Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why does the green grass on the meadow dream?

Many people are sure that dreams are not just beautiful pictures. They believe that these are some messages that can predict the future. That is why in this article I want to tell you about what the green grass is dreaming about.


If a person has a dream of green grass, you need to remember under what circumstances she appeared. So, to clarify important even the most seemingly insignificant details: where it grew, what color it was, who else was near. Depending on this, the treatment of sleep will also differ. However, in general, green grass is a symbol of hope and good health.

Lying on the grass

So, what is the dream of a green grass, if you imagined that you were lying on it? So, it is very important to remember in which position it was:

  1. Lie on the grass on the back - to a long trip.
  2. Lying on your stomach - to rest in the midst of your native places - cities, villages.
  3. If, in a dream, the sleeper lay on any side, he would have to rest at home.

In a dream had to fall on the grassy cover - in reality, can expect a stand-up or betrayal on the part of a loved one. If the sleeper tried to get up from the grass, but he did not succeed, in that case it is worth to beware of the meanness of friends and comrades. Also, you have to be extremely careful in the workplace, because you can substitute employees.

Appearance of grass

Still to what does the green grass dream? To answer this question, you need to consider the vegetation itself.

  1. If the grass is high, the sleeper can soon be offered a new job or a better job.
  2. If the grass is very low, then most likely you will have to take on other people's functions and obligations.
  3. Why does the green grass with flowers dream? In this case, we are talking about the personal relationships of lovers. Flowers are torn - to be a wedding. If they just crumble their legs, then maybe parting with your beloved.
  4. What does the green grass with dew dream of? This vision indicates that soon the illness that torments the sleeper or his close relatives will recede. Also, such a dream says that in the near future a person will be absolutely healthy.


It is interesting, what is the dream of the green grass on which these or those animals are located?

  1. A dog on the grass - to gossip. If she barks, then the dreamer is talked about and even jealous. The dog just runs through the grass - to joy, sits - to a love adventure, lies - to the arrival of an old friend.
  2. Cat on the grass - to problems at work. If there are a lot of cats, it means that there will be disputes and friction with colleagues.
  3. If a livestock grazes on a green meadow, the sleeper will receive a message from a loved one. If the grass in this case is bright, beautiful, then in love affairs there will be success, the dry vegetation promises parting or quarrel.

Actions regarding grass

If a person is looking for something in a beautiful green grass in a dream, it is better for him not to stick his nose into other people's affairs. Otherwise, everything can end badly. Also, this sleep recommends the sleeper to understand his affairs, to bring order to his personal life.

Grass, which a man admires, indicates that in reality you need to change something in life. Otherwise, depression can not be avoided.

What's the dream of the green grass? Tearing it apart, tearing it apart indiscriminately - to the fact that the sleeper has so many desires and needs that it is very difficult to cope with them. Therefore, you have to temper your appetites, otherwise be a trouble.

Why does the grass look green, sloping, still smelling? Such a vision shows that you are looking for better well-being. It is important who exactly mowed the grass. If he himself is asleep, then you will have to make efforts for this. If somebody else mowed it, material riches will flow as a result of a successful combination of circumstances.


Why does the grass have a green dream? Walk on it, walk - to various changes in life. So, here again it is important to remember the details:

  1. To see a clear trace of your steps means that soon there will be a chance to improve your abilities, improve in your favorite business.
  2. When on the grass you can see a clearly trampled path, the complex tasks arising on the way will be solved quickly and without any problems and disappointments.
  3. If the sleeping person follows the beloved on the grass, it promises parting. However, it will not be long. Perhaps a loved one will have to leave for some time, for example, on a business trip.
  4. If there are islands of withered or yellowed grass, you should beware of your health. There may be some kind of disease.

Opinions of ancient dream books

About what the green grass is dreaming about, can tell various ancient collections of interpretations. It was there that collected a lot of information about the meaning of dreams that our grandfathers-great-grandfathers accumulated.

  1. Gypsy dream book. If the grass is dense and beautiful, then soon be a wedding. If rare, the sleeper is waiting for hard times.
  2. Female oriental dream book. If the girl has seen a beautiful bright green, it promises an improvement in well-being. Withered vegetation - to the illness of the sleeper himself or his close relatives.
  3. Esoteric dream book. If the grass is beautiful, tall, bright, then the sleeper is waiting for a successful period, if the yellowed, then the disease. To be afraid is the mown grass. In this case, a person in vain can be lied to by death.
  4. The dreamer of Zadkiel (old English). If a man admires grass in a dream, his success awaits him and his well-being improves. If the grass is ugly, yellowed, it may mean that there is an unfavorable period ahead: illnesses, troubles.
  5. Dream interpretation of Maya. Positive value: if the grass is dreaming, the sleeper will soon be able to rest. Negative interpretation: you need to be afraid of making a mistake in real life. However, in order to prevent this from happening, the ancient Maya recommends eating one blade of grass for a couple of days before going to bed.
  6. An ancient French dream book. By itself, the grass, according to this interpretation, serves as a warning. We need to fear imaginary friends and newly minted comrades. They can betray, hurt. To eat grass in a dream is to poverty and loss. If it is yellow, it means that the sleeper awaits loss and disappointment.
  7. An ancient Chinese dream book. If a dreamer dreams of a meadow with green grass, it is to profit, prosperity, material prosperity. If the grass grows in the house, the room will soon become empty, people will leave therefrom.
  8. According to the ancient Russian dream book, the grass, dreamed in a dream, portends various troubles and obstacles in business.
  9. The lunar dream book portends health to everyone who dreamed of grass.
  10. Dream interpretation of health. If the grass is green, beautiful - to recover or strengthen immunity. If yellow, crumpled - to the disease.

Interpretations of modern dream books

We also need to consider what the grass is green for, in the opinion of modern dream books.

  1. Russian dream book. If the grass had a dream, a person regrets the past and hopes for a better future.
  2. Ukrainian Dream Book. According to the interpretation of this source, the grass symbolizes people, the environment of the sleeper. The better the vegetation, the more positive and friendly the people surrounding people. If there are withered places in the meadow, then among friends there are ill-wishers. If the dream had to mow the vegetation, people can wait for serious business or great trouble.
  3. The newest dream book of Ivanov. Grass is some kind of hint. To hear it, you need to do meditation or self-improvement.
  4. Dream traveler. Speaking in general, the grass symbolizes hope and expectation. If it is beautiful, then the dreamer expects well-being and success, if too high - difficulties. To chew it or mow it to disappointment.
  5. A new family dream book. If a beautiful juicy grass has dreamed of a meadow, then in the life of the sleeper one expects well-being and luck. For businessmen this promises to replenish capital, artists - glory, lovers - wonderful feelings and pleasure to each other. If you have a dream of dried or crumpled grass, you need to beware of disease.
  6. A modern dream book. Dreamed green beautiful grass promises a person a successful and prosperous life. If she has a little shabby, you need to be afraid of standing up in the affairs of relatives or friends. If the mountains rise above the grass, then this is a sign of the approaching danger.

In any case, it is worth remembering that any dream is not something bad. Negative vision is just a warning that in real life there is something to be feared.

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