To date, money is almost the only source of all the benefits, so it is quite clear why a person seeks to earn them as much as possible. In this case, absolutely any methods are used. We even aspire to see them not only in reality, but also in our dreams, we are interested in what we dream about money. Even if this does not lead to an increase in wages or the finding of a suitcase with a million on the street, we stubbornly believe that if the dream was associated with green "pieces of paper," it will come true.
Have you ever thought about why people so blindly believe in signs? Why do they begin to be interested, for example, that they dream about money or luxury? If you think and judge, because all things have absolutely no evidence base, so you can not be sure that one or another of them will come true. Blind faith is another matter. So you, being interested in such, believe that if you dreamed something "money" in your dream, then the dream will necessarily be prophetic. And by a lucky chance the next day you find a few bills on the street. Immediately there is a belief that it was the dream that helped to "earn" this money. You immediately start to be proud of yourself. And think about what was not in vain interested in the fact that dreams about money. But this is just a self-suggestion. In fact, the situation with the receipt of wages and the dream seen the day before is absolutely unrelated, it is an illusion. Believe it or not - it's your business. We will tell you that dreams about money.
The first sign that you will be hit by a huge flow of green "pieces of paper" is to see a bunch of feces. And do not underestimate the importance of this dream, because many believe that it is she (the same pile) that can contribute to financial well-being. In addition, the more it is, the better for you. And if you stepped into it, then green bills will not leave you for a long time.
You dream of money, and you blindly believe that it will be so? And here not. In this case, psychology interferes with the matter. In this situation, experts argue that your subconscious during the sleep period is trying to solve any financial problems. Therefore, it is quite possible that you, waking up, will simply find a way out of the current situation, but you should not wait for the cash flow to fall on you.
There are a few things that can dream of a quick profit. For example, in a dream you will sign any very important documents or you will see a running person. In the latter case, the citizen must run to meet you, otherwise you will lose a significant part of the green "papers". In this case, the further a person runs away from you, the more you spend or lose.
Surely you should not explain why the theft of money is dreaming. Of course, you can not say that you are going to be robbed the other day, but you can think about this topic. Perhaps your subconscious mind gives you some signs of an approaching danger that you do not notice in reality. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be cautious and cautious in the near future.