BusinessHuman Resource Management

Human resource management is an essential component of the company's management.

The twenty-first century provides new challenges for mankind. New technologies, changing consumer demand, the transition of the economy of most countries to service activities, the "squeezing" of the world through the emergence of new means of communication - all this is changing our world, including the business sphere. So, if earlier the main emphasis was on the technological base and the use of low-skilled labor, today, with the development of innovative technologies, human resources management is almost the main task of a businessman. We will talk about how to properly implement such management in this article.

Human resources management is the activity of the company's employees whose goal is to provide the company with highly qualified and reliable employees who will fully meet the requirements of the company and work for its benefit. The HR management system (in foreign sources - HR) implies the development and implementation of a specific policy consisting of the following aspects:

1) The recruitment policy - the setting of certain requirements for applicants for those or other positions, the compilation of special psychological or professional tests that will help determine the suitability of the applicant for a particular position.

2) The actual management of human resources - the organization of the employee's workplace and working time, setting goals and tasks, building his career ladder.

3) Staff development is an obligatory component of the HR policy. Strategic management of human resources implies an increase in their quality over time - this allows the company to independently educate staff that meets its requirements, rather than hiring expensive highly skilled professionals.

4) The policy of rewards and punishments is the main motivational component of HR policy, which, on the one hand, motivates the employee to work better and takes the initiative in anticipation of reward, and on the other hand - makes him more responsible, because he knows that His oversight can be punished.

The last item of the list above should be given special attention. Human resources management is impossible without the proper organization of staff motivation to work. As a rule, motivation can be carried out in three forms:

1) Organizational and administrative form - involves the publication of any orders, orders, directives and so on. This method assumes a direct impact on employees, but is ineffective, since the employee performs the necessary actions "from under the stick", and not at will.

2) Economic motivation - is a well-designed system of premiums and penalties. Encouragement or punishment by the ruble or the dollar is the most effective type of influence, since the employee is interested in carrying out the tasks of the management through rational motivation - for a good job he will receive a premium, and for a bad job - not only lose it, but pay a fine.

3) Motivation through the socio-psychological component - involves encouraging employees through promotion, rewarding letters or gratitude, conferring the title of "employee of the month (year)." This method of exposure allows the employee to feel better and get an additional incentive to work.

Since human resources management is a complex process, special employees are assigned to implement it, and in large companies - even entire HR departments. The presence of the department of management of the Chechen Republic shows that the company correctly assesses the importance of the human factor in business, and therefore chooses the right way for its development.

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