
We sew the summer dress ourselves: an outfit for the princess

Each mother sometimes pampers her little princess, buying her a new elegant dress. I want the baby to look spectacular, cute and romantic. However, it is not always possible to acquire dresses as often as we dream. Sometimes it is difficult to choose a suitable outfit, for example, when it is impossible to find beautiful models of dresses for full girls or for too tall women of fashion. Those mothers who have at least a little sewing experience, have long found a way out of this difficult situation. Children's dress is easy to carve and sew by hand even to those who have never done it.

We sew summer dress ourselves

1. For work, you need to find the right fabric. Try to take the now fashionable colors "peas" or "in a cage." The material is better to choose a light (chiffon or chintz). Synthetics for children's dresses are the worst option, since the baby will be too hot. Also need six buttons (preferably large size and bright colors). Show your imagination, because it depends on the choice of fabric and accessories that determines the positive result of your venture. Of course, do not forget to prepare indispensable attributes of the tailor: a sewing machine, needles, cardboard, threads and scissors.

2. So, we take the necessary tools and sew the summer dress ourselves. First you need to make the right pattern. To do this, on the cardboard we draw a half of the back. The next detail will be the front of the dress, which will consist of three parts. Each of the elements must be executed in duplicate. To do it neatly, we fold the fabric in half. Thus, we get "mirror" sides. The last detail of the dress is the sleeve. We designate two copies of this pattern element, also face and purl for each. The size of the sleeve is calculated based on the size of the previous parts.

3. It remains to transfer our patterns to the material. To draw a contour, it is better to use a conventional soap. Afterwards, there will be no traces left. We take scissors and carefully cut out every detail. Cut need to be added from all sides one centimeter to the seams. When finished, release the iron on the seams.

4. Next, we take the typewriter and sew the summer dress ourselves. We begin to look from the wrong side of the front elements of the attire. Then we sew the back. You should get a long sleeveless waistcoat. We plan where there will be loops and buttons. We sweep the future loops.

5. Then we sew the sleeves. To do this, first twist the edge of the pattern twice, then sew it to the vest, picking it up a little on the shoulder. Using the overlock, we sweep the edges. Then sew the seam along the length of the sleeve. The same is done with the second sleeve.

6. It remains to sew a skirt to the dress. We measure the desired length on the fabric, sew on the side, we sew, and then sew the summer dress ourselves, sewing the skirt to the ready waistcoat. When sewing a little we collect the fabric, so that the skirt sat more naturally.

7. Our product is almost ready. Sew beautiful buttons and sweep all that is still forgotten sweep. Now you know how to sew a summer dress from chiffon or chintz, spending only a few hours for painstaking, but creative work.

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