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Hypoxia of the fetus and its consequences.

Fetal hypoxia is a borderline condition in which all its organs and tissues lack oxygen. As a result, the circulatory failure is formed and the growth and development of the fetus are delayed . Hypoxia of the fetus can be both acute and chronic. When the process of oxygen saturation of blood takes a long time, it is possible that the organs are placed incorrectly in ontogenesis. It is possible to have a child with abnormalities of development, deformities and mental retardation, as well as stillbirth or miscarriages.

Acute hypoxia of the fetus develops rapidly (most often during labor), with the development of birth trauma. I distinguish three main groups of causes that can lead to fetal hypoxia.

The most common is extragenital pathology of a woman during pregnancy, which leads to a violation of blood oxygen consumption, and consequently to hypoxia of tissues. For example, the pathology of the cardiovascular system (heart defects, myocarditis or endocarditis), as well as blood pathology (iron deficiency anemia, leukemia and other aplastic processes). Pneumonia, tuberculosis and bronchitis can also lead to a lack of fetal oxygen.

Hypoxia of the fetus can also be observed during a great blood loss in a pregnant woman. In this case, large amounts of blood loss can lead to premature birth or miscarriage at an early stage. It should be noted that the earlier the extragenital pathology begins, the more severe the fetal hypoxia will be. At the same time, if a woman suffered from any disease before pregnancy, the risk of developing fetal hypoxia increases significantly. A great risk of decompensation of the process during pregnancy and childbirth.

To the so-called true hypoxia of the fetus leads to inadequate uteroplacental blood flow and a change in the composition and rheological properties of the umbilical cord blood. This can occur with a tight cord with the umbilical cord of the fetus, or the formation of a node on the umbilical cord, as well as with ruptures and injuries of the umbilical cord. If there is a premature detachment of the placenta, the fetus experiences not only hypoxia, but also stress. However, the most dangerous consequence of this condition is miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.

To the causes of hypoxia of the fetus can be attributed to incorrect behavior in childbirth, early discharge of amniotic fluid, perenashivanie and rapid delivery. The last group of causes of fetal hypoxia is a disease of the fetus itself. For such reasons, blood diseases of the newborn (anemia, hemolytic disease, intrauterine fetal infections , congenital malformations). Hypoxia of the fetus, whose causes are not fully understood, requires careful diagnosis and further observation and treatment. In terms of severity, fetal hypoxia is divided into light, medium and heavy. In this case, the severity of the disease directly depends on the duration of oxygen deficiency. During the development of the process, the fetus develops a tachycardia, an increase in arterial pressure is observed and the fluid begins to sweat from the vessels to the cellulose, i.e. Formed swelling of tissues. Then tachycardia is replaced by a bradycardia, the pressure gradually decreases, breathing becomes frequent and does not affect the deep sections of the lungs. There is a desolation of the small blood channel, thus there are sites of ischemia and necrosis of tissues. Chronic hypoxia of the fetus leads to more severe consequences. Against the background of circulatory failure, the processes of vital activity of the fetus are disrupted, the inadequacy of organ development is mental and physical retardation.

That's why a woman waiting for a child should strictly monitor her health, consult a gynecologist and undergo ultrasound diagnostics on all the due dates.

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