Health, Alternative Medicine
Alocasia: medicinal properties and application in folk medicine, photo
Alocasia is a decorative and deciduous plant. Very often it is used to decorate the interiors of apartments and offices, which is due to its amazing exotic beauty.
But the owners of this tropical flower very often do not even assume that they have something very unusual with the plant - healing and poisonous at the same time.
In this article we will consider in detail what is alocasia - the medicinal properties and use of this plant.
Alocasia (arum) is an evergreen perennial ornamental tuberous herbaceous house plant of the family of aroids with large dense oval-cordate leaves on juicy long petioles and thick rhizome. It is amazingly beautiful large leaves are the main decoration of this flower. They can be green, mottled, and also with very thick veins. It is also interesting that on the stem of their grows no more than 3, because when the fourth leaf appears, the very first withers, then dies. Most likely, therefore, this flower is popularly called "trefoil", while the whole stem is covered with scars from previously dried leaves.
The alocasia plant, whose medicinal properties are described in the article below, is quite large. It reaches a height of one, periodically and two meters, depending on the particular species.
Chemical composition
Initially, it must be emphasized that the chemical composition of the arma has not been studied sufficiently. But the studies that were conducted by the Altai State Medical University and the Altai State University showed that alocasia large-rooted (its medicinal properties are actively used in folk medicine) contains poisons, as well as mercury.
Also, scientists found the presence of biologically active substances in the armo, among them: flavonoids, quercetin, licouroside and hyperoside, alkaloids and coumarins. In the alocasia, 5 different alkaloids were found, one of them is similar in composition to the aymalin and quinine.
In addition, studies have revealed the complete absence in the armata of anthracene derivatives, tannic and saponins substances, fluroglucins and cardiac glycosides.
Alocasia plant: medicinal properties
With its strong virulence, and probably thanks to it, the arm has long been used in traditional medicine in China to treat cancer. The anti-cancer potential of the plant, namely its aqueous extract, was studied at the University of Sichuan. There it was proved that the growth of the hepatoma is suppressed by the alocasia of Polly, the therapeutic properties of which are not limited to this only.
In general, the arm is the strongest biogenic stimulant, which possesses high phytoncidal properties, excellent medicinal action, in addition, it strengthens the immune system. Tincture of this plant also helps with rheumatism, thrombophlebitis, allergies, polyarthritis, hemorrhoids, with a variety of skin diseases, including psoriasis. Arma is also used for the treatment of gout and spurs, with the deposition of salts, paralysis, tuberculosis, an increase in the thyroid gland, various tumors, myomas and mastopathies.
And connoisseurs of traditional Chinese medicine recommend this tincture for pneumonia, pain in the intestines and stomach, toothache.
But you need to remember that the expediency of using such drugs can be determined only by a qualified doctor, in which case self-medication can have negative consequences.
In case you have recommendations, then we will consider the recipe for tincture from alocacia, which can be prepared at home.
Alocasia tincture
Tincture is prepared with the use of alcohol or vodka. Leaves of the plant must be crushed in plastic or porcelain dishes and pour vodka (1: 1). It is necessary to insist in a dark place for about 14 days (more often it is recommended three weeks). The drug is used externally in the form of compresses, rubs or lotions with a variety of dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, etc.), thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids.
Paste of leaves
Kashitsu is prepared from fresh leaves of the plant, grinding them in a porcelain or wooden mortar. The finished product is used in the form of compresses for the treatment of rheumatic and articular diseases, in dermatological practice.
Aloccasia: the therapeutic properties of ointments
This medication can be prepared with the use of gruel, which is obtained from grinding the leaves of the plant, mixing them with a fatty basis (lanolin, petrolatum, smalets, etc.). This ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 weeks. It can also be made from alocacia tincture, mixing it with the base (1: 4). The storage time is almost unlimited for this ointment from the alocasia plant. The healing properties (photos in this article) of this remedy relieve pain with arthrosis, arthritis and rheumatism, help with the healing of trophic ulcers.
Alocasia oil
Oil is made on the basis of gruel, an oil extraction method. It is recommended to use non-drying oils as an extractant, for example, olive oil. The finished product, prepared from the leaf of the plant, you need to pour 100 ml of oil and stand for two weeks in a jar of dark glass. After the infusion, the mixture must be filtered, and then squeezed out the remainder. Keep the drug can be for three months in a cool place. Oil from the alocasia plant, the medicinal properties of which are described in detail in this article, is used for rubbing or as compresses for joint and rheumatic pains.
The infusion is prepared in a "hot way". To do this, alocasia (a flower whose healing properties help with joint pains) is crushed, the raw material is poured in a thermos with a liter of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 1 hour. This is enough to create a bath with a volume of up to 10 liters. Such procedures for gouty cones should be done every day before bedtime; The exposure period is 20 minutes. After the procedure, the joints must be wrapped with a wool cloth.
Infusion of leaves
The active substances that form part of the arma are destroyed by exposure to high temperatures, therefore, all preparations must be prepared "by a cold method." To prepare water infusion, you need boiled chilled water. She poured shredded alocasia (flower), the medicinal properties of which help cope with various skin diseases. The period of infusion is about one day. Therapeutic infusion can be stored for a maximum of 24 hours. The drug should be used for rinsing, compresses and lotions.
Aloccasia salted
Salting leaves of the plant is carried out for the preparation of medicinal raw materials. For each sheet of arma you will need 2 tablespoons of salt. Raw materials need to be crushed, then mix thoroughly with salt. Ready mix put for 24 hours under oppression. This raw material is enough to prepare a tray with a volume of up to 20 liters.
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