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Hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy: the more it threatens and how to deal with it

One of the most common problems during pregnancy is hypertension of the uterus. This spontaneous contractions of the uterus, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. It can lead to such factors as hormonal disturbances, inflammatory processes and infectious diseases, tumors of various nature, the emotional state of women and many others. Hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy can lead to its premature interruption, so it is never left without a doctor's attention. Since hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy is not so much the problem itself as a symptom that speaks of some kind of violation in the body, when it is detected, a thorough examination should be conducted to determine its cause. Without finding out the reasons to struggle with a hypertonic it is impossible - it is possible to shoot especially especially sharp attacks soft means which the expert should recommend.

In addition to the risk of miscarriage and unpleasant sensations in the mother, hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy can also harm the very baby: it leads to a violation of the placental circulation, and, accordingly, can cause hypoxia and the associated delay in the development of the fetus. Among other things, due to the fact that during the uterine contractions the placenta remains in place, its detachment can occur - another very dangerous complication, often leading to miscarriage.

All this suggests that to such a diagnosis as hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy, in no case should one treat lightly. It often happens that a doctor strongly recommends that a woman lie down for preservation, but she feels well and therefore refuses. This variant of the development of events is undesirable, and the opinion of the doctor in this case should be heeded: most likely, a serious examination will be required, and it is not recommended to run independently on hospitals with such a diagnosis, because this is a significant physical load and considerable concern. In the hospital, the necessary conditions were created not only for carrying out all the required studies, but also for the most comfortable and safe pastime of the future mother, and also they will conduct an effective course of treatment there. It is clear that any woman would prefer to spend this time in a cozy home environment in the circle of close people, but maybe it is still preferable to immediately deal with this problem and spend the rest of the pregnancy as the happiest and carefree period in life, instead of suffering Fears of all the remaining time of birth? The most difficult period is up to 28 weeks, when the child's chances of survival are minimal when the birth activity begins, but as a rule the doctors begin to stop labor until the 34th week - in this case the probability that the baby will be healthy increases significantly, and when Serious concerns of experts are best spent in a medical institution where they can always come to the rescue.

If the cause is identified, but due to circumstances can not be eliminated, it remains to act symptomatically, namely to relieve muscle tension at the time of the onset of pain. The doctor should choose in advance safe preparations and their dosage, and it is necessary to keep them at all times. Typically, these are mild sedatives, papaverine, but-spa, and also for course use, the doctor can prescribe vitamins E and C, magnesium and vitamin B6 preparations or a combination thereof. Magnesium-containing preparations should not be used uncontrollably: they should be consumed only on the recommendation of a doctor and taken solely under medical supervision.

Of course, hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy is better to prevent before its onset, carefully examined and prepared for it. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, but with correct and responsible behavior, risks can be minimized, for which it is very important not to neglect the doctor's recommendations.

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