's love for proper nutrition and an active lifestyle. Carrying out direct doctor's advice aimed at normalizing the state of health, it is necessary to create positive conditions for the removal of symptoms of the disease and complete recovery. In this case, do not forget that every child is individual, and you need to approach treatment, based on the needs of the baby.

Necessity of observing the correct regime of the day is an important aspect of such a disease as vascular dystonia, whose treatment is impossible without moderate physical exertion, adequate sleep and regular nutrition. Mental load, too, should not be excessive, they need to be dosed.

Extremely useful are sports, in particular, skating and skiing, swimming, tennis, bicycle and others. We must always take into account all the wishes of the child, so that the tension from pursuing an unloved business does not serve as an evil joke and does not cause an exacerbation of the disease.

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